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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 28, 2010
i'm planning on buying an imac in the near future...finally making the switch from pc. fairly confident that I settled on the 27" i7 with 8mb of RAM. While I'm certain I'm going to purchase one, I've thought about holding out for a few months in the event that the new imacs are upgraded, even though that time frame is somewhat of an unknown. I'd like to pull the trigger when it's brand spanking new. Thanks for any insight or recommendations....
Hey Matt,
I think you might prefer 8Gb RAM. . . . And I haven't heard any announced advancements in CPUs or GPUs in the near future, so I wouldn't bother to wait. I'm typing this on that very configuration, which I've had since November. . . . Zero problems.
While I'm certain I'm going to purchase one, I've thought about holding out for a few months in the event that the new imacs are upgraded, even though that time frame is somewhat of an unknown.

This is about as close as you will get.

And do your own RAM upgrades. I think my 5 year old daughter could do it.

In this model, Apple RAM is comparatively cheap. Third party RAM is not guaranteed by Apple. If you have to go back for Applecare, the original RAM configuration must be reinstalled before doing so.
Like others have said, I would wait until they refresh the iMac in late summer. This current generation is plagued with problems. The next revision will hopefully address this.

Too risky to buy now. Too risky. Just read all of the complaints and multiple returns.

In this model, Apple RAM is comparatively cheap. Third party RAM is not guaranteed by Apple. If you have to go back for Applecare, the original RAM configuration must be reinstalled before doing so.


Applecare doesnt care if your original ram is in it or not. RAM is a DIY part, changing it is perfectly fine. Do you put your original tires back on your car when you take it to the dealer? ugh

And your math is off.
Apple: 8GB 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 4x2GB [Add $200.00]
Newegg: 4GB 1066MH DDR3 SDRAM - 2x2GB = $100, half the cost to get to 8 gigs.
Like others have said, I would wait until they refresh the iMac in late summer. This current generation is plagued with problems. The next revision will hopefully address this.

Too risky to buy now. Too risky. Just read all of the complaints and multiple returns.

because most people don't say i got a perfect imac and love it they just use it! if you don't want to buy don't! if you can't afford to buy now then wait. what's the refresh really going to have? a better processor than the i7? i don't think so. a better video card? maybe 5% better. blu-ray? no! ssd maybe but apples ssd's are never the cutting edge so buy one yourself. i'm so sick of the negative people on here makes me want to hang myself! :)
id just buy one now, the current imacs are really good. 27" seems to be too big, its nice to have but not a need. i find myself moving my chair to see the other side of the screen. but i wnted the i5 so i couldnt get the 21.5
id just buy one now, the current imacs are really good. 27" seems to be too big, its nice to have but not a need. i find myself moving my chair to see the other side of the screen. but i wnted the i5 so i couldnt get the 21.5[/QUOTE

guess the heat would be an issue in a 21"
because most people don't say i got a perfect imac and love it they just use it! if you don't want to buy don't! if you can't afford to buy now then wait. what's the refresh really going to have? a better processor than the i7? i don't think so. a better video card? maybe 5% better. blu-ray? no! ssd maybe but apples ssd's are never the cutting edge so buy one yourself. i'm so sick of the negative people on here makes me want to hang myself! :)

I know, right?

Seriously, I've had no issues with my FIRST i7 iMac I got in January, and I'm VERY picky about my computers. Dead/stuck pixels on the display are a NO-NO, for example. Anyway, the only complaint I had was a plethora of stuck pixels in my iSight display, which were fixed today with the 10.6.3 update which specifically mentions the issue.

So, there you: No issues with my iMac. People will ALWAYS come here and complain. Very few will actually praise a product.
Personally i've been looking at the i7 recently, but have decided to hang back a a few months till the next refresh... if i'm going to fork out cash for a top end machine, might aswell get every day out of it's lifespan! :)
Why not wait till your dead to buy? Lol!!
Week 13 iMac i7 arrived today it's gorgeous no band no yellow tint!!!
Too bad I didn't wait!!
because most people don't say i got a perfect imac and love it they just use it! if you don't want to buy don't! if you can't afford to buy now then wait. what's the refresh really going to have? a better processor than the i7? i don't think so. a better video card? maybe 5% better. blu-ray? no! ssd maybe but apples ssd's are never the cutting edge so buy one yourself. i'm so sick of the negative people on here makes me want to hang myself! :)

+1...mine is perfect!!!:D
Why not wait till your dead to buy? Lol!!
Week 13 iMac i7 arrived today it's gorgeous no band no yellow tint!!!
Too bad I didn't wait!!

No band or yellow tint?

This is AWESOME news. I am very happy to hear. Congratulations, mystakjoe. You are extremely lucky to have a perfect machine. This may be evidence that Apple has finally sorted out this screen debacle once and for good.

Please keep us updated with any pertinent user reports as necessary.

Thanks, and enjoy your new i7! :)
I've decided to wait. It's not a money issue, it's more the recent quality issues and I'm not sold on the GPU bottleneck, but I have a feeling this won't be addressed anyway. Blu-ray as a option and USB 3.0, HDMI and eSATA would be welcome addditions... A backlit wireless keyboard would also be appreciated. I don't need the computer now, so i think my best option is to wait for the hopeful, mid-year product refresh.
Stop yer wingeing you lot!

No band or yellow tint?

This is AWESOME news. I am very happy to hear. Congratulations, mystakjoe. You are extremely lucky to have a perfect machine. This may be evidence that Apple has finally sorted out this screen debacle once and for good.

Please keep us updated with any pertinent user reports as necessary.

Thanks, and enjoy your new i7! :)

I have a week 12 2010 27" i5 iMac, I ran the yellow tint grey bar test I found on these forums and sure enough there was a warm band in the lower 1/4 and the right 1/5 of the screen, but outside of the grey bar test it's not noticeable at all so I won't be sending this Mac back. I can also hear the hard drive seek but this also does not bother me, as I am used to hard drives chugging, I actually find it quite reassuring to hear as then I know when it's busy working.

I don't expect Apple to magically find a cure for either of these things, the screen design or manufacture process is most likely to blame and without switching screen suppliers I can't see what Apple can really do; the hard drive seek sound is normal, even though some hard drives may be silent I expect they will most likely sacrifice some speed in operation, I would rather have a fast hard drive that made a little bit of noise.

If it wasn't for people complaining in forums I wouldn't think twice about these things, as far as the average punter would be concerned my iMac is working perfectly, and I'm very happy with it so far - crunching videos never kept me on my toes so much!
I'm in the same boat. I'm not sure what to do mainly because I think an update would be coming shortly. Tough decision!
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