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deep diver

macrumors 68030
Jan 17, 2008
Spelling Bee ...

View attachment 839619

Kids on stage for the Scripps National Spelling Bee (local competition round circa February 2010).
Pic found on my old G4 PowerBook while my MBPr is off for repair.
Thanks for looking,

The concept of competitive spelling will always remain baffling to me.

This year's competition ended yesterday in an 8 way tie after they ran out of words that are difficult enough.
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macrumors regular
Apr 7, 2008
Beauce, Québec
Stumbling Bee


Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Original poster
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
Okay one and all. Here is my take on you’re images. As usual the caveat of these are my opinions feel free to ignore etc, etc.

@stillcrazyman One bee it certainly is. It is a nice image and feels warm. Makes me think of summer. Does look quite noisy to me. I wonder if it was a heavy crop?

@Strider64 Very cute! Who doesn’t like a baby goose? or even four of them. A bonus point for euphemism remarks!

@Janichsan Another lovely warm shot that reminds me of spring/summer. The leaves on the right and the blossom on the top do slightly bother me so I would lose them with a slight crop or the cloning tool. Birds in captivity are really hard to capture well. He does have some beautiful colouring though.

@AllergyDoc Beautifully captured. Unfortunately I think the British robin is more beautiful, but still a good shot.

@tizeye I’m so jealous. Hummingbirds are a thing of beauty. I like that this one is not feeding from a feeder but is eating naturally. Great shot.

@Darmok N Jalad Another nice pose. This guy looks like he has attitude! A bit more space to the right of the image might have improved the overall shot for me.

@redshifted there’s always one who comes up with an idea outside the box! Hadn’t even considered this option. Bonus point for creativity! The guy second from the left makes this shot for me. Those eyes tell a story don’t they!

@Foogoofish a where’s Wally type of shot! He is there but I suspect you were shooting the flowers! Still makes for a nice shot though.

@mollyc Well I knew there would be at least one taker after my cryptic OP, but I didn’t think it would have been one of the ladies in the group! Anyway I love a good macro shot even if its R rated! Don’t think I’d change a thing here.

@oblomow Well I’d have been (Stag)ed if someone hadn’t gone for it with the glamour photography! Made me smile and that makes for a good photo in my book! Hope this wasn’t shot in the Red light district!

@Somepix I love bees and this one looks a little drunk to me! I like the context of the hive. I might have cropped a little differently loosing the 3.5 flying bees at the bottom so he’s not so central in the frame.

@deep diver A beautiful eagle. The birds and the mouse in my garden are glad we don’t see them around here. Its a shame the lighting wasn’t a little kinder to his face. But good lighting and obedient wildlife rarely go hand in hand.

@mpfuchs A beautiful well lit specimen.I find the chimney a bit distracting tbh. A step to the right might have helped but I suspect wasn’t possible.

@jz0309 another beautiful bird. Id make the crop a little wider to give the subject a little more room in the frame as well as a bit more space on the right to look into. Love the texture on that leg.

@Indydenny Its all Eagles today isn’t it! This one is certainly a biggie. He looks massive! That beak looks like he could do some real damage. Nice shot.

@Hughmac What were you thinking? Pigeons are my least favourite bird. If you do happen to come across them courting a quick blast with the hose should put them off. But a bonus point as your fence looks as much in need of a coat of paint as mine!:p

@georgeinnj a beautiful composition and subject. Make for an excellent Christmas card!

@Laird Knox I recall this one from when you posted it previously! Not sure what the story is here but very creative! Sadly you are on -50000 pants for making me pick the winners!

So thank you to all who entered. Lots of beautiful shots and I hope my comments didn’t offend anyone. Just saying what I would do rather than what you should have done!

So now for the podium

3rd Place goes to @AllergyDoc, @tizeye and @Darmok N Jalad
2nd Place goes to @redshifted and @georgeinnj
1st Place goes to @mollyc for that beautiful macro.

Well done all and onto the next!

Laird Knox

macrumors 68000
Jun 18, 2010
@Laird Knox I recall this one from when you posted it previously! Not sure what the story is here but very creative! Sadly you are on -50000 pants for making me pick the winners!
Just a typical day in the desert.

That's why I posted after the fact. Been so busy I can't risk another missed deadline. ;)


macrumors 603
Feb 4, 2012
Kent, UK
Actually, I like @Hughmac's image as it suggests courtship (rather than the more obvious consummation); @mollyc is a deserving winner - that is a superb and beautifully composed shot.

Fascinating competition topic @Apple fanboy, and well done on the topic and the judging.
Thank you. I wanted to show something that fitted the theme; taunting AFB with pigeons was just a bonus :)

Congrats to the winners, especially to Molly for her superb shot.

Cheers :)


Laird Knox

macrumors 68000
Jun 18, 2010
Lol I just read my typo. It should read -5000 points! Hope the festival is going well.
LOL, I don't know how I missed that. That's a lota pants! :)

I don't know how I'm going to get everything done. Last night I was working on the flat pack bar and I still have art to art. And I want to leave Wednesday after work. :/

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macrumors 68040
Jul 17, 2013
Orlando, FL
Hooray for distant third! Lots of good entries.

Now if that shot of the spelling bee had one kid flipping the bird, that might have won the all the contests.
You missed your chance. 4th one from the right would have been an easy Photoshop. Plus, the 2nd from left has a guilty "who me" look as covering up one of his hands with he other hand. :D


macrumors 604
Aug 18, 2016
Oh, wow! Thanks!!! I honestly wasn't expecting that. :) I will put up a new competition in a bit.

Thank you!
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deep diver

macrumors 68030
Jan 17, 2008
@deep diver A beautiful eagle. The birds and the mouse in my garden are glad we don’t see them around here. Its a shame the lighting wasn’t a little kinder to his face. But good lighting and obedient wildlife rarely go hand in hand.

This was shot at the Cleveland Zoo in a shaded aviary. It was a sunny day, but shade is still shade. I tried to work with it in processing but it did not turn out very well.

mollyc's image is terrific, as usual, and a very worthy winner.
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