I know the situation you're in, for example, my stepdad, after recently guiding him to the Apple store, is now hooked on everything Apple! Not bad for somebody whohtought Apple computers were "a poor excuse for a machine", and has been a Windows user since the hard days of 3.1!!!
So we're in the Apple store, and I'm demonstrating the MBP and iMac, and he lays his eyes on the PowerMac G5, and said thats te one he wants...
Bearing in mind, he's the typical Windows user, who uses Outlook now and then, can barely type documents, is barely capable of the internet, and usually spends all hios time playong CivCity Rome adn Flight Simulator 2003!
"Yeah, but that has got a quad processor, crazy amounts of RAM and HDD and super powerful graphics cards etc, its way more than you need..."
"Yeah but I like towers, its gotta be better than that iMac thing..."
"For what you're gonna do it isn't, you barely use what you've got now, let alone stretching an iMac, you'll just waste money on the Mac Pro"
Bearing in mind he thinks his 128Mb Nvidia random GPU is amazing and his 512Mb RAM, etc Not a very powerful PC....
Any suggestions to make sure he doensn't waste money...
Theres a possibility he'll want to do music creation, but I've assured him to no avail that teh iMac's Garageband will be fine or even Logic Pro, but no, it has to be a Mac Pro!!! Grrr