Surely the ship-jumpers have all swam away by now. I think there are only about three people left who want one of these, me being one of them.Another suggestion might be that the prices announced at WWDC have created big backlogs for HP Z-series as the VIP customers jump ship. Apple might not be under any pressure from the VIPs to ship....
Well that seems pretty reasonable – a lack of a CPU would indeed slow down manufacture somewhat.I don’t think Intel’s new CPUs that they are using have become generally available yet. The CPUs they are using weren’t supposed to even ship until Fall.
The expanded PCIe lane count for the new CPUs seems pretty critical to the 8 slot design of the Mac Pro.
Looking at Intel’s site, this CPU which I think is the base CPU “launched” in Q2. But Intel “launch” dates are generally a quarter or two behind general availability.
Intel® Xeon® W-3223 Processor (16.5M Cache, 3.50 GHz) - Product Specifications | Intel
Intel® Xeon® W-3223 Processor (16.5M Cache, 3.50 GHz) quick reference with specifications, features, and
I don’t think HP has even launched their updated workstations with these CPUs yet.