Quite a theme you chose there C&A; took me forever to come up and decide with an idea, though your thinking behind it was much simpler then how I interpreted it.
I don't feel robbed at all Themumu, it was a well deserved shot for the first place! Thank you for your kind words. When the betting pool comes together, let me know!
Congrats AlexH and fellow Winners & Contestants!!
My very first thought was to make a paper construct of an Escher staircase, but initial attempts were horrific. This idea needs much better props and setting.
Then my thoughts drifted towards subjective shots, and was restricted to them for most of the week. Examples such as from within a fridge, a microwave, from below the toilet paper roll, and by Saturday, from within a coffee mug with coffee pouring in from a coffee pot. That last one was kinda fun but had no time to set up last minute such an intricate shot, requiring various materials and placeholders to make it happen, such as a screen to protect the camera, a wide tube to emulate the mug, peculiar lighting techniques, and so on and so forth.
If I would change anything to the shot I posted, that would be deciding on the theme a day or two earlier and looking for a better location and someone to help me. Evidently, this is shot in my back yard. Couldn't be running around the city with the equipment, bicycle, shoe etc all by myself. Even though the building on the left and the trees on the right create a weird angle and a diagonal sky gap, I am not really fond of how the bicycle is lost in the foliage. Shoe was hidden of frame because it was kept in level by the bicycle frame. By the way, this idea was born out of a shot I've taken in the past, which incidentally, both have an airplane passing by in the whicheversphere.
Customary setup shot of the submitted image further below.
canon 6d | ts-e 17mm | 1/180 | f/20 | iso 400 |3 TTLs @ 1/32 each
To the next one!
Alexander.Of.Oz: This is a good shot that is technically well captured with great detail and texture but its not quite what I had I mind.
MCH-1138: Awesome shot with all the right parts in clear focus. This is a nice example of not looking down on a bird and reducing the feeling of flight and not looking up into its butt. Well done.
What I really like is how he treats each contest as an assignment. I have only done this one time in my many entries.
Totally agree with that. He should win every week purely on effort alone. Puts most of us to shame.
DirtySocks85: Not sure what happened here buy Im not seeing an image from flickr. Terrible perspective.![]()
Congrats to all three of the finalists! And, well judged. AlexH was my favorite photo as well. I also can't imagine a contest where needfx isn't competing. He brings it every week with his creative lighting set-ups. What I really like is how he treats each contest as an assignment. I have only done this one time in my many entries.
Totally agree with that. He should win every week purely on effort alone. Puts most of us to shame.
Agree. I always try and shoot something new, but think I'm not as creatively minded as needfx.
DirtySocks85: It is easy to forget that changing a hosted image after posting here does eliminate the original post but thanks for putting this up again. Here's my feedback:
I like this shot and it fits the theme well with the slight upward angle that catches the growth against the sky and the colours are great.
For me, shots like this bring back fond memories of lying in a field on a warm carefree summer day with nothing to do but watch the occasional cloud pass by.
Well done Justin. If anything could improve the shot it would be timing related as I would like to see fewer dandelions and most in full bloom.
Btw, I've pm'd AlexH with a heads-up.
~ Peter
I searched high and low for this bloody picture and couldn't find it. It was the one I really wanted to enter. Typical that I found it after the contest ended!
Statue outside of a building in Fenchurch Street, London.
I searched high and low for this bloody picture and couldn't find it. It was the one I really wanted to enter. Typical that I found it after the contest ended!
Statue outside of a building in Fenchurch Street, London.
Special kudos to JDDavis for risking life and limb for your vertiginous entry.
Congrats to everyone, there were some great shots. Thanks for the nod and the comments. That shot is on a route at Seneca Rocks, WV called Gun Sight to South Peak. It's actually a pretty easy climb but there is a lot of wonderful exposure that makes it really fun. It's relatively safe as you place your own protection (with rope and gear) as you go. Here's a video I tried to make of the final walk across the ridge. I hope it works...
Warning...the camera was on my head and there's a good bit of movement (if you get motion sick). One interesting note...at 3:10 you can see I'm standing on some broken up rock and there is a black mark right in front of me....lightning strike.
acearchie: A very interesting shot that works well with great colour and texture. Did you have this composition in mind when you took the shot? Im not sure if it fits the theme I had in mind though. I really didnt think of changing perspective in post but well done.
Thanks for the comments. Swings and roundabouts I suppose as I thought this perfectly represented an unusual perspective!
Not sure what you meant about changing the perspective in post? I also didnt alter the composition?
I'm now thinking a very well done double exposure(?).