Well done @cogi0490 , @Hughmac for an excellent comp and all entrants & fellow forum members!
My hallpasses are running short on the reaction front and I may or may not have used unconventional methods in the past to get my way, so challenging my authority is ill advised. /s
Oh my gosh! It is the first time to be on the top of the podium Thank you @Hughmac for this competition and judging. I suppose it was a really hard job with all those awesome entries!
I will try to come up with a new event in the evening (CET)!
Great contest , and great entries! Congrats to everyone ( because we all got to go someplace great ( but I think @steveash really should have put in a shot of Peppa Pig World)). My shot is of one of those places nobody goes to where getting there is half the fun (getting out is the other half), plus the Racetrack ( https://www.nps.gov/deva/planyourvisit/the-racetrack.htm) is just down the road .