When I once asked a dear friend “Does luck really have anything to do with it?” she replied "Luck: not so much but sorta kinda maybe sometimes, every now and then perhaps
No better example of how I, personally, view ‘luck’.
I subscribe, for the most part, to a Carl Jung'ian view of things . . .
. . . Jung’s idea of “meaningful coincidence” (i.e., "
synchronicity")--when one event is apparently not directly responsible for the other, yet the two are seemingly and meaningfully related--lends directly to how I ‘feel’ about such encounters.
As he wrote: “ . . . it cannot be a question of cause and effect, but of a falling together in time, a kind of simultaneity.”
To make a short story long, these special, 'lucky' events happen in all the times: they just need someone to consciously make (or take) the time to stop, and look.
In the end, it’s not really ‘luck' which brings one to such things
My MBTI does not include a "J", so this 'Contest' thing is rather difficult for me . . .
MtLoin2020 - "banga-kims-house": the back-drop placard (featuring whom I assume to be "Santa Clause") in the background, juxtaposed with the (naturally) pleased puppei next to the St. Pat's banner still has me in stitches
deep diver - "1_img_20190830_194152-jpg" ("BEER = SALAD!"): "beer's one of teh five food groups, no-messin' !"
OldMacsForMe - "05_418rose-jpg": I captured a shot of a rose about seven years ago--with similar 'coincidental' lighting--and it [still] appeares too good to be true . . . but, it was true
I feel the joy.
oblomow - "Fbig%2Fa95b94dd2e48c4fb9d1b3c760e37221d.jpg" (i.e., "Aer Lingus"): I could not (initially) help but to reminisce upon a select, few Beavis&Butthead episodes; but, the gradual shading in perspective of the mountains, and the clouds filled me with happy echoes . . . .
Hughmac - "i-kWcsVvT/A" ("In The Clover", or "I didn't know what luck was until I started having bad"): ". . . after me own heart, Mate", and I do not state this lightly, as dew, clover and Guinness are in my Top Five. Welcome to a new year, Brother *thik-pfft*
someoldguy - "_dsc0021_dxo2k-jpg": I have twenty-five MM, and twenty-five PB numbers in a box, awaiting my inspection . . . seeing (here, we are inundated with daily-updates (vis-a-vis "billboards" tallying this-day's 'Numbers') as I did not get the Jackpot, I play games with myself around when I will actually check if I have garnered any auxiliary "luck"
Laird Knox - "1616106785334-png": Buffalo Trace is my Distillery of Choice (see:
mackmgg - "img_6656-jpg": "rainbow-clouds" . . .
These moments with Time
Draw us closer to the Source:
So; it's So.
Arbiter of a
thousand eight hopes; decider to three . . .
Hughmac, I feel free, through my Irish heart, to place third.
OldMacsForMe, I faced quandary, for a second.
mackmgg, this is my best, and first.
This took me a bit longer than I had expected (helping SO prepare dinner, and drawing her a bath) . . . y'all are gracious Hosts, and I am gladdened to pass Ye Old Torch
Regards, splifingate