I'm back...
Great shots with very interesting interpretations of the theme and the songs
well done everyone.
Its been a long workday so Ill make this quick.
imac wannabe: Cool shot that at first glance I thought was shopped. Great symmetry. How do they do that?
Btw, nice save of needfx.
Hughmac: I love dogs and Sam looks like a great guy great song too. His portrait framing does appear to be a bit off to me. I think I would prefer to see his head in the upper right instead of lower left. Seems to be too much negative space.
jkramerbob: Ultra cool shot. Hes definitely going head over heals or maybe heals over head. Shutter speed is spot-on to create just a bit of leg and head motion blur to covey his speed. Too bad the woman in black is looking off to the side but the pointing dad is great.
AlexH: Elegant shot and great band Alex. What did you shoot this through? Almost looks like a jewelers loupe.
CharlieBrandt09: Pink Floyd and pyrotechnics
what a great combination! I think I would want to reduce exposure a bit to reduce the appearance of the person holding the sparkler or at least clone-out one of the two left hands.
Alexander.Of.Oz: Very creative interpretation of the song Alex
the miniature effect really seems to emphasize the point. How did you do this? I see the bars as one focal point and a line between the curb and the storefronts as a second focal point.
themumu: This shot looks like it would be right at home in a WestJet ad. Nice light capture on the wingtip themumu.
truettray: Nice beach shot. A palm tree or two would have been an added bonus to go with that song (at least in my mind).
rx7dude: This one has a good feel to it and not just because Im a Beatles fan. I like the wider crop too.
MacRy: Loved this one when I first saw it MacRy and it just seems to get better with age. Big bonus points for the shot representing both the song title and the name of band.
You've got a man deep in thought, on a train all highlighted by the reflections. I wonder what his train of thought is
needfx: Creative shot as usual. I think it may have been better (certainly more subtle) without the writing on the tape. You first submission was good too.
iBook Clamshell: Well done - the colour of the sky, crosses in silhouette, perspective everything.
NeGRit0: Ive never heard of Armin van Buurne. This is a good shot and a great music video that was fun to watch. Thanks for the link.
JDDavis: Nice
another Zeppelin song. This shot is dark, moody and reflective of the song. I like it.
Apple fanboy: Now this is a fun and creative shot thats well thought out and composed and executed. Well done AFB.
Parkin Pig: The whole Liverpool Giants thing had some disturbing aspects to it and Im glad that youve been able to continue that feeling Parkin Pig. I dont use Photoshop so I have no idea how you do this type of thing and do it so well. Great job.
NukeIT: This is a very awkward looking doorway in thumbnail thats corrected when full sized
not sure what thats about but anyway, I think the composition needs a bit of work. The signs are front and centre but the door window is cut-off at an unusual spot and angle. I think a better view on whats in the room with the signs less predominant might work.
Ish: I had to look up the building, the song and the artist. Great interpretation and I really like the way the way the glass has distorted the reflection.
Acearchie: This is a great shot and an awesome interpretation of the theme. As a sunset shot
well done with great cloud detail behind the sunlight. The people just add so much more interest. I can just imagine them quietly standing in the water taking it all in. Great capture Archie.
This was really tough and could have gone a number of different ways but without further ado
Third place: A tie between jkramerbob and Apple fanboy
Second place: acearchie
First place and the winner this week is: MacRy
Over to you MacRy and good night.
~ Peter