Why shapes? Honestly, I’m not totally sure but I do believe we humans are wired to detect patterns so I did find that aspect interesting. I also thought it might be different. Regardless, once the thought occurred to me it just felt right so I let my intuition carry the day. Tomorrow at work I will get back to being the rational process-oriented engineer. J
It goes without saying that the comments/thoughts given below are from a truly amateur photographer so please keep that in mind (i.e., I don’t know what I’m talking about but I know what I like – most of the time).
Janichsan –
Cubes, squares, lines, it’s hard for me to express why I like this picture but I do. What struck me most was the clean bright green lines against the blackness of the cube itself. It’s different, unique, so therefore inherently interesting to me. I also appreciate the effort of trying to capture an image at night.
deep diver –
Yes, I likey. I live in a city and I’m drawn to cityscapes. There is so much to see and consider in this image. I want to explore it. Oh, and it’s B&W. I think I might have to admit to myself that I’m just drawn to B&W images. One other thing that stood out to me in this image; what if there was less exposure or if the picture was taken at a different time of day (early morning or sunset)?
Steven-iphone –
I have an admission to make. I first I didn’t quite get this picture. But once I considered it more deeply I had an ‘Aha’ moment. Lines. You start connecting lines and you get shapes (primarily the bars and the tree trunk in the right of the image). It’s the greenery then that makes this image stand out. That creeping vine/weed is no ordinary ‘line’. For the purposes of this contest though I do wonder if we need the large tree trunk in the left of the image included.
tizeye –
Short cylinders (and lines of cheese and bars). The appeal of this picture is its simplicity. It’s not complicated. Additionally, I appreciate an image that captures the work that goes into making something. That is the Detroit in me I guess.
akash.nu –
Beautiful! There is even the symmetry of the image itself. I’m sorry, I don’t have anything else to add.
OldMacs4Me –
Ah, another image that appeals to me in its simplicity. I really appreciate the beauty in the little, sometimes not noticed, things that are all around us. Nearly everything (and everyone) has its own beauty if one takes the time to really see it. And again, someone took the time make this even if most of us won’t notice it.
cogi0490 –
I think we humans are also hardwire to like bright shiny things as well.

But after that initial impression there is something else that captures the eye; the pattern that is formed on the ceiling. Not only are there the shadows and shapes but they come in different colors. My eye goes back and forth trying to match the shape and color to the light fixture. Once again there is the challenge of trying to capture a clean image at night.
Clix Pix –
I have but one question. What is this!? That is the intrigue in this image. Yes, yes, we have the shapes, but how was it captured? Aesthetically this image may or may not be more interesting if I knew more about it. As it is the colors don’t excite me that much but the shapes themselves do.
cupcakes2000 –
Yes, we definitely have shapes (lines, rectangles) but my curiosity is getting the best of me. What is this? Is this part of a locks in a canal, a dam, something else altogether? And the colors, what gives (I do like the colors by the way, you don’t see them naturally everyday). Now this is me (of course), I think this picture would have even more appeal/mystery if the water in the bottom of the image was cropped out.
AllergyDoc –
I like where this picture is going but if I’m honest I have to say that I really wonder how I would feel about this picture if it was ‘warmer’. We have our hay, mountains, interesting clouds, but it leaves me a little cold. Also, and I hesitate to even add this, the houses in the background take away from this image for me. Perhaps a different perspective would have hidden the house behind a hay bale or put it out of the frame altogether. Keep in mind I say all of this liking the picture and its potential. Did I mention that I’m an amateur.
Kenoh –
Did I mention earlier that I generally like B&W and cityscapes. Yea, well, here we are.

I should add something though so how about this; I wonder how I would feel if this image had a little less black/empty space in the bottom of it.
Ukiyo Evenings –
I have to ask. Did you take any pictures of just this installation with no people or anything else included? I really like whatever it is and I have a feeling I personally would have liked a picture of just it and nothing else (I have an affinity for the abstract as well). Otherwise, I’m drawn to this image because I want to have a better sense of the installation.
oblomow –
One word immediately comes to mind seeing this image. ‘Monumental’. There is almost an element of Brutulism in the design of this bridge (Daughter #2 is an architecture student so I’m learning new design language stuff). This is one of the pictures I can’t really explain why I like it but I do. I like the touch of green in the lower right-hand portion of the image and how the whole image is set off against the night sky.
someoldguy –
I like this image very much. Simplicity and it also captures the work that goes into making something (lasting). I love the landscapes of the desert southwest of the US and this looks to me like New Mexico (or perhaps Arizona).
mollyc –
Of course ‘leaf’ is a shape! Especially a maple leaf.

A wonderful image
@mollyc. I initially thought that this theme may not have any pictures of the natural world if any submitted but I thought someone just might find a way and you did. I have nothing else to add, I very much like this image.
Apple_Glen_UK –
I really like this image too but there is one thing though. I think this image would be even more compelling if the strip of cement at the top of the image and the bit in the lower right-hand corner were cropped out of the image. I just know that this is an image I would have taken myself. (where is this?)
Judging a Challenge is not a trivial task. I guess I knew that in the abstract but actually doing it really makes you appreciate the effort involved. Any opinions of mine express here that may be thought overly critical or just plain off I truly meant to be constructive from my viewpoint. I will add that I that this has been a more rewarding experience than I initially thought it would be. I believe I will look at my pictures a little more critically moving forward.
Third place: someoldguy, oblomow
Second place: mollyc
First place: akash.nu