Patience is hard
I can sympathize with anyone waiting. I was in a similar position in 2010, wanting to replace my aging G5s, not really wanting to drop a big chunk of change on the previous models just before a new one came out. While we waited, the G5's were still getting the job done (video editing, standard def) ... but we knew that once high def jobs landed, we'd have to upgrade, new MPs or not.
We lucked out. We received our 2010 hexacores a couple of months before our first high def job came in, so it all worked out. But again, if the timing had been different, we would have bought the 2009s if that's what the jobs had required.
If I recall correctly, part of the frustration in 2010, at least toward the end, was that Intel had announced (and maybe released) their latest Xeons ... and there was still no word from Apple. Weeks (months?) went by ... in contrast to the previous cycle when Apple announced and shipped MPs with the newest Xeons before anybody else had them.
But look at it this way: I doubt Apple was holding back just to tick us off in 2010. I'm pretty sure they were doing a thorough job of building and testing before announcing or shipping. My 2010 has been problem-free, a product of excellent quality control. I think the most likely thing in 2012 is that they'll do the same thing.
It's hard to wait. But you'll be better off with a well-built, well-tested workstation than something rushed to market.
Then again, I have no idea what's really inside Apple's devious minds!