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This feature was added in iOS 9, you should be able to upload a file from iCloud Drive or any other document provider app like Dropbox or Box.

See the example from imgur in iOS 9 Safari.
This feature was added in iOS 9, you should be able to upload a file from iCloud Drive or any other document provider app like Dropbox or Box.

See the example from imgur in iOS 9 Safari.
View attachment 607558

That's not the issue that's being discussed here. The complaint is that if, for example, you are filling out a job application, and the company has a website for submitting the applications, you can't upload your resume from your iPad to this website using iOS Safari.
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I've just downloaded a PDF form, filled it in using PDF Expert, saved to Dropbox then uploaded it to a website from Safari. All done on my iPhone.

Maybe it's not working on all websites?
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That's not the issue that's being discussed here. The complaint is that if, for example, you are filling out a job application, and the company has a website for submitting the applications, you can't upload your resume from your iPad to this website using iOS Safari.

That should no longer be a problem with iOS 9 Safari, you should be able to do exactly that, as long as your resume is in iCloud Drive or some other document provider like Dropbox.
That's not the issue that's being discussed here. The complaint is that if, for example, you are filling out a job application, and the company has a website for submitting the applications, you can't upload your resume from your iPad to this website using iOS Safari.
I can upload any file from iCloud Drive or other cloud storage service when I reply to a post on my iPhone. Just tap the "Upload a file" button and the same list of options come up.
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Assuming your PDFs (as per the OP, yonks ago) are stored Dropbox/iCloud Drive, yes it is. I can upload files via Safari using either of these (or OneDrive etc) with no problem. This is one of the ios9 features that means I now do 95% of my computer usage on my Air 2 with a Bluetooth keyboard. Downloading to a specified location can also be done; the only difference from a 'proper' computer is that you may not be able to download multiple or large files from within Safari, but I believe there's apps for that.
okay. I have to chime in on this b/c it's beyond ridiculous. I just upgraded from my iPhone 4s (iOS 6) to an iPhone 6s (iOS 9). Was really stoked about all the functionality I was gonna gain with iCloud Drive and I'm furiously disappointed. Apple was touting iCloud Drive as the next best thing since sliced bread and it doesn't do jack ****.

Firstly, if you try to upload a pdf file to a website from iCloud Drive or Dropbox it's greyed out. only .jpg are available for upload. wtf is the genius reasoning behind this? however it's not consistent. I can upload everything on my iCloud Drive and Dropbox to this post right now using the 'upload a file' button but on other sites the same button only allows jpg??

second you can copy files to different containers in iCloud Drive. scanner pro ****ed up my restore from iOS 6 to iOS 9 so I thought I'd just transfer the file from my Dropbox container to scanner pro but noooo. smh. *vent*
I can upload everything on my iCloud Drive and Dropbox to this post right now using the 'upload a file' button but on other sites the same button only allows jpg??

That sounds more like a website coding problem than Apple's fault.
You really need to chill. Did you even update your iPad to iOS 9?

I just tried the website and I can upload files from virtually any file provider. Evidence:

File Jan 18, 9 08 58 AM.png

I can even store the file in Documents and upload it from there. No need to download it from the cloud first.

Can't be done on Apple products! Apple has had number of years to fix this problem! But as Apple does they don't give a **** about making people's life easier, good job Apple! Buy a mircosoft surface pro tablet!

This is Apple and ISO problem! You can't add your resume from and iPhone or iPad! How hard would it be for a Apple computer tech to write a fix for this problem? I say less then an hour!!!
Firstly, if you try to upload a pdf file to a website from iCloud Drive or Dropbox it's greyed out. only .jpg are available for upload. wtf is the genius reasoning behind this? however it's not consistent. I can upload everything on my iCloud Drive and Dropbox to this post right now using the 'upload a file' button but on other sites the same button only allows jpg??

What website is this? It looks more likely to be an issue with the website rather than iOS 9 itself.
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This is one feature I've not yet tested out, but for my music production company, once every few months I need to copyright some music, which means I have to upload MP3 files to the website. I guess I'll find out next time if it works. I keep my music files on my FTP site which is accessible from Documents. So I would first download the files from the FTP to Documents, and then hopefully Safari would let me attach them at the website.
If this doesn't show why the iPad/iOS will NOT be a laptop replacement anytime soon, I don't know what does. Sadly iOS is behind the curve for sharing and file management when compared to Android and Windows 8.1. I can't believe such simple features are missing from iOS more than 7 years after it was first released.
And 2 years later there is still not an update for that. I don't like applying to jobs by phone. Unless I'm able to copy/paste resume
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I believe that in your picture, Documents is an app - not native functionality. The picture is actually a lie - because those are not Your Documents, that's an app (Document 5?) that is a 3rd party app that can store your documents.

It's not a native file manager, and if the PDF wasn't stored in 'Documents' the app, then the OP would still have the same problem.

It is misleading at a minimum. I'm enjoying reviewing Readdle's Terms of Service. It's much less private than using your own internal storage.

Use iCloud Drive if you don't trust Readdle's apps.
I believe that in your picture, Documents is an app - not native functionality. The picture is actually a lie - because those are not Your Documents, that's an app (Document 5?) that is a 3rd party app that can store your documents.

It's not a native file manager, and if the PDF wasn't stored in 'Documents' the app, then the OP would still have the same problem.

It is misleading at a minimum. I'm enjoying reviewing Readdle's Terms of Service. It's much less private than using your own internal storage.

I'm not responding to the OP, but to @Redbull35. Regardless, I don't see the difference between copying to a file system on a Laptop or copying to Documents. The app stores it in the physical drive space provided on the iPad, it actually exists in the UNIX file system on the iPad. No cloud storage download is needed.

Assuming that Readdle "buys and sells your data" seems a bit of a stretch to me - they sell Apps, not Ads. If that really is a concern, you can probably write off using every free social network and pretty much all free email services like Gmail....
And 2 years later there is still not an update for that. I don't like applying to jobs by phone. Unless I'm able to copy/paste resume

I agree; it is PATHETIC that Apple will allow the functionality of adding a file off your Dropbox folder (a third-party resource), while making NO provision to upload the same file from their native iBooks storage system.
I agree; it is PATHETIC that Apple will allow the functionality of adding a file off your Dropbox folder (a third-party resource), while making NO provision to upload the same file from their native iBooks storage system.

iBooks is technically not a storage system, but a collection of books / PDFs which may contain copy-protected downloads from the iTunes bookstore. This is why you can't "share" from iBooks.

Frankly you shouldn't be "storing" PDFs in iBooks, just using it for reading purposes. Always place them in iCloud or (my preference - Readdle's Documents 5 + DropBox / Google Drive / etc.), then open it in iBooks if you need to.
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I use Documents as well, and further to my post above from last January, I have indeed tried this out many times now, and it works perfectly. I keep all my files on Microsoft OneDrive, and when I need to attach a file to an email, or upload to a website, I just copy it down to the local space on Documents (which takes me about 10 seconds) and then I can add that file from the document picker.
Download Dropbox. It's free. They give you 2GB off free storage. You can store your PDF's there and there's an option to send your PDF's via Apple Mail from there.
He is completely right, whenever a client sends me a PDF amd I'm on the go I save to Dropbox then send to whoever I need to. Very handy. I remember when I first figured this out couldn't believe iOS didn't have a similar option. +1

New to the forums. I am currently applying for jobs, through the job applications it asks to 'attach a file' > upon clicking it I am only available to choose from my iPad gallery which only contains photo's. If gives me no option to attach my resume PDF which is currently stored in my 'iBooks'.

Is there a way to store my PDF in my gallery to get to it for my applications? Or do I need to download something to be able to get into my 'iBooks' upon 'attach a file'?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

Look forward to hearing from anyone.


I can confirm it hasnt been fixed. I tried to upload documents to university course apllication online, and it only showed option to upload from photo app. (No dropbox, g drive, document 5 app) . Luckily, i have older android phone which proved more capable for basic tasks than my over priced 2017 ipad pro 12.9 inch.
I find this very odd. I've used the document picker to upload files of various types and from various sources (including Dropbox, Devonthink, iCloud Drive etc) on any number of websites for a good while now. I'm tempted to think it might be the fault of the page! Did you try reloading as desktop?

Exporting a file from iBooks is something else. I agree it should be possible for files which are created rather than bought, but at the same time, iBooks isn't intended as a storage container and there's any number of alternatives which do allow uploading at will.
I find this very odd. I've used the document picker to upload files of various types and from various sources (including Dropbox, Devonthink, iCloud Drive etc) on any number of websites for a good while now. I'm tempted to think it might be the fault of the page! Did you try reloading as desktop?

I wouldn't put much stock in a 1-post newbie who didn't even bother to post a screenshot or a URL....
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