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I say the more shelves Macs are on, the better. Many people will not buy if they can't see and touch it. You need to put your products where people shop. Apple can not open enough stores to blanket the country and remain profitable.

Consider the person who may consider buying a Mac but has heard all kinds of crazy ***** about them. Being able to actually try one out may be enough to make the sale.

As for you brand snobs, people in overalls and with fewer than 32 teeth need computers too. :D
i can just imagine the horror of a walmart employee trying to help someone choose the right computer or try to solve any issues someone brings in with their mac.. i mean if best buy doesn't even know what they are selling or how things work.. there is no hope for anyone employed by wally's. what a mess

First off, I respect anyone working at Wal-Mart because, they are working. It is far better than the college students riding on daddy's paycheck while sipping their lattes at starbucks and looking down their nose at people.

Put it this way, are you saying that a customer being recommended an Apple computer at Wal-Mart would be choosing a bad one? As for BB, mine has a dedicated Apple certified rep most of the week, the guy works for Apple but is onsite at BB. Perhaps Wal-Mart will do the same.

Finally, who goes into Wal-Mart expecting this type of service? More than likely Wal-Mart will point to Applecare which should be the ones who answer people's questions and deal with the problems.
I wonder if the Wallmarts in Redmond, WA will be selling Apple products. I think it would be funny if Apple opened up a store there next to Bill Gates' house.
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