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Vista 20m in first month

I hope this isn't old news.

Vista is selling well:
Whether you think Windows Vista is the slickest OS to date or you think it's a bloated piece of junk, sales figures don't lie. Windows Vista has sold twenty million legitimate licenses in its first month. That's 2*10^7 for everyone playing along at home. And it's also the most successful launch in the history of operating systems.

To make a comparison, Windows XP (widely considered a successful product launch) generated 17 million legal licenses in its first two months.
The Associated Press dug deeper, noting that since XP's release the overall PC market has grown by almost a factor of 2, so it would be a surprise if Vista didn't do twice as well: "...51 million PCs were sold to consumers worldwide in 2002; this year... 96 million consumers will buy a computer." Also, Microsoft's 20 million figure includes the backlog of upgrade coupons bundled with XP computers sold since last October.

edit: clearly I didn't RTFA myself, as that idea is mentioned in the bit-tech article linked above as well.
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