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motulist said:
The site still doesn't work mind you, but the web masters at least redirect you from a page that will crash.
If you use Safari. It works fine in Firefox - no redirect.

I like these guys. Responsive.
I just checked it out in Firefox. It does indeed work, but it's still pretty buggy.
jsw said:
I like these guys. Responsive.

If only another company **cough** Microsoft **cough** was that responsive to fixing their OS. :rolleyes: Who knows, maybe their product **cough** Windows **cough** would not suck as much. :)
It's not really a "crashing" issue, but I can't seem to log-in to myspace using Safari OS X 10.3.9. It just keeps taking me back to the same page "You Must Be Logged In To Do That!":confused:
Seems interesting but I'm not willing to try these nightly build thingamies

Hello... Safari seems to crash badly on this site. Get Firefox for the moment and please come back to see us!

Please use for death threats (hey, we use Macs too!)


Update: The nightly builds of Safari seem to accept this site (even though the map does not appear... for now). If you are absolutely sure you are using the latest nightly build (not the latest publicly available version from Apple), you may proceed at your own risks.
Wow, what an extemely ugly and annoying website. Maybe by crashing Safari your Mac was doing you a favor - LOL!

BTW, no problems with Camino.

cantthinkofone said:
does any one else have problems with i always get the spinning beach ball on there. but if i switch over to firefox it runs just fine.

Ever since they re-vamped their site a little over a year ago, I had tons of issues with the SBBOD. That coupled with Safari's inability to let me use the USPS label printing section of their site made me switch to Camino and I have yet to have a problem with any website - Javascript or Flash-laden site included.

I love my Mac, but Safari handles Flash and Javascript poorly - an no I am not an expert, it is just my expeience with Safari.
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