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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Nov 30, 2004
Welcome to this week's photo contest thread!

Theme: From Winter into Spring.

We're in the last month of winter now in the northern hemisphere. See if you can find those signs that, although it's still winter, show it's end is approaching and that spring will soon be here. If you're in the southern hemisphere, or your season is slightly ahead or behind, it's time to dust off those archives!

Contest end: 13 February 2015


1. Be creative and have fun.

2. Please submit only one photo per contest.

3. Please do not comment on photos until after the judging has taken place.

4. The contest runs for exactly one week, starting NOW! (see time/date stamp at the start of this thread)

5. At the end of the week, The judge (last week's winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible. (Judge has 24 hours to make decision)

6. The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme)

To see all of our past contests please see the sticky thread
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walk in the park

A quick pic from a walk in the park today. Snow receding, colours of spring coming through


  • spring-1.jpg
    2.3 MB · Views: 345
Welcome to this week's photo contest thread!

Theme: Winter into Spring.

We're in the last month of winter now in the northern hemisphere. See if you can find those signs that, although it's still winter, show it's end is approaching and that spring will soon be here. If you're in the southern hemisphere, or your season is slightly ahead or behind, it's time to dust off those archives!


Hey, ish! Are you sure about the title? I think that you mean "Spring in to Winter" and not the other way around from what i can tell from your description. Unless, you mean "into" like moving in to or something..!
Hey, ish! Are you sure about the title? I think that you mean "Spring in to Winter" and not the other way around from what i can tell from your description. Unless, you mean "into" like moving in to or something..!

Hi psou, I believe the title's okay. I'm thinking of pictures that show the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring.

Ah, maybe the penny's dropped. I mean the season Spring, not springing into action or anything similar. :)
Hi psou, I believe the title's okay. I'm thinking of pictures that show the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring.

Ah, maybe the penny's dropped. I mean the season Spring, not springing into action or anything similar. :)

Reading the title, I got what you meant, but if some think it is unclear then, maybe, you can amend it to read something along the lines of 'From Winter Into Spring'…..
The large male lets the next generation know that spring may be on its way but he will be dominant.

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Not much springlike here , all I can do is look at catalogs and hallucinate over how great my garden will be this year …

Competition will close at 09.00 UTC / GMT. Just over two hours for any last-minute photos!
Competition is now closed. Will post results later today.
Thanks for all the entries this week, I've had a hard time deciding which to choose! All comments are based on my own thoughts and opinions so feel free to disagree!

Summer toys emerging from the snow and imagining them being played with again—this makes a good symbol for winter’s end. I’d suggest dialling in a bit more exposure compensation to stop the camera turning the snow a mid grey colour and keeping it nice and bright.

A quick pic from a walk in the park today. Snow receding, colours of spring coming through

There can be few clearer signs of spring approacing than seeing the evergreens appearing through melting snow—unless you’re in the UK of course when cold spells and mild spells usually follow each other through the season! I like the way you’ve captured the season and the contrast of the glossy evergreen leaves against the moss.

The pond has thawed!

by drtruett, on Flickr

I like the way the clear water is reflecting the golden colour of the sky, and the ice round the edge of the pond which makes you realise that winter hasn’t gone yet. A beautiful, though chilly scene. Could you have swung the camera round a bit to the left to get a bit more in on that side and a bit less of the grass on the right where not a lot is happening? Maybe there was something on the left you didn’t want to get in the picture. I’d be tempted to crop a bit from the top and right of the picture and let the pond be more dominant.

Winter changes into Spring is a subtle affair here in Florida.

You’re right. Not every climate has dramatic changes of seasons and Florida has a pretty equable climate year round. However, the fresh green leaf against what looks like the remains of last years seed cases is as valid a contrast as any. I’m guessing the leaf was relatively high up, otherwise it would have been nice to close in further on the leaf to render most of the further background out of focus.

I like the way the eye is drawn along the railway tracks and the river towards the red mountain which also dominates because of its colour. I’d imagine it gets quite cold there in the winter at that elevation. I’m wondering what it would look like from a lower viewpoint, just make sure there’s no train coming!

Kalavryta, Greece 8.2.2015 :)

Nice idea, footsteps in the snow with the snowdrops coming through. I’ve been puzzling over this picture, as the footsteps are obviously heading towards the flowers but aren’t pointing in that direction! I’d prefer to see the flowers further from the corner and much more made of them. Maybe a picture of the flowers in the snow with just one or two footprints?

This one is tough for me. Although it was a 30º F blustery day - the beach still looks awesome and I love it. The sea foam was cool too.

Ocean City Beach - Winter by CharlieFromJersey, on Flickr

Very interesting photo. I don’t live near the sea and don’t think I’ve ever seen foam like this. I might be tempted to crop in from the bottom and make more of a panoramic photo of it. I don’t see a sign of spring coming unless something about it is seasonal and I don’t know. Still a nice photo though!

Another nice photo. I like the interesting shape of the old tree roots and the warm colour of the parts lit by the sun. Just a bit of internal reflection in there too but it can be difficult to avoid when shooting into the sun. This photo speaks to me of mid-winter rather than the junction of winter and spring but good nontheless!

I hear ya. This is from California. The tree just started blooming a couple days ago.


I like the way you’ve treated this photo. You’ve chosen a tree which flowers right on the change of the seasons and taken what could have been quite a busy photo, with the small white blossoms and balanced it very nicely with plenty of darker negative space to set it off. The b&w rendition really enhances it.

The large male lets the next generation know that spring may be on its way but he will be dominant.


I like the way the picture shows the larger bird is obviously dominant and how it has taken up that top position. I’d like to see the picture with the viewpoint slightly higher so that bird is not so near the top edge but I love the way you’ve caught the water coming over the weir. It looks as if you were in the water with the swans! One small suggestion would be to tweak the white balance a little as well—it’s a bit blue at the moment. It looks as though the swans at the bottom think it’s their own personal jacuzzi!

Not much springlike here , all I can do is look at catalogs and hallucinate over how great my garden will be this year …


I like the way you’ve thought out of the box for this one! It’s one of the delights of the season to plan the garden for next year. I enjoy it myself. Nicely balanced on a carefully presented background.

Soil that’s beginning to dry out, and being pushed aside by the emergence of spring bulbs is what gives us all hope at this time of the year. (Looks as though you’ve got some clay there too!) Everything tends to look a little grey at this time so maybe just a very light touch on the saturation and contrast would help this photo to stand out. What do you think to cropping it square to miss out the right hand leaves that are half in and half out the photo and cloning out that one just peeping in at the bottom? Just a thought.

had to wait for this one

Nice to see the daffodils again, and just beginning to bloom. One suggestion would be to clear away most of the dead leaves and twigs before taking the photo; it helps the flowers stand out more. Just leave a couple for artistic effect! If you’re using a camera I’d suggest using a smaller aperture to keep the top of the leaves in focus, but if you’re using your iPhone then that’s probably not possible.

Not really had much of a winter, but here's a late one anyway.

_DSC8274 by apple fanboy1, on Flickr

I love the way you’ve captured this opening bud in pale yellow-green against the dark background and silver leaves. Beautiful colours enhanced by a touch of frost. Part of me would like to see it fill the frame a bit more and to have the rest of that leaf node in at the bottom but that’s just me! Very well seen.

So, on to the results:

3rd imac wannabe
2nd taptic
1st Apple Fanboy

Well done everyone!. Well done AFB, over to you! :)
Thanks for all the entries this week, I've had a hard time deciding which to choose! All comments are based on my own thoughts and opinions so feel free to disagree!

Summer toys emerging from the snow and imagining them being played with again—this makes a good symbol for winter’s end. I’d suggest dialling in a bit more exposure compensation to stop the camera turning the snow a mid grey colour and keeping it nice and bright.

There can be few clearer signs of spring approacing than seeing the evergreens appearing through melting snow—unless you’re in the UK of course when cold spells and mild spells usually follow each other through the season! I like the way you’ve captured the season and the contrast of the glossy evergreen leaves against the moss.

I like the way the clear water is reflecting the golden colour of the sky, and the ice round the edge of the pond which makes you realise that winter hasn’t gone yet. A beautiful, though chilly scene. Could you have swung the camera round a bit to the left to get a bit more in on that side and a bit less of the grass on the right where not a lot is happening? Maybe there was something on the left you didn’t want to get in the picture. I’d be tempted to crop a bit from the top and right of the picture and let the pond be more dominant.

You’re right. Not every climate has dramatic changes of seasons and Florida has a pretty equable climate year round. However, the fresh green leaf against what looks like the remains of last years seed cases is as valid a contrast as any. I’m guessing the leaf was relatively high up, otherwise it would have been nice to close in further on the leaf to render most of the further background out of focus.

I like the way the eye is drawn along the railway tracks and the river towards the red mountain which also dominates because of its colour. I’d imagine it gets quite cold there in the winter at that elevation. I’m wondering what it would look like from a lower viewpoint, just make sure there’s no train coming!

Nice idea, footsteps in the snow with the snowdrops coming through. I’ve been puzzling over this picture, as the footsteps are obviously heading towards the flowers but aren’t pointing in that direction! I’d prefer to see the flowers further from the corner and much more made of them. Maybe a picture of the flowers in the snow with just one or two footprints?

Very interesting photo. I don’t live near the sea and don’t think I’ve ever seen foam like this. I might be tempted to crop in from the bottom and make more of a panoramic photo of it. I don’t see a sign of spring coming unless something about it is seasonal and I don’t know. Still a nice photo though!

Another nice photo. I like the interesting shape of the old tree roots and the warm colour of the parts lit by the sun. Just a bit of internal reflection in there too but it can be difficult to avoid when shooting into the sun. This photo speaks to me of mid-winter rather than the junction of winter and spring but good nontheless!

I like the way you’ve treated this photo. You’ve chosen a tree which flowers right on the change of the seasons and taken what could have been quite a busy photo, with the small white blossoms and balanced it very nicely with plenty of darker negative space to set it off. The b&w rendition really enhances it.

I like the way the picture shows the larger bird is obviously dominant and how it has taken up that top position. I’d like to see the picture with the viewpoint slightly higher so that bird is not so near the top edge but I love the way you’ve caught the water coming over the weir. It looks as if you were in the water with the swans! One small suggestion would be to tweak the white balance a little as well—it’s a bit blue at the moment. It looks as though the swans at the bottom think it’s their own personal jacuzzi!

I like the way you’ve thought out of the box for this one! It’s one of the delights of the season to plan the garden for next year. I enjoy it myself. Nicely balanced on a carefully presented background.

Soil that’s beginning to dry out, and being pushed aside by the emergence of spring bulbs is what gives us all hope at this time of the year. (Looks as though you’ve got some clay there too!) Everything tends to look a little grey at this time so maybe just a very light touch on the saturation and contrast would help this photo to stand out. What do you think to cropping it square to miss out the right hand leaves that are half in and half out the photo and cloning out that one just peeping in at the bottom? Just a thought.

Nice to see the daffodils again, and just beginning to bloom. One suggestion would be to clear away most of the dead leaves and twigs before taking the photo; it helps the flowers stand out more. Just leave a couple for artistic effect! If you’re using a camera I’d suggest using a smaller aperture to keep the top of the leaves in focus, but if you’re using your iPhone then that’s probably not possible.

I love the way you’ve captured this opening bud in pale yellow-green against the dark background and silver leaves. Beautiful colours enhanced by a touch of frost. Part of me would like to see it fill the frame a bit more and to have the rest of that leaf node in at the bottom but that’s just me! Very well seen.

So, on to the results:

3rd imac wannabe
2nd taptic
1st Apple Fanboy

Well done everyone!. Well done AFB, over to you! :)

Wow thanks for the nod. Great critique. Well done everyone. Lots of variety as always.
I'll have a think and post a new contest this evening.
Thanks for the critique - I tried it cropped to a square but it didn't look right to me.

Well done to the winners; I knew AFB would be in the running as soon as his image appeared :)

Cheers :)

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