What are you doing that REQUIRES you to disable SIP on your machine? I am running my authentic MacPro5,1 with GTX 1080 FE and have kept SIP enabled since the 10.13.2 security updates were released. Not running into any issues because of NVIDIA.
I'm running SwitchResX with SIP enabled. Once you setup your resolutions and profiles (with SIP disabled), as long as you're not constantly changing or trying to alter them it's GENERALLY not an issue. macOS should have better native monitor resolution and profile support than they do.
What are you doing that REQUIRES you to disable SIP on your machine? I am running my authentic MacPro5,1 with GTX 1080 FE and have kept SIP enabled since the 10.13.2 security updates were released. Not running into any issues because of NVIDIA.
NVIDIA themselves have confirmed that SIP is required to be enabled during the install. This was a change of practice after one of the 10.13.2 security updates for Meltdown/Spectre and will be this way moving forward. This change impacts all legitimate 2010-2012 MacPro 5,1 machines that have not messed around with their device IDs. These machines are not officially EOL'd.
If you have a 2008 3,1 or 2009 4,1 that was flashed/upgraded/hacked/changed to ID as a 5,1 or as an iMac/iMac Pro there is no official support or documentation being provided by NVIDIA. The nature of changing the machine ID to something else is basically "breaking" some of the built-in security within macOS to get around the limitations of installing 10.13. Would not be shocked that SIP being disabled on those machines makes a lot of difference. As mentioned by others, these machines are getting closer to Hackintosh builds and would be a good idea to keep an eye on those forums.
What am I doing that requires SIP be enabled? Just running normal MacOS 10.13.3. As I said in my initial post, after installing the latest drivers with SIP enabled, everything was very slow. Finder windows would leave artifacts when moved, scrollbars were glacial, any animations inched along. However, playing games was decently fast still. Disabling SIP again fixed the slowness.
This is on a stock 5,1 with a 970. Yes, we have two Mac Pro's.
Is there an issue with AFPS?
Yes, personally ran into pretty severe speed issues with APFS on non Apple issued SSD. Performance hit of more than 50%. Cloned to an HFS+ formatted drive with CCC and they all went away. Not everyone reported these issues. Wonder if SIP enabled/disabled contributed at all or would have “fixed” temporarily.
Yes, personally ran into pretty severe speed issues with APFS on non Apple issued SSD. Performance hit of more than 50%. Cloned to an HFS+ formatted drive with CCC and they all went away. Not everyone reported these issues. Wonder if SIP enabled/disabled contributed at all or would have “fixed” temporarily.
What are you doing that REQUIRES you to disable SIP on your machine? I am running my authentic MacPro5,1 with GTX 1080 FE and have kept SIP enabled since the 10.13.2 security updates were released. Not running into any issues because of NVIDIA.
Are all APFS format, or HFS+? No issues with HFS+ at all with my 7 Samsung SSDs. Only had issue with APFS on system drive shortly after 10.13 upgrade.