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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Oct 29, 2013
This raises an interesting philosophical question:. Can words that are generally considered not to name emotions put forward as names, descriptors, or metaphors for emotions? I think "yes.". I see this happening every day, whether in myself or my clients. (I have one client with whom we use the word "pebbles" to name a lifetime of very complicated experiences and emotions. The context tells how the word is being used in that moment, but it often describes his emotional experience.) Language and the way we use it are complex, imprecise, limited, often arbitrary, and often vague. Because of this, we often use words not in their pure or intended way.
Whilst I agree with you that within certain parameters it can work well. In the use of conveying something in one word to others without any further communication (welcome my inner pedant here to the stage) it doesn't work! ;)
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Clix Pix

macrumors Core
SO nice to see you back with us, Alex!!!! Looking forward to hearing more of your adventures with the wombats and others..... Sorry you had such issues with credit card, online communicating, etc. Bad enough when one is at home when something like that happens, but worse when away on a trip far from home! Good to hear all is getting sorted now!


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Oct 29, 2013
SO nice to see you back with us, Alex!!!! Looking forward to hearing more of your adventures with the wombats and others..... Sorry you had such issues with credit card, online communicating, etc. Bad enough when one is at home when something like that happens, but worse when away on a trip far from home! Good to hear all is getting sorted now!
Thanks, Clix. It was actually enjoyable to be forced to not have access to the outside world! The solitude and the deeper connection to place and others was wonderful to experience.

Laird Knox

macrumors 68000
Jun 18, 2010
it's been kind of brutal to be a judge lately. ?


macrumors 68000
Nov 2, 2007
@mackmgg: “Summer”.

Terrific image, as a visual composition, or construction, lovely control of light and shade, - it looks as though it could be a black and white shot, even though it’s not.

The rain, and hailstone shower looks ferocious, and freezing. Visually, one shivers, and the starkness of the shot is arresting, and the strong lines add enormously to the power of the image.

But, but, but: Quite apart from metaphor, indeed, entirely removed from the world of metaphor, this is not – by any stretch of any imagination – a shot that can credibly pass as any kind of representation of “summer” – (“summer storm”, or “summer shower”, perhaps, but we are confined to the use of one word, not two, or three), even ironically.

And, nor does it work as a metaphor for “summer”, and nor does it evoke any sense of “feeling” for, or a feel of, summer. It is a great shot, but it does not suggest summer, not in fact, in thought, (or metaphor), or feeling.

Oh, "summer" was about as sarcastic as could be! There was in fact nothing summer in that photo except the date (and maybe the leaves that are still green), it was a proper winter storm! For some reason the weather gods decided to play with us that week, setting the national record for the shortest amount of time from 100° to measurable snowfall (3 days from 100° to 4" of snow on the ground). It was actually quite nice to have a snow day after the 100° Labor Day weekend, but my garden sure didn't appreciate it :confused: Nor did all of the trees which are now much lighter without those unnecessary branches.
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