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Mere children.....

Sneaking this one under the wire..
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hmmm....I'm pretty old relative to most around here, but not quite that old.
Youngster. I was just getting my first SLR about then. And no, I am not going to go through my first rolls of film/slides to see if anything comes close to Earth Day. :D
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Hi folks,
I hope you're all doing okay.

In viewing this week’s entries I see two general categories of pics - pretty pics (nothing wrong with that at all) and more complex ideas represented visually.
I tend to lean more towards pics that are more complex in the Weekly Challenges.
Some of the pics have compositions that are a little awkward and could benefit from choosing the edges of the scene a little more thoughtfully - but that’s a thing with me.

So, on to comments ...

stillcrazyman - a well-done pic of a long-tongued butterfly feeding that has a nice painterly look to it - life returning after the fires is how I see your pic

mtbdudex - nice pic, I love the PNW - the composition is a little awkward on the left side and a few steps back might’ve balanced it better but it looks like you would’ve had lighting contrast problems then

susurs - another nice butterfly pic with a nice composition

oblomow - a nice landscape pic

uvafan1 - I like the color and your overall exposure and it’s a nice pic but that bright object (old fence post?) at the bottom of the pic is distractingly bright

deep diver - it’s another nice landscape pic that features some wildness and hints of human habitation

tizeye - this is a nice pic with the waves timed really well and I like the textures of the weathered tree, water, sky and sand but I wish I could see the bottom of the weathered tree

Apple_Glen_UK - I like the tension between the randomness of nature vs. human orderliness

anotherscotsman - I like the deliberateness of this pic juxtaposing the natural and the manmade discarded object

mackmgg - dandelions are an interesting choice for this topic- they’re arguably not a bad plant (pretty yellow flowers, edible leaves and fun for kids to watch the seeds fly) but bunches of industries have cropped up to maintain the green grass suburban lawn monoculture and keep the invaders out (at a very high cost)

Indydenny - a nicely lit golf-course landscape pic that could be about land-use choices - but I'm not sure

mollyc - another nice landscape pic

Janichsan - I like the juxtaposition of the two types of power generation and the surrounding development associated with each - the pic has a nice visual flow thanks to the clouds (natural and manmade)

someoldguy - the harsh aftermath of a fire and a chainsaw (and maybe drought?) and still some life hanging on and it looks like some rain fell recently

Third Place pics are stillcrazyman, susurs, and deep diver

Second Place Pics are Janichsan and someoldguy

First Place goes to anotherscotsman for their well-crafted and meaningful pic

Thanks to all that entered a pic this week!
Thanks also to everyone that took the time to view the pics and think about them.
Be well!
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