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macrumors 65816
Apr 24, 2022
Congrats @gaswerks, that is an amazing photo! The face in the clouds blows me away, and even without that it's such a great photo. Well deserved.

All of these photos were so good, I really loved coming back each day to see how people were interpreting the theme in different ways.

Thanks @TheYayAreaLiving 🎗 for your thoughtful comments and for riding herd on this contest, you did a great job with all of it! 👏👏👏👏


macrumors 6502
May 28, 2022
South Wales, UK
First and foremost, thank you from bottom of my heart to all of you for submitting your entries. Let’s give a (big) round of applause to everyone. Before I begin with the selection process of the winner. I just wanted to let you know that everyone submitted spectacular photos. All of you left me speechless and I was just amazed. In my eyes all of you deserve the first place however we have rules to follow and we all have to abide by them. The decision was definitely not easy to make. With that being said, here we go...

@Snowlover: First entry! Outstanding photo!

This is definitely a frame-worthy photo. Looking at this photo makes me want to go out at night and explore (especially at the beach, perhaps take a nap). This photo definitely hit the mark when it comes to serenity, tranquility, and peace. I love the reflection of the light into the open ocean. Lastly, the clouds look amazing. It has a nice texture to it. I strongly believe the center of interest in this photo is the open layout of the ocean and the open clouds with the reflection from the sky. You nailed it when it comes to exposure. Good job!


Nice photo! I believe you are on a boat and the sun is setting. You can never go wrong when it comes to catching the sunset or is it the sunrise? The attribute, colors, and background are stunning. I love the fact that the sunset is reflecting the open ocean and the boat at the same time. It seems like it was a very cold night. Was it? Great job capturing this photo.


I love this photo because it proves exactly what you said, “Sky’s not the limit”. This is another stunning shot and definitely not easy to take with high definition of the clouds. The clouds look amazing. I’m shocked you were able to capture this shot with such a busy sky filled with clouds. A large part of this photo is definitely the clouds with the blue sky. Excellent work!


When it comes to taking photography at night. You are on another level. In the background, it is mostly the sky. The sky looks overcast and almost full of clouds. The center of interest is definitely The Campanile. However, the open sky adds a nice touch. I also love the reflection of the light bulbs. Somehow you were able to capture the composition just about right. Stellar work!


This is another stunning photo. There is so much going on in here. I have no idea how you were able to capture this photo. The background just looks stunning. I love how the clouds are forming right in the middle. This is definitely a show-stopper from nature. It gives me the thrill vibes. When it comes to the contrast of this photo, you definitely nailed it. It’s an amazing photo. Definitely wallpaper worthy. You've mastered it!


Excellent photo! Frame-worthy photo. You can never go wrong with an open ocean and the sky. It definitely looks like this photo was taken by a professional photographer. Of course, I’m referring to you. I think you have inspired so many people here to take incredible photos. Including myself. Overrated! Hands down!

You nailed it when it comes to the background, contrast, composition, and background. The clouds are standing out very nicely. Oh, I also noticed there are two people walking down the dock. Caught me off guard, but definitely a nice hidden surprise. Keep up the good work!

@imac wannabe

This is a very nice shot of the jet. I’m not sure how you were able to capture this with such high definition. I believe the highlight of this photo is the jet flames that are coming out from the jet exhaust. It definitely adds a nice touch to the photo. I’m also happy you were able to capture this photo in a clear sky. It makes the jet stand out even more. Fabulous work!


Stunning shot of the open sky. You nailed it when it comes to the open background, composition, and colors. The hue and saturation of the photo are on point. I’ve seen so many sunsets around the world. However, I’ve never seen a glorious sunset in a pink hue. Stupendous!!


Nice photo! I love the reflection of the lightning. It’s aligned very well. You nailed it when it comes to the shadows of the lights. They are very catchy. I think the model of the moon becomes a very figurative representation. Thus, making this photo one of a kind. Btw, good job with the focal point!

I’m not too sure how you captured this shot. Is this inside a museum?


First-class work! This is definitely another frame-worthy photo. I love the open sky and the pattern of the clouds. This photo definitely has a cool feeling towards it. Another thing that I loved about this was the landscaping. It adds a very nice touch to the photo. The pattern and texture of the sky are on point!


Wow! This shot is amazing. It almost looks like it’s an oil painting. The texture and the depth are on another level. This photo is all about the pattern. The pattern of the clouds is definitely eye-catching. Excellent job!


I was amazed when I saw this photo. This photo is definitely one of a kind. I had to look at this photo very carefully and I realized that it looks like a 🌛 face. The clouds are shaping very nicely making a layout of the moon with a face init? You definitely nailed it when it comes to exposure, texture, pattern, shutter speed, and overall contrast. When I was thinking about what subject I should focus on last week. I think this is exactly what I was looking for. This photo is all nature’s work. It’s not something you can find on a daily basis. One of a kind and extremely rare. Outstanding job!!!


Nice reflection of the sky. It almost looks like it is painted however you did a good job with exposure, balance, and symmetry. An asymmetrical image, makes the clouds stand out in this image very nicely. I also love the fact this photo contains many different colors making the texture smooth. Magnificent job!

@CK Williams

Nice capture of the clouds. Good job capturing the texture of this photo. I think this photograph is all about keeping it simplistic. The shapes of the clouds look very nice thus making this photo stand. Another great definition of the texture lies in this photo. Keep up the good work!


Wow! This is definitely another frame-worthy shot. You nailed it when it comes to the depth of field. The texture, pattern, and colors are just perfect. This is something I would definitely get framed in my house. I love the fact you were able to capture the clouds, mountains, open desert, and some plantations all in the same place. This one is also a spectacular photo. Excellent job!

That is all folks! Magnificent job by everyone!

The moment you have been waiting for… Since the contest subject was universal and broad more title winners are chosen.


1st place: 🥇 @gaswerks 🥇

2nd place: 🥈 @Snowlover , 🥈 @Jumpthesnark

3rd place: 🥉 @someoldguy, 🥉 @Hughmac
, and 🥉 @thirsty_monk

Let’s give a big round of 👏 applause to 👑 @gaswerks 👑 Congratulations!!!
Congratulations to our winners, wonderful photos from all of you
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