"Think different. An understatement for the overwhelming success at Apple.
In the beginning Steve Jobs wanted to build a computer for the masses outside the small computer world of hobbyist. Apple I and Apple II met those goals and Apple was off to the races.
On the way confusion set in. Many at Apple wanted to mimic the market success of the IBM PC that meant getting into the business enterprise and the professional market. Jobs saw it different and continued his struggle to stay in, and focus on, the consumer market. You all know the story Jobs out Apple failing in the business enterprise market .Jobs back and built the most valuable company on the globe by changing how consumers perceive and use technology everyday. The world is not the same.
So what happened and way and why a Mac Pro? Back to Jobs his uncanny ability to develop and produce great products outside the establishment and business norms earns admiration and respect from those who make a living outside the norm musicians, artists, and filmmakers. It was just cool having a Mac run the studio production. It is a mark of morality and character not having any IBM junk in the shop. All kinds of applications for the music and film artist specifically on the Mac are made available. Some directly from Apple and others from third-party application developers.
Obvious Apple (Jobs) saw the appeal with the crazy ones and continued development of hardware/software platforms for this industry.
But facts are the facts and Steve wanted to focus on the consumer more then ever in his late stages at Apple.
A 2009 Fortune Magazine interview Steve says the following to a question on way no Enterprise; A lot of people cant get past the fact that were not going after the enterprise market. But thats like saying how can the GAP not be successful not selling suits.
So here we are. The Crazy Ones the Outcasts but unfortunately the very few. From a pure company financial point-of-view continuing with the Mac Pro makes no sense. But Apple is different by design. Lets just hope the new leaders at Apple in the post Jobs era see the value of maintaining a close association with the artists and crazies and a continued support for a professional product line.
My 2 cents!
In the beginning Steve Jobs wanted to build a computer for the masses outside the small computer world of hobbyist. Apple I and Apple II met those goals and Apple was off to the races.
On the way confusion set in. Many at Apple wanted to mimic the market success of the IBM PC that meant getting into the business enterprise and the professional market. Jobs saw it different and continued his struggle to stay in, and focus on, the consumer market. You all know the story Jobs out Apple failing in the business enterprise market .Jobs back and built the most valuable company on the globe by changing how consumers perceive and use technology everyday. The world is not the same.
So what happened and way and why a Mac Pro? Back to Jobs his uncanny ability to develop and produce great products outside the establishment and business norms earns admiration and respect from those who make a living outside the norm musicians, artists, and filmmakers. It was just cool having a Mac run the studio production. It is a mark of morality and character not having any IBM junk in the shop. All kinds of applications for the music and film artist specifically on the Mac are made available. Some directly from Apple and others from third-party application developers.
Obvious Apple (Jobs) saw the appeal with the crazy ones and continued development of hardware/software platforms for this industry.
But facts are the facts and Steve wanted to focus on the consumer more then ever in his late stages at Apple.
A 2009 Fortune Magazine interview Steve says the following to a question on way no Enterprise; A lot of people cant get past the fact that were not going after the enterprise market. But thats like saying how can the GAP not be successful not selling suits.
So here we are. The Crazy Ones the Outcasts but unfortunately the very few. From a pure company financial point-of-view continuing with the Mac Pro makes no sense. But Apple is different by design. Lets just hope the new leaders at Apple in the post Jobs era see the value of maintaining a close association with the artists and crazies and a continued support for a professional product line.
My 2 cents!