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[doublepost=1548215323][/doublepost]Hi I was hoping someone could help me. I followed the steps on this thread but got different results.
ExquisisteBeauty4ever:~ exquisitebeauty4ever$ sudo fsck_exfat /dev/disk2s2


** Checking volume.

** Checking main boot region.

Main boot region is invalid. Trying alternate boot region.

** Checking alternate boot region.

Alternate boot region is invalid.

** The volume could not be verified completely.

Im having the same exact problem and nothing works.

With the following command I'm getting this message. Any help would be appreciated.

TJs-iMac:~ kinh$ diskutil mount readOnly disk3s4

Volume on disk3s4 failed to mount because it appears to be an APFS Physical Store
Hi nacio, I have following the steps given, and here's the command I get

Victors-MacBook-Pro:~ victor$ sudo fsck_exfat /dev/disk2s1
** Checking volume.
** Checking main boot region.
** Checking system files.
fsck_exfat: Couldn't read 131072 bytes at offset 33685504: Input/output error
No upper case translation table was found.

Using default upper case translation table.
No main bitmap was found.

** Checking file system hierarchy.
fsck_exfat: Couldn't read 131072 bytes at offset 33685504: Input/output error
Upper case translation table must be replaced.
Replace? y

fsck_exfat: Couldn't read 131072 bytes at offset 33685504: Input/output error
** The volume could not be verified completely.
Victors-MacBook-Pro:~ victor$

WHat should I do from here?

Hi utk27,
yes, that's all done in terminal.
Paste each of this codes on terminal and press ENTER for each code.

First you need to find in which port your disk appears. for that type the following:

diskutil list
(This would give you a list of the devices and volumes you have plugged in. In my case it was disk2s2. Then proceed with the following codes)

sudo fsck_exfat /dev/disk2s2

diskutil verifydisk disk2

diskutil mount disk2s2

Let me know if it works. You can paste here what terminal tells you and I might be able to help you further.
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@nacio please help me, watch this

Arte-nROCK:~ enroque2arte$ sudo fsck_hfsplus / dev / disk2s2


a key icon appears... What I can do
SOLVED: I solved the problem finally...

sudo fsck_exfat /dev/disk2s2
** Checking volume.
** Checking main boot region.
Main boot region is invalid. Trying alternate boot region.
** Checking alternate boot region.
** Checking system files.
** Volume name is AIMS Ext.
** Checking upper case translation table.
** Checking file system hierarchy.
** Checking active bitmap.
** Rechecking main boot region.
Main boot region needs to be updated.
Update? y
** Rechecking alternate boot region.
** The volume AIMS Ext was repaired successfully.

diskutil verifydisk disk2
Started partition map verification on disk2
Checking prerequisites
Checking the partition list
Checking the partition map size
Checking for an EFI system partition
Checking the EFI system partition's size
Checking the EFI system partition's file system
Checking the EFI system partition's folder content
Checking all HFS data partition loader spaces
Checking booter partitions
Checking Core Storage Physical Volume partitions
The partition map appears to be OK
Finished partition map verification on disk2

diskutil mount disk2s2
Volume AIMS Ext on disk2s2 mounted

Hi there ! I'm trying to perform all those in my Terminal. But got stuck at the password stage. Though I know my system password ! What else could it be ?

After typing this line :
sudo fsck_exfat /dev/disk2s2


Sorry, try again.


Sorry, try again.


sudo: 3 incorrect password attempts

Thanks a lot if you can help.
Mac-mini:~ isidoroyedid1$ sudo fsck_exfat /dev/disk2s2

fsck_exfat: Opened /dev/rdisk2s2 read-only

** Checking volume.

** Checking main boot region.

Main boot region is invalid. Trying alternate boot region.

** Checking alternate boot region.

Alternate boot region is invalid.

** The volume could not be verified completely.

Mac-mini:~ isidoroyedid1$ diskutil verifydisk disk2

Started partition map verification on disk2

Checking prerequisites

Checking the partition list

Checking the partition map size

Checking for an EFI system partition

Checking the EFI system partition's size

Checking the EFI system partition's file system

Checking the EFI system partition's folder content

Checking all HFS data partition loader spaces

Checking booter partitions

Checking Core Storage Physical Volume partitions

The partition map appears to be OK

Finished partition map verification on disk2

Mac-mini:~ isidoroyedid1$ diskutil mount disk2s2

Volume on disk2s2 failed to mount because it appears to be

an APFS Physical Store (or is the APFS Container already mounted?)

Note that for this mount operation, Disk Arbitration reports that

the operation is not supported (kDAReturnUnsupported)

See "diskutil apfs list"

Mac-mini:~ isidoroyedid1$

Hi utk27,
yes, that's all done in terminal.
Paste each of this codes on terminal and press ENTER for each code.

First you need to find in which port your disk appears. for that type the following:

diskutil list
(This would give you a list of the devices and volumes you have plugged in. In my case it was disk2s2. Then proceed with the following codes)

sudo fsck_exfat /dev/disk2s2

diskutil verifydisk disk2

diskutil mount disk2s2

Let me know if it works. You can paste here what terminal tells you and I might be able to help you further.

Hi, tried your instruction but i keep getting stuck getting it mounted back. Any help plzz.....


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You could try this:

Fix corrupted exFAT disk macOS/OSX

from the Terminal:

diskutil list

The volumes listed should show your disk ("rdisk2s1") and possibly its partitions.

Then, copy paste this (replace "disk2") in the example below with your disk's or partition's name (of course, remove "(but your disk)").

sudo ps -ax | grep disk2 (but your disk)

you should get the process number keeping your disk busy:

13699 ?? 11:52.83 /System/Library/Filesystems/hfs.fs/Contents/Resources/./fsck_hfs -y /dev/disk2s2

Then execute:

sudo kill 13699

In the example above, "13699" refers to the process currently busy, but it should be a different number on your machine.

After killing the process, the drive should mount, with a Finder's warning.
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