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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 15, 2002
Why are some developers insisting on preventing inputs from keyboard users who use Modifier Keys to input letters and numbers? I have run into this problem several times, and had to use a phone to call the companies responsible because I couldn't enter my information into their text fields.

For example, if you have an Apple keyboard that requires the Shift key be pressed to type numbers, a text input field can refuse to accept the characters because the Shift key is being pressed in combination with the number keys on the keyboard. Why can't the user be allowed to use the keyboard without some sort of script interfering with the inputs? Obviously, if the Shift key is not used as the script demands, the output characters are gibberish because the keyboard types accents and other symbols, and the script complains that the input is invalid. Of course it's invalid, because you won't let me type the correct characters! One company with the problem even sold the keyboard that I was talking about, but the person I complained to still didn't understand the problem. Whoever writes these sorts of scripts must believe that everyone in the world has the same keyboard, and would never have a reason to press Shift, CTRL, Alt, or Apple while typing, nor have a need to Paste characters into the field, nor use any other keyboard device that doesn't conform to the expected key codes for a US-104 keyboard. Instead of checking the text input after it is submitted, the script refuses to accept anything that it believes it won't like. Just accept the keyboard inputs from the user!
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Staff member
Dec 7, 2002
New Zealand
I don't understand why they do this sort of thing. The browser can already handle typing into a text field, and if you rewrite that functionality then you're essentially throwing away ~25 years worth of bug fixes. My bank's website won't let me enter a "." with the keyboard that I use at home; if I want to type a value with cents then I have to type the value into e.g. TextEdit and then copy and paste. Drives me bonkers.
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