For those of us who never had an android, I am curious, how does apple compete in these realms?
- Battery? I get the impression there are better batteries out there. If that's the case, then what's holding apple back? Are they worried about battery size? Do "better batteries" take up more space in other phones and that is just something apple is not willing to compromise on?
- Chargers? I get the impression that apple's "in box" chargers are way behind the competitors, meaning that other phones ship out better and faster chargers with their phones. This simply must be a money issue.
- OS? I get the impression apple's OS is so graphic-intense that it's not optimal. Truth?
- Apple was a few years "behind" on wireless charging? Why? Any other things that other phones have for granted that we don't yet?
- Do other phones still have headphone jacks?
- What am i missing?