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macrumors 603
Original poster
Oct 10, 2014
Welcome to this week's contest.

As the new year approaches, let us share our hopes for the new year.
In 2020, I moved into a new (for me) house. I'd been renting for several years and the time had come for a change. My home reflects my outlook on life. Positive in the face of adversity. My stronghold, my sanctuary. Having that sense of "Home" gives me focus and purpose. A new hope for the new year.

Standard rules apply.

Follow all relevant local laws regarding stay-at-home orders. If you can't go outside, try and take a photo at home or grab one from the archives.
  • Do not comment, vote, react or click “like” on images prior to the winners being announced.
  • The photographs must be your own work.
  • You may only submit one photo per contest.
  • This contest runs for one week. If in doubt, check the dates in the title.
  • At the end of the week, The Judge will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible.
  • If the Judge is unable to complete the selection within 48 hours of the deadline, then last week's 2nd place has to step in. 3rd place takes over should 2nd place be similarly unable to officiate.
  • The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create a new theme, after that it defers to 2nd place).
  • Be sure to update the Contest Master List as soon as you post a new theme.
  • Contest ends at the end of 12.27, Eastern US time.
My first book (eBook and print versions) Should be ready to publish first couple weeks of January 2021.
118 locations and over 250 photos. Can always find more to do. Probably 2 or 3 roadtrips to fill some gaps. Develop a supporting website, etc. But so close in the final stretch.

Cover photo/painting
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I'm looking forward to getting back to a normal life: getting out of the house, doing things, enjoying friends, etc. I am also getting a better appreciation of needing to learn new things and to "spread my wings." As I thought about this theme I realized my ICM experiment was all about getting out and doing something new. (I've also FINALLY started to learn how to use Lightroom.)

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The Pasque Flower or Mountain Crocus is my favorite flower. Just when it seems winter will never end, there it is. Thumbing its nose at long sub zero nights. Sometimes even pushing its way up through the last remnants of snow or ice. Vibrantly announcing the end of winter, though all around everything is still grey or brown. A symbol of hope, when all hope seems lost.
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Reactions: Janichsan
Yes I agree with two weeks or maybe even three the way the holidays fall this year.
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