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Sorry for the delay guys. Hope nobody is offended by my comments. Just how I see things. Thanks for all the fantastic entries.

Lovely image pm. Your slow shutter speed makes for some dreamy milky water fountain.

Well it counts for me. That’s one of the interesting things about a theme like water, how different people interpret it. I like the 45 degree angle of the plant. Makes it interesting.

Nice location. I’d prefer the image if it wasn’t looking down on the water, but I guess you would need to be in a boat for that.

I thought this was a nice photo, but when I saw you just used your iPhone 5s I was super impressed. Just goes to show it’s not always about the equipment. Good job.

Well yes, it was water at some point! I’m more of a diet coke man though.

Lovely. I like a nice slow waterfall. This reminds me of the scene from a bounty advert a few years back.

Great capture. I tried something similar a few months ago with a lemon, and it didn’t look anywhere near as good as this. I was lighting with an LED torch, and it just didn’t work. Maybe something I should revisit when I get a speedlight.

That water looks more like jelly than water. Cool shot. The flower in the background adds some interesting colour.

Lots going on here. I like the boat and the colour of the equipment. The water doesn’t look that calm to me! I’d say not long after this shot, you hit a storm. Hope you were on land by then.

Nice water movement here. Great perspective in a great location. I’m guessing you got your (tripod) feet wet with this one.

The one thing that bothers me about this shot, is the front of the boat is just slightly off center. It would work better for me with a slight crop.

A photo that almost matches your user name. Very nice. I like the lighting of the water and the contrast from shooting at night.

Great shot this one. B & W makes it like something from an old movie IMO.

Another iPhone entry. I like the reflections of the washing adding some interest. Personally I think I’d boost the shadows on the right a little, and lose the head which spoils the image slightly. Great effort with your equipment though.

Parkin Pig
Beautiful sunset. That peer looks like it’s seen better days. I like the colour of the sky and the silhouette of the peer. Great effort.

I love this shot. I like the fact that the sky just blends in with the water at the horizon and the little island sitting in the middle. I like the reflectivity as well.

Another beautiful shot. You got the bird just at the right point. I’m not sure what that little post below it is, but I think I would have cloned it out. You have the same camera as me, so that earns you an extra point!

Not sure what I’m seeing in this one. Is it a pond or just a wet puddle reflecting some lights etc?

Well blatant pandering with this one, but I say bring it on! It’s a great shot and I like everything about it.

I like the red boat in this one, but am not so keen on the shed and the lobster pots. I’d like to see more of the boats and less of the shed (if it was possible).

I like the lighting on the little waves with this one, but feel the image could benefit from a focal point.

Nice composition in this one. The lighting on the bridge looks a little over exposed to my eyes. Maybe taking it out of auto might have got you better results? Good strong image though.

imac wannabe
Stunning location. You have really taken a great scene and made it into a great photo. I love the stillness of the water for the reflection of the mountain. Great effort.

Another great location. The clouds make this look a little weird, but I guess that was due to your slow shutter speed. Lighting is great though.

Well it is water! I like the stones under the water in the foreground. The bubble is not really a strong enough point of interest for me though. Maybe add a fish?

Interesting shot. Is it frog spawn or bubbles in water? My daughter thinks it’s bubble wrap, but that wouldn’t really fit the theme. I like that I can see you in each bubble though. Nice repetition.

Well clearly not water in this shot but something else? I’m not sure who would buy such a statue, but it’s the old person’s gaze that makes this shot. Very funny.

So how many times did you have to take this shot to get the water droplet just so? Not to mention having to dry the glass each time. As usual you have taken a creative twist on the theme. Well done.

Another stunning location. You are obviously a lot more dedicated to getting the perfect shot than me. I like the contrast of the guy’s outfit against the blue ice. The lighting is good too.

Elbert C
Lovely macro shot! You have got the focus and the colouring perfect. Great image.

A nice shot. My only criticism is with the fish and the butterfly. You have two different focal points which makes the photo a little weaker than just one IMO. I’d lose the fish with a crop as that butterfly looks stunning.

Okay so now the hard part. There could have been any number of winners this week as there were some great contenders. I had to draft in my daughter for an extra opinion.

1st Place
Cheese&Apple – because I have tried this type of photo and it’s not that easy. You got the focus in the shot just right. Well done.

2nd Place
Elbert C – you took what could have been quite a dull subject (blade of grass) and made it simply stunning. My daughter would have had this as the winner.

3rd Place
imac wannabe – I love the location in this photo and your capture of it. Could easily have been my winner.
really tough competition this week, well done winners, well deserved, magnificent entries everyone!

AFB had a VERY hard job this week

I only took 576 photos to get that :D (actual number, shots in burst mode)
choosing out of the shortlist was a hassle. they all looked impressive
drying the glass in every shot is a spot-on deduction

to the next one


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Competition is now closed. Results to follow….

Congrats to Cheese&Apple!

Thank you for your critic Apple fanboy. Much appreciated! I am a real amateur at photography so any input is a help. That canyon is inaccessible from any place but above and is close to 50' deep. Anyone who has attempted to go into it has not come out to tell about it that I know of. Below is a picture of the beast of a river that feeds it.


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Wow, thanks AFB...unexpected among some really good shots in a great competition this week. Well done everyone!

Definitely not my usual subject but I took this shot in my “studio” on a crappy winter day when I was looking for something to do. Btw, studio is just a pretentious description of an unfinished area of my basement with an old workbench, a folding table, and power outlets.

No speedlight used for this one AFB and total cost of the set-up was $5.00. I used an old fish tank that I had rescued from the neighbour’s garbage (thinking I might us it for an indoor terrarium), picked up a remnant of black drapery fabric from the local second-hand thrift store for a backdrop (the $5.00), dusted-off 3 old quartz halogen construction/painter's lights then attached cardboard reflectors to the lights and tank with clothespins.

I filled the tank about three quarters before I realized the lighting was all wrong and I would need to shine a light up through the glass bottom. I drained the tank then raised it off the bench using 4 old paint cans and filled it again. Got the lights and relectors set-up and I was good to go. The best shot not taken may have been one of the ridiculous looking set-up.

Much to my wife’s dismay, I then I raided the fridge for stuff to drop in the water. I went through lemons, limes, even ice cubes but I wasn’t getting the colour and splash effect I was looking for. So I tried the orange pepper but found it was far too buoyant to get a good splash. So I poked holes it the pepper (close to the stem) and then half-filled it with water before getting the right combination of weight and buoyancy.

About 500 shots later, camera burst shooting with a corded remote release from a tripod and various settings, I got this shot at ISO 500, f/5.6 and 1/1,000. The water spots on the glass from splashing were cleaned up in post.
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Congratulations, Peter. Job well done!

AFB, what an amazing job adjudicating this weeks entries!

Interesting shot. Is it frog spawn or bubbles in water? My daughter thinks it’s bubble wrap, but that wouldn’t really fit the theme. I like that I can see you in each bubble though. Nice repetition.

Glass marbles in a black saucer part filled with water, illuminated indirectly by a giant window behind and dodgy silhouette provided by yours truly... Use the bloody shutter-release and get out of frame next time... :rolleyes:
Wow, thanks AFB...unexpected among some really good shots in a great competition this week. Well done everyone!

Definitely not my usual subject but I took this shot in my “studio” on a crappy winter day when I was looking for something to do. Btw, studio is just a pretentious description of an unfinished area of my basement with an old workbench, a folding table, and power outlets.

No speedlight used for this one AFB and total cost of the set-up was $5.00. I used an old fish tank that I had rescued from the neighbour’s garbage (thinking I might us it for an indoor terrarium), picked up a remnant of black drapery fabric from the local second-hand thrift store for a backdrop (the $5.00), dusted-off 3 old quartz halogen construction/painter's lights then attached cardboard reflectors to the lights and tank with clothespins.

I filled the tank about three quarters before I realized the lighting was all wrong and I would need to shine a light up through the glass bottom. I drained the tank then raised it off the bench using 4 old paint cans and filled it again. Got the lights and relectors set-up and I was good to go. The best shot not taken may have been one of the ridiculous looking set-up.

Much to my wife’s dismay, I then I raided the fridge for stuff to drop in the water. I went through lemons, limes, even ice cubes but I wasn’t getting the colour and splash effect I was looking for. So I tried the orange pepper but found it was far too buoyant to get a good splash. So I poked holes it the pepper (close to the stem) and then half-filled it with water before getting the right combination of weight and buoyancy.

About 500 shots later, camera burst shooting with a corded remote release from a tripod and various settings, I got this shot at ISO 500, f/5.6 and 1/1,000. The water spots on the glass from splashing were cleaned up in post.

I had guessed your 1st place this week Mr Cheese. Amazing shot! A shot well within my tastes I might add

You have more than made up for the lack of backstage photograph with the detailed description of the setup, the cost, the Raiders of the Lost Fridge and your Wife's dismay. What really gets the cake though, was how you handled the physics of the shot!! Wowza!!

..dodgy silhouette provided by yours truly... Use the bloody shutter-release and get out of frame next time... :rolleyes:

you funny :D
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Congrats to everyone. There was a very interesting group of shots. Great job AFB for putting in the hard work on a big contest.
I had guessed your 1st place this week Mr Cheese. Amazing shot! A shot well within my tastes I might add

You have more than made up for the lack of backstage photograph with the detailed description of the setup, the cost, the Raiders of the Lost Fridge and your Wife's dismay. What really gets the cake though, was how you handled the physics of the shot!! Wowza!!

Thanks very much needfx. Next time I do something like this I'll have to remember a backstage photo. I find it very interesting and a learning experience when you post one of yours for the big reveal.
There were so many nice entries and stunning photographs. Well-done, everyone. Nice job judging, AFB and congrats to the winners.
Wow, thanks AFB...unexpected among some really good shots in a great competition this week. Well done everyone!

Definitely not my usual subject but I took this shot in my “studio” on a crappy winter day when I was looking for something to do. Btw, studio is just a pretentious description of an unfinished area of my basement with an old workbench, a folding table, and power outlets.

No speedlight used for this one AFB and total cost of the set-up was $5.00. I used an old fish tank that I had rescued from the neighbour’s garbage (thinking I might us it for an indoor terrarium), picked up a remnant of black drapery fabric from the local second-hand thrift store for a backdrop (the $5.00), dusted-off 3 old quartz halogen construction/painter's lights then attached cardboard reflectors to the lights and tank with clothespins.

I filled the tank about three quarters before I realized the lighting was all wrong and I would need to shine a light up through the glass bottom. I drained the tank then raised it off the bench using 4 old paint cans and filled it again. Got the lights and relectors set-up and I was good to go. The best shot not taken may have been one of the ridiculous looking set-up.

Much to my wife’s dismay, I then I raided the fridge for stuff to drop in the water. I went through lemons, limes, even ice cubes but I wasn’t getting the colour and splash effect I was looking for. So I tried the orange pepper but found it was far too buoyant to get a good splash. So I poked holes it the pepper (close to the stem) and then half-filled it with water before getting the right combination of weight and buoyancy.

About 500 shots later, camera burst shooting with a corded remote release from a tripod and various settings, I got this shot at ISO 500, f/5.6 and 1/1,000. The water spots on the glass from splashing were cleaned up in post.

Well done! I really like the colors and black background.

Reminds me of a shot I did a while back. I used two manual strobes in slave mode. I blocked the camera's built in flash so it wouldn't impact the picture but was bright enough to trigger the off camera strobes. The background was a white piece of foam core.

A simple squeegee made cleaning up the glass between attempts easy.

The guy at the bottom was clamped sideways behind the tank. I like to think my lighting would be better these days. ;)

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