OK let's do this.....
deep diver I really like this composition. Nice repeating patterns, good perspective, definitely hits the brief. Really good shot.
Alexander.Of.Oz Again, this hits the brief but it just doesn't do it for me i'm afraid. I think that it might be that the frond isn't that photogenic, it looks dirty and there's no real focal point.
kenoh I don't think that you failed at all actually. It has a definite blue dominant colour and it's a really interesting shade of blue too. The little brown bit at the top of the photo above the swan's head is a little distracting for me, but I like it otherwise.
Gotfrey A good orange caste there. I don't have much more to say on it i'm afraid. It's difficult to take a decent sunset picture when the scenery isn't particularly inspiring. I think that's the issue here. Not the photographer, more the subject.
jkramerbob That's a really cool shot. I'm interested to know whether it has been coloured in PP or if the fountain is that colour because of LED lights. Regardless, it's a really nice entry and you've captured a really great scene.
notrack I'm not sure which colour is meant to be the dominant one here as it seems to have equal red and white. It's a really nice shot though. Perfectly lit and sharp.
Cheese&Apple A definite dominant colour here and, unsurprisingly, a great wildlife shot from Peter. Lovely focus and great composition. Nicely done.
TheBeastman13 I like the pattern repeating in the shadow and it definitely has a blue hue to the photo. Nice.
Ish This brings to mind an old Western and makes me feel hot and bothered. Nice overall colour and dusty dried up subject.
truetray I do like an old Bug. Like the other car shot in this contest i'm not sure that it hits my interpretation of the brief but it might do for others. It's a nice shot though.
AlexH Nice use of selective focus and a really well done shot. If I had one criticism then it would be that I find it a tad over saturated. That's probably more a taste thing though.
cebseb That's a belter of a shot. I love the composition and the colours. It looks like the Spanigh flag and therefore it feels really Mediterranean to me. The girl gives a great sense of scale too. Perfect.
Techzone It really is a beautiful paint job. Like I said earlier in my comments, i'm not sure that it hits the brief as being a dominant colour. It's a cool shot though.
Melizard Really nice. I guessed before looking up Godafoss that it was either Icelandic or Scandinavian because I think your shot has captured that feel perfectly. I love the rocks in the foreground. Really good job.
Hughmac This is a car shot that works well as the dominant colour is prominent. Nice composition. I like it. Having said that - I hope that it is a car
anotherscotsman I think you've nailed the exposure on this perfectly and captured both the lights and movement really well. It;s a shame about the fence and gate as it distracts from an otherwise really good photo.
rx7dude I really like this one. Another car shot that is done well. Abstract looking and with some nice tones. Good job.
DirtySocks85 That's a cracking shot! Not easy to capture in such clarity and detail behind glass i'm betting and you've nailed it. Really sharp and perfectly exposed. Nice composition too. Wonderful.
oblomow I love this photo. I liked it when you posted it in the photo of the day thread and it's a great entry for the competition. Lovely overall tone and what fabulous scenery.
Indydenny That is a nice golf course! I'd like to play there. Perhaps a touch too green but it does look inviting. It's a shame that those big shadows are across the green as it would look really good with just the shadow of the flag. Nice though. Good job.
So that's all of the critique out of the way. I hope that you take my comments as constructive and remember that you don't have to agree with them as they are just my opinions. Thanks for your entries and I hope that you all enjoyed the brief.
To the winners. I found this really difficult as the top two could have gone either way depending upon my mood. In the end it went down like this:
3rd Place - deep diver - That's how you do composition people. The pp (if it had any, it looks pretty much straight from camera) may not be as flashy as some of the shots here and lends a slightly flat look to the shot but the composition is very well done and it nails the brief. Really good shot and thanks for entering it.
2nd Place - cebseb - Again, that's an awesome composition and hit the brief perfectly. Bonus points for confusing my brain and making me think of Spain. Thanks for entering that shot, I really enjoyed it and I went back and forth between you and the winner before making my decision. It could have gone either way.
1st Place - DirtySocks85 (change those socks dude, they're nearly 20 years old!) - Just a really good shot. Dominant colour is present and you've even managed to make jellyfish look cute somehow. For me this edged it as the winner due to the outstanding focus and exposure. Well done and thanks for sharing it with us.
There you go then ladies and gents. Another contest reaches it's zenith and we have ourselves a new crowned prince of photography for another week. Let's all bow down to our new dark overlord and wish him well as he issues his first proclamation in the form of a contest.
Over to you filthy feet........