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What do you think of Lion, Snow Leopard or have you tried them?

I did because I have a Macbook Pro..They are nice too but the software I use the most works better on Windows. Plus, all Mac Pro users will have to switch to PCs sooner or later because I don't think the Mac Pro will have a long life, they might just release another one and that's it. Maybe there will be more options in the future (thunderbolt etc..) but I thought I'd just go for a PC.
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Hello day 600.

Apple I hate you. If there were a turnkey workstation that didn't kill my workflow I'd say bye to you.

Funny to watch my beloved Apple turn into the giant that doesn't care about it's most loyal costumers - those of us that always choose Apple throughout the years. I've been loyal since the early 80's. My feelings towards Apple now aren't much different from the way I felt about Microsoft ten years ago...
Hello day 600.

Apple I hate you. If there were a turnkey workstation that didn't kill my workflow I'd say bye to you.

Funny to watch my beloved Apple turn into the giant that doesn't care about it's most loyal costumers - those of us that always choose Apple throughout the years. I've been loyal since the early 80's. My feelings towards Apple now aren't much different from the way I felt about Microsoft ten years ago...
Why day 600?
Hello day 600.

Apple I hate you. If there were a turnkey workstation that didn't kill my workflow I'd say bye to you.

Funny to watch my beloved Apple turn into the giant that doesn't care about it's most loyal costumers - those of us that always choose Apple throughout the years. I've been loyal since the early 80's. My feelings towards Apple now aren't much different from the way I felt about Microsoft ten years ago...

Well, maybe you should go back to MS and PCs...
Hello day 600.

Apple I hate you. If there were a turnkey workstation that didn't kill my workflow I'd say bye to you.

Funny to watch my beloved Apple turn into the giant that doesn't care about it's most loyal costumers - those of us that always choose Apple throughout the years. I've been loyal since the early 80's. My feelings towards Apple now aren't much different from the way I felt about Microsoft ten years ago...

Maybe you should wait till Day 650, it seems like all the parts for a great upgrade are becoming available, if Apple still wants to be in this business. I'm in the same boat, waiting and hopeful.

There are many, many "professionals" that earn very attractive levels of compensation on the Mac platform / ecosystem - both 6 figure and 7 figure incomes. Final Cut has added many of the promised features missing in the release version. Aperture is improving. The new Mac Pro will, IMO, be impressive for the target audience (may not be you). The IOS efforts do not obsolete other portions of the ecosystem.

I used PCs extensively in my earlier roles - moved over to Mac and have not looked back. The Apple ecosystem is not perfect, but it is the best balance for me and many, many others - including the loosely thrown around term "professional".

Having said that, I have never spent 1 second on an MS or PC forum bashing MS or PCs - not worth the time as there is no positive outcome and I made my choice quite a few years ago.

So you hate Apple - OK - move forward with something better and be productive as a professional earning whatever you earn a year.
Anything is better than nothing if that's what Apple plans to do for us professionals.

So you would buy a Mac Pro if Apple would have bumped the processor 133Mhz on the single and dual options? Used i7 single sockets and X79 and bypassed dual Xeon altogether?
Otherwise you can put your anger and blame squarely at Intel's doorstep. Or are you just mad at FCPX still?
It is not like 2010 Mac Pro is slow or anything. Still nothing in Apple's fleet beats it at "Pro" applications. Even after 2 years (omitting the low-end because if you are pro cost is not really a factor).
Patience is hard

I can sympathize with anyone waiting. I was in a similar position in 2010, wanting to replace my aging G5s, not really wanting to drop a big chunk of change on the previous models just before a new one came out. While we waited, the G5's were still getting the job done (video editing, standard def) ... but we knew that once high def jobs landed, we'd have to upgrade, new MPs or not.

We lucked out. We received our 2010 hexacores a couple of months before our first high def job came in, so it all worked out. But again, if the timing had been different, we would have bought the 2009s if that's what the jobs had required.

If I recall correctly, part of the frustration in 2010, at least toward the end, was that Intel had announced (and maybe released) their latest Xeons ... and there was still no word from Apple. Weeks (months?) went by ... in contrast to the previous cycle when Apple announced and shipped MPs with the newest Xeons before anybody else had them.

But look at it this way: I doubt Apple was holding back just to tick us off in 2010. I'm pretty sure they were doing a thorough job of building and testing before announcing or shipping. My 2010 has been problem-free, a product of excellent quality control. I think the most likely thing in 2012 is that they'll do the same thing.

It's hard to wait. But you'll be better off with a well-built, well-tested workstation than something rushed to market.

Then again, I have no idea what's really inside Apple's devious minds! ;)
3 ways to go

There are three ways to go...1. Wait for Apple to upgrade the MP... the only problem with that is if Apple chooses to discontinue.. there could be a run on the remaining 2010 MPs still available new making availability scarce. 2. Buy a new one now and hope that Apple greatly enhances the Imacs , MacBook pros and mini by the time of your next hardware upgrade. 3. Buy a used MP... :D
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