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macrumors 68030
Jun 25, 2003
If you think an app like ForeFlight's Voyager is a low effort, low quality demo, you're not as savvy as you make yourself out to be. And it's hardly the only one that's got me excited for the future with updates to visionOS on the way.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 24, 2018
If you think an app like ForeFlight's Voyager is a low effort, low quality demo, you're not as savvy as you make yourself out to be. And it's hardly the only one that's got me excited for the future with updates to visionOS on the way.
The vast majority on that list is exactly what I said it was. That ForeFlight app is bare-bones functionally compared to the full ForeFlight app on an iPad. If the AVP is such an amazing "spatial computer," then why are the AVP-specific versions of apps watered down, novelty apps instead of fully functional applications?


macrumors 6502a
Feb 2, 2017
From Mark Gurman’s Power On newsletter this morning:

The Vision Pro has done reasonably well in the US (considering the challenges of selling a $3,499 headset here).

How is that possible with the device being a massive failure? Looks like a certain crowd pushing that narrative in the forums along with certain posters in particularly who frequent the comments section in articles on the front page have some explaining to do. 😢


macrumors regular
Apr 20, 2015
There has been a lot of revisionism regarding Vision Pro sales capacity and demand. We knew for years that it would be limited to 450K units max for the first year, probably less. Now some want to act like that is news and Apple cut 100K headsets from this year's productions solely due to sales, when the constraint was always the capacity to manufacture enough displays. If Apple truly sold 180K-200K headsets on day one, then no wonder they are taking so long to launch internationally. They might just run out! I think the FUD has been insane and completely unwarranted.


macrumors 68030
Jun 25, 2003
From Mark Gurman’s Power On newsletter this morning:

How is that possible with the device being a massive failure? Looks like a certain crowd pushing that narrative in the forums along with certain posters in particularly who frequent the comments section in articles on the front page have some explaining to do. 😢
The AVP would need sales of iPhone magnitude for the haters to do any explaining, if then. Not that I ever expect it to do that well, but I think it’s been more successful than they’ll admit. There’s one poster who claims Tim Cook hates the AVP, as if they or any of us can know.

I’ve been looking at AVP posts on various social media and have been pleased by the positive buzz, especially from developers. The international roll-out should also help.


macrumors 601
Dec 8, 2005
From Mark Gurman’s Power On newsletter this morning:

How is that possible with the device being a massive failure? Looks like a certain crowd pushing that narrative in the forums along with certain posters in particularly who frequent the comments section in articles on the front page have some explaining to do. 😢

It's always the same with Apple though. People like Gurman hear things but it's often only part of the picture or lacking some context. Sometimes he gets it wrong, or works some snippet of info into a story based on his experience/best guess and his take on what's happening. Sometimes it looks like he thinks there's a bit of information about product x, but it turns out to actually be about product y... that's the nature of the game.

Once reported, some people take them at face value, some even use it to justify their view about a product's success or lack thereof.

You also have to bear in mind that the news pages of a lot of Apple sites generate a lot of traffic and often commenters on those articles don't have much more than a passing interest in the product being discussed and just want to weigh-in one way or the other on something. "This is the best Apple product ever"... "Apple are doomed" etc. But that's just the way of the internet these days.

To me, nothing has changed about the AVP. As someone who's into tech, it's undeniably a cool product. It's also very clearly a v1.0/dev toolkit type thing which will take its time to find its place. Apple will be it in for the long game - they'll have a plan for it.

The iPhone is one of the most successful consumer products. The Vision Pro was never going to be that, but you seem to get people who just know Apple for the iPhone and can't comprehend that this is something very different.


macrumors 6502
May 20, 2014
Denver, CO
Speak for yourself-I am absolutely in love with my AVP...its by far the most amazing piece of tech I have ever used, and the fact that this is such an amazing 1st gen piece of hardware coupled with the 1st OS...I'm blown away. I cannot wait until WWDC next month to see what's gonna happen.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
May 20, 2014
Denver, CO
There has been a lot of revisionism regarding Vision Pro sales capacity and demand. We knew for years that it would be limited to 450K units max for the first year, probably less. Now some want to act like that is news and Apple cut 100K headsets from this year's productions solely due to sales, when the constraint was always the capacity to manufacture enough displays. If Apple truly sold 180K-200K headsets on day one, then no wonder they are taking so long to launch internationally. They might just run out! I think the FUD has been insane and completely unwarranted.
A friend wanted to demo mine. His mouth was agape the entire time. He promptly went to the Apple Store early the next day and bought a 1 TB version just like mine. He is a perfect example of word of mouth and those that are blown away by this amazing tech WILL BUY one if they CAN.


Jan 31, 2014
Denver, CO
My interest has gone below zero and I think I actively hate using the device now after nearly 2 months. Every time I put it on, the paper cuts turn into mortal wounds and it just feels like I'm an idiot and this is a waste of time. It's getting worse at eye tracking, typing is terrible, and using iPad apps to do anything other than view content is terrible. The lack of content, QOL updates, and overall vision from Apple post-launch has been insulting for a $4K future-facing device that needs all the help it can get. The biggest issue is Apple's interest has waned/hasn't peaked. Even Apple's most favorable reporters are asking what the hold up is because it's genuinely becoming embarrassing for the $3 trillion company to whiff a launch this big. People should be experiencing fomo right now, but Apple currently lacks the wherewithal, the sway, and the developers to deliver the classic Apple fomo-laden launch. At best, this is a $4K home theater replacement if you live alone, appreciate lens glare, and don't want a full-featured sound system, or any way to easily access your high-quality Blu-rays on the best display within a 10-mile radius. Oh wait, perhaps it's even bad for that too. I see the potential and I initially did have some breakthrough experiences when it came out, but the hardware and software are failing the vision, massively, and I feel like an idiot for not seeing it sooner. My excitement for trying something "new" was misplaced. I'm not trying to call vision pro owners idiots, because I am one, I am calling myself an idiot for not predicting my feelings sooner and not predicting this reality. It was foolish to expect much more from Apple in hindsight, and they still over-delivered on so, so many fronts. It is a very conflicting device, especially if you own one and don't love it. I promise I am not trying to intentionally insult anyone but I think it's fair to say this launch has been less than ideal and it's got some pretty severe downstream effects. I truly hope WWDC and the rest of the year have me eating my words and regretting this post.
Interesting .. zero posts on Vision Pro .. then this. I’m curious, why nothing — not even an expression of anticipation, initial curiosity, or expectations — until now?
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 24, 2018
A friend wanted to demo mine. His mouth was agape the entire time. He promptly went to the Apple Store early the next day and bought a 1 TB version just like mine. He is a perfect example of word of mouth and those that are blown away by this amazing tech WILL BUY one if they CAN.
I can't imagine how anyone could be "blown away" by the AVP, unless they have never tried any other VR headset, ever. For those that have, it's not quite as earth shattering
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macrumors G3
Oct 5, 2008
I can't imagine how anyone could be "blown away" by the AVP, unless they have never tried any other VR headset, ever. For those that have, it's not quite as earth shattering
Hmm. I disagree and it’s because of one thing: the sound on the AVP makes everyone say, “OMG!” It is truly unmatched and this is coming from a guy who’s had a few VR headsets.
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macrumors regular
Apr 20, 2015
Interesting .. zero posts on Vision Pro .. then this. I’m curious, why nothing — not even an expression of anticipation, initial curiosity, or expectations — until now?
I was feeling particularly down about Vision Pro at the time. I don’t post often but the thread struck a chord. I was sick of disingenuous take downs of the product by haters when, as a user who plunked down a large stack of cash for it, who has been following it, who sees the care that went into it, I had legitimate grievances. The week after, Apple began to trickle out more and more immersive content, thankfully. I also posted a follow up describing what I wanted out of AVP and what I’m gonna try to do with it. I am very hot and cold on the product so I think both posts really do describe my feelings well even though its been two months. Deep optimism for the product but deeply frustrated by the existing shortcomings. I do no see much point in speculating on the products in the forums before they come out, unless we’re talking about a certain 27“ imac thread that is like 4yrs old, I would like that to be revived. I have been pondering vision pro and following its development for years. No need to document that all in the macrumors forums.

Edit: Also, it is really curious for someone who limits who can view their profile to publicy admit to snooping someone else’s post history, unprovoked. Weird.
I appreciate all of the perspectives. After a week I have performed a 180. I am glad the tech press are saying a lot of what we are saying. I think it has forced Apple to be more proactive, it was excellent to see Apple release a new, I think groundbreaking feature and announce that new immersive content is coming. None of that has really changed my opinion because my wants have always lived adjacent to Apple's marketing. Here's the deal. I had very specific ideas of how I would use Vision Pro that I haven't seen anyone else talk about BUT HMD Enthusiast Brad Lynch (I believe he was linked somewhere in this thread, I have been following him for some time, crazy to see how sold he is on AVP but I get it) has basically lived out a lot of my Vision Pro hopes but not my main wish. I wanted to have a dual workstation-type setup because I don't want a KVM (too many issues with what I want to do) and 5/6K displays are low refresh so my main monitor is a 4K 165/240HZ 32". Apple Vision Pro was fixing to be the most versatile high refresh and largest Mac display yet. The headset was to provide the Apple layer, Mac in the center, iPad and iOS apps surrounding the work, and passthrough providing the PC layer with the existing triple monitor setup, so I could basically fade between both as needed. In reality, the passthrough is so poor that I can't use the monitors for much, let alone enjoy the fact that it's 4K. I certainly wasn't expecting 1:1 with the refresh rate. So now I'm chasing a way to have a dual Mac display+moonlight running my PC at 4K 90fps. On the first launch, it seemingly causes audio latency. This kind of dual high refresh setup is very much worth the money for me considering it's mobile and integrates my Apple and PC ecosystems into a single system. I always loved boot camp, but having them run simultaneously is even better! Just climbing the mountain of getting this mess of connections set properly, with the lowest latency, with unified inputs, is a lot to do and consider. But I think it's worth it. I really wish Apple made a MacBook base without a screen because 1) it would be cool 2) that's the best way to use a keyboard and trackpad in Vision Pro. I tried the Twelve South thing, I tried a plastic holder that simulates the MacBook layout with my huge magic trackpad and the magic keyboard slotting in. All too bulky and finicky. A true MacBook base would be excellent. I may be forced to make one if I can find an Air for cheap, hopefully with a busted display. The moral of the story is, you will love Apple Vision Pro if you think of off-the-wall, needless things to do with it. Considering the losses I would take selling it, I would rather just go all in and see what I can get out of it. if Apple releases a 5/6K 120/240HZ MiniLED or OELD Mac display in June for less than $5K, then yes I will kick AVP to the curb instantly, but I don't see that happening.


Jan 31, 2014
Denver, CO
I was feeling particularly down about Vision Pro at the time. I don’t post often but the thread struck a chord. I was sick of disingenuous take downs of the product by haters when, as a user who plunked down a large stack of cash for it, who has been following it, who sees the care that went into it, I had legitimate grievances. The week after, Apple began to trickle out more and more immersive content, thankfully. I also posted a follow up describing what I wanted out of AVP and what I’m gonna try to do with it. I am very hot and cold on the product so I think both posts really do describe my feelings well even though its been two months. Deep optimism for the product but deeply frustrated by the existing shortcomings. I do no see much point in speculating on the products in the forums before they come out, unless we’re talking about a certain 27“ imac thread that is like 4yrs old, I would like that to be revived. I have been pondering vision pro and following its development for years. No need to document that all in the macrumors forums.

Edit: Also, it is really curious for someone who limits who can view their profile to publicy admit to snooping someone else’s post history, unprovoked. Weird.
Thanks for taking the time to answer my question and more. You’ve given me more insight than I expected and nudged me to think differently. Also, thanks for pointing out my profile setting. I’ve always found it odd when users profile details are blocked but did not know that my own profile was set to limit profile details to people I’m following. Not sure if this is default behavior or if I chose this and forgot about it. None-the-less, based on your feedback, I’ve changed my settings to allow MR members to view profile details. 🙏🏽


macrumors regular
Apr 20, 2015
Thanks for taking the time to answer my question and more. You’ve given me more insight than I expected and nudged me to think differently. Also, thanks for pointing out my profile setting. I’ve always found it odd when users profile details are blocked but did not know that my own profile was set to limit profile details to people I’m following. Not sure if this is default behavior or if I chose this and forgot about it. None-the-less, based on your feedback, I’ve changed my settings to allow MR members to view profile details. 🙏🏽
I appreciate your thoughtful response. Positive discourse in a forum, whoulda thunk!? Are you a Vision pro owner as well? If not, based on your product signature, what’s your interest in it?


macrumors 68030
Jun 25, 2003
I was feeling particularly down about Vision Pro at the time. I don’t post often but the thread struck a chord. I was sick of disingenuous take downs of the product by haters when, as a user who plunked down a large stack of cash for it, who has been following it, who sees the care that went into it, I had legitimate grievances. The week after, Apple began to trickle out more and more immersive content, thankfully. I also posted a follow up describing what I wanted out of AVP and what I’m gonna try to do with it. I am very hot and cold on the product so I think both posts really do describe my feelings well even though its been two months. Deep optimism for the product but deeply frustrated by the existing shortcomings. I do no see much point in speculating on the products in the forums before they come out, unless we’re talking about a certain 27“ imac thread that is like 4yrs old, I would like that to be revived. I have been pondering vision pro and following its development for years. No need to document that all in the macrumors forums.

Edit: Also, it is really curious for someone who limits who can view their profile to publicy admit to snooping someone else’s post history, unprovoked. Weird.
Thank you for your thoughtful post. From my perspective, enjoying the AVP as it is and being aware of its faults aren't mutually exclusive. Like you, I'm optimistic, but time will tell.

As for speculating about unreleased products, it's been the lifeblood of since I joined more than 20 years ago. That's never bothered me, apart from the mean-spirited posts from people who incessantly knock a product without adding anything new.

BTW, a couple years ago, I was looking forward to getting an Apple Silicon 27" iMac when the Mac Studio and Studio Display were unveiled. I'm glad I didn't wait.


Jan 31, 2014
Denver, CO
I appreciate your thoughtful response. Positive discourse in a forum, whoulda thunk!? Are you a Vision pro owner as well? If not, based on your product signature, what’s your interest in it?
Positive discourse and the opportunity to change my mind is what keeps me coming back to MR forums despite the noise that often obscures it — so thanks for contributing to it! I am not a current VisionPro owner, but intend to join the ranks before year end. My interest is mostly as a process consulting and software development professional. For process consulting my interest is in integrating VP in digital twin simulations. For SW development my interest is in adapting one of my company’s products for spatial computing. The audience for the former is pretty narrow, while the audience for the latter is potentially much broader. Learning about and gaining a realistic view of user experience is critical to both so filtering the noise is very important. Your first post was rich with experiential detail so I wanted to qualify the feedback — hence my snooping of your profile and comment and question which I could have worded better. Thanks again for graciously replying despite the tone of my comment and question.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2021
I would love to try The Vision Pro when it comes to Canada. I am certainly not interested in the tech at this price point though. Price is almost equivalent to when the first Oculus Rift came out. I ordered on day one of release, I was psyched for VR and enjoyed it for a little bit till the need for a cable and no real app that kept me in it for a long time. The price point would have been similar for early adopters of VR like myself as not only did you need the Rift which was about $1K CDN at the time, you also needed a computer that could handle VR, and think those were sitting around $2.5K or more
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macrumors 68000
Dec 13, 2010
Then a year later almost no one touches their PSVR 2 anymore, and they're back to flat-gaming again
I have a reverb G2 and prefer not to use flat screen for flight sims in comparison to VR.

I could never go back. The difference is massive. The hardware requirements are enormous but so is the difference.

Couldn’t go for Apple headset as it doesn’t do anything useful for me.


macrumors 68040
Jun 9, 2015
I’m really happy for you guys and hope you enjoy your fun little gadget. Personally though, the Vision Pro isn’t even remotely in my budget. 1500? Eh I could swing it. Paid about 1700 for my iPad and keyboard combo. 2000? Getting to be a bit much but if I’m really into it sure. Let’s go. 3000? No way. 3500? Hellllll no.

If money wasn’t an issue and I had a golden toilet, sure. I’d have a Vision Pro for each room. But man. A starting price of almost 4 grand is not going to make widespread adoption. Hopefully Apple is committed to the vision and we get a far cheaper one in the future. Not like “oh here’s one for only…3k!” But more like 1500-2000. It seems like such a great product but in times when people are complaining about the price of cheeseburgers at McDonald’s, $4k is hard to swallow for something people don’t know if they’ll use
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