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Vote For Picture Based On It's Number

  • Picture 1

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Picture 2

    Votes: 7 11.7%
  • Picture 3

    Votes: 8 13.3%
  • Picture 4

    Votes: 27 45.0%
  • Picture 5

    Votes: 10 16.7%
  • Picture 6

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Picture 7

    Votes: 6 10.0%

  • Total voters


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 3, 2006
the states for now
There is a photography contest here being held by the office of international education at my university. They are only accepting photos that were taken outside of the USA. Here are some I took but I can only submit one and am unsure which one would be the best to submit so vote and help me choose. Thanks!

Photo 1


Photo 2


Photo 3


Photo 4


Photo 5


Photo 6


Photo 7



macrumors regular
Dec 20, 2006
Most photos are not level (especially photo 2, but also 1, 3 and 5). I have to be careful with this myself, I often find I have slanted photos. If you are going to turn any on these photos in, correct it first by rotating them slightly.

Photo 6 is very under exposed. This may be intentional, but it does not really work for me (enhancing the contast may make that better) and I am not totally happy about the composition either.

Photo 4 is my favorite, it is visually very striking. After that I like photo 3 the most. Photo 2 has potential after some post processing.


macrumors 68020
Apr 1, 2005
Picture 4 for me. Maybe you could edit the OP and put about each photo in?


macrumors 68030
Jan 25, 2002
Orange County, CA
Depends on the specifics of the contest. If they are looking for something that they can use later on on a website or pamphlet, they are probably more likely to choose the last one as it is instantly indicates that it was not taken in the US. I really like some of the others, but if the contest is as I said, your best bet is the last one, followed by the first one.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 3, 2006
the states for now
Most photos are not level (especially photo 2, but also 1, 3 and 5). I have to be careful with this myself, I often find I have slanted photos. If you are going to turn any on these photos in, correct it first by rotating them slightly.

Photo 6 is very under exposed. This may be intentional, but it does not really work for me (enhancing the contast may make that better) and I am not totally happy about the composition either.

Photo 4 is my favorite, it is visually very striking. After that I like photo 3 the most. Photo 2 has potential after some post processing.

Thanks for the advice. I meant to and forgot to add that any editing suggestions would be welcome. I should be able to adjust the level in iphoto. I took these all with a point and shoot and my hands, no tripod. I never meant them to be contest quality but I am hoping to derive one photo that will suffice.


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2001
NJ Highlands, Earth
Something to keep in mind is to get "inside the head" of the judges.

Here, the theme would appear to be "international education", so in my view, that would generally suggest something that shows off the 'international' aspect of things, preferably with something kind of educational.

As such, I eliminated those things that don't seem to be obviously 'foreign' which means 2, 3 & 4 had to go. Doesn't mean that these aren't nice landscapes, but rather that they lack a clear "sense of place" for the purpose of this contest's judges.

That leaves 1, 5, 6, and 7.

Of these, 6 gets dropped because it is underexposed and I'm not really sure if the composition can really do anything for me, even if recropped. I would have liked to have seen the ground in front of the statue, plus I probably would have wanted to move the point of view to the left (get the statue's hand away from the obelisk).

Between 1, 5 and 7, the first two don't have a cheery blue sky that makes it as appealing as 7. Plus 7 seems to have a "campus" sort of look to it, so that's why I ended up picking #7



macrumors 68020
Apr 1, 2005
Something to keep in mind is to get "inside the head" of the judges.

Here, the theme would appear to be "international education", so in my view, that would generally suggest something that shows off the 'international' aspect of things, preferably with something kind of educational.

As such, I eliminated those things that don't seem to be obviously 'foreign' which means 2, 3 & 4 had to go. Doesn't mean that these aren't nice landscapes, but rather that they lack a clear "sense of place" for the purpose of this contest's judges.

That leaves 1, 5, 6, and 7.

Of these, 6 gets dropped because it is underexposed and I'm not really sure if the composition can really do anything for me, even if recropped. I would have liked to have seen the ground in front of the statue, plus I probably would have wanted to move the point of view to the left (get the statue's hand away from the obelisk).

Between 1, 5 and 7, the first two don't have a cheery blue sky that makes it as appealing as 7. Plus 7 seems to have a "campus" sort of look to it, so that's why I ended up picking #7


Picture 7 has a campus look to it, which university / college did you go too :eek: . Saying that I so get what you are saying, especially with all the people standing around doing nothing.


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
From a purely artistic standpoint, I think 2 and 3 are the strongest. I want to like 5 a lot, but the orientation is just not right. A few others, like 7, have potential if they're cropped, but right now, the shots are just not layed out properly. Of 2 and 3, I like 3 better.

Anyway, good luck! :)


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 3, 2006
the states for now
Something to keep in mind is to get "inside the head" of the judges.

Here, the theme would appear to be "international education", so in my view, that would generally suggest something that shows off the 'international' aspect of things, preferably with something kind of educational.

As such, I eliminated those things that don't seem to be obviously 'foreign' which means 2, 3 & 4 had to go. Doesn't mean that these aren't nice landscapes, but rather that they lack a clear "sense of place" for the purpose of this contest's judges.

That leaves 1, 5, 6, and 7.

Of these, 6 gets dropped because it is underexposed and I'm not really sure if the composition can really do anything for me, even if recropped. I would have liked to have seen the ground in front of the statue, plus I probably would have wanted to move the point of view to the left (get the statue's hand away from the obelisk).

Between 1, 5 and 7, the first two don't have a cheery blue sky that makes it as appealing as 7. Plus 7 seems to have a "campus" sort of look to it, so that's why I ended up picking #7


Thanks for the advice. I see where you are coming from but the flyer showed past winners and they were of elephants or statues or other things so I think the landscape might work. Im just skeptical of the blandness of the castle photo. Anyone could have taken that shot there.

"don't have a cheery blue sky"

haha not something that is not easy to find in Ireland


macrumors 65816
Aug 18, 2005
I honestly think that choosing which particular photo for a contest is part of that creative process. The decision should be your own. Certainly no harm in asking for critique and criticism, though.

For the record, I don't really like any of the photos, but photo 2 or 5 come closest to me actually feeling something, though even these don't fit the theme. ieani, I think you yourself said it best about the castle photo - anyone could have taken that shot. However, I believe that's somewhat true with the other shots too. Of course, arguably, any photo can be taken by anyone, really, but when taking a photo, you have to really capture something that means something to you. That kind of emotion shows up in your photography.

Landscapes can crop really well into panoramic-style shots (REALLY wide) - however, you have to have this in mind when capturing the shot to begin with.


macrumors newbie
Jan 8, 2007
Photo #2

For sure photo #4 with the reflection and contrast between the water and the land is very nice. SORRY ABOUT THE TITLE


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2001
NJ Highlands, Earth
Thanks for the advice. I see where you are coming from but the flyer showed past winners and they were of elephants or statues or other things so I think the landscape might work.

Looking at past winners is another good way to try to "get inside the head" of the judges.

"don't have a cheery blue sky"

haha not something that is not easy to find in Ireland

True. My reason for mentioning it is that a "fair weather" shot also is generally a good thing when it comes to a shot that's supposed to be used to promote the destination.

BTW, if you have time still to shoot some more, and since its for promoting an overseas univeristy, try something creative from inside your local Irish Pub :D



macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2001
NJ Highlands, Earth
Picture 7 has a campus look to it, which university / college did you go too :eek: ...

My impression of the photo made me think of Cambridge or Oxford in the UK, neither of which I've ever visited.

I have spent time at Princeton University here in New Jersey (USA), and its architecture is reminiscient. It is different, though, as the style here in the USA is called "Collegiate Gothic" and is a revival style, since it can't be more than 200 years old. Nevertheless, its architects have weaved in some Gargoyles, which are generally rare in the USA.



macrumors 68030
Aug 8, 2006
Northern California
I want to like #6, but the composition just isn't quite good enough. Perhaps if you have been back farther, there would be room for some creative cropping. It definitely needs more of the ground below the statue. And if you could have moved the whole thing to the right, dropping out that building on the left altogether. The trees could be easily removed in Photoshop, I would do so. The exposure/imposing-grayness of the picture could be partially fixed with Photoshop, but I'm not sure how much. I like the sort of dark stormy sky though.

The landscapes are very pretty, but just too boring IMHO. (however the judges might not think so)

I think #7 has the most potential.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 3, 2006
the states for now
I want to like #6, but the composition just isn't quite good enough. Perhaps if you have been back farther, there would be room for some creative cropping. It definitely needs more of the ground below the statue. And if you could have moved the whole thing to the right, dropping out that building on the left altogether. The trees could be easily removed in Photoshop, I would do so. The exposure/imposing-grayness of the picture could be partially fixed with Photoshop, but I'm not sure how much. I like the sort of dark stormy sky though.

The landscapes are very pretty, but just too boring IMHO. (however the judges might not think so)

I think #7 has the most potential.

The spike lies in the middle of a busy Dublin road so I was limited on my space. I understand what everyone means though, its just a step away from a decent photo.


macrumors 604
Sep 11, 2004
Canberra, Australia
I like number 7 the best as well. The brighter colours really make it stand out. Had number 5 been slightly brighter/more colourful I probably would have gone with that.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Here, the theme would appear to be "international education", so in my view, that would generally suggest something that shows off the 'international' aspect of things, preferably with something kind of educational.

As such, I eliminated those things that don't seem to be obviously 'foreign' which means 2, 3 & 4 had to go. Doesn't mean that these aren't nice landscapes, but rather that they lack a clear "sense of place" for the purpose of this contest's judges.

Exactly what I was thinking. :)

Personally, I think #4 is stunning, and I love #2 as well, although I would have captured less of the hill and captured slightly more water. This is something that people may disagree with, but that's just want I want to see more of from this photo. These are my 2 favourite photos from the bunch, by far.

I wouldn't choose #3 because it's too Plain Jane for me.

I wouldn't choose #1 or #5 for the reason -hh said.

I just don't like #6, and it won't win.

I think #7 is the best for the reason you're entering this contest for. Like -hh said, it seems related to university, campuses, and education, so it has a chance of winning. The colours are also more appealing. :)


macrumors 601
Aug 9, 2002
Four is the best by far. Two might be in the running, but the main focal point is off to the left where it is hazy (Photoshop could probably fix this, though). The others are nice, but look more like snapshots than real photography.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Looking at Ireland and London sets, there are a few examples of you chopping out the ground, just like you did in #6. And then you also manage to include too much of the ground sometimes as well, although not including enough of the ground is more common in your photos. :eek:

I like this one, but it isn't going to win you any contests: Curves

I also love this photo and how you captured the roof perfectly: British Museum, but it's dark and not level.

After looking at all your photos, I still think #6 in your first post is the best. I also like THIS photo, but it's a bit foggy.

On an unrelated note, THIS photo would look great in the Dark and Light Assignment gallery that's currently running. :eek: Lovely photo.
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