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So here we go. I didn't think we would get so many solid entries but thank you all for taking part this time around, even though I know that phone shots are not the favourite in this forum.

Let me start by admitting that I am not even remotely close to the point where I could critique any of you guys on your photographic skills and entries. So I will go with what stands out for me and will judge based on my limited understanding and knowledge. Also, I have been crazy busy to really be able to take the time to write up a good summary for each of the entries.

And on that note, here we go -

@oblomow - Thank you for taking the bite and posting the first entry. I am not sure what type of radio transmitter that is but a very clear shot nonetheless.

@Hughmac - That's a nice shot, good depth of field but the bee seems to be a bit out of focus, although I appreciate it being really hard to capture a fast-moving insect like that. I have tried it myself with not much success. The colour seems to be a bit mute on the leaves, was it how it really looked?

@deep diver - This is a brilliant shot, somewhat of a street photography. The black and white treatment do particularly well in this situation. I use the same trick to try and pull some of my worse shots out of the grave. I think the over exposed area particularly brings a good contrast to the scene. Nicely done.

@splifingate - I can imagine this being a particularly difficult shot. I have never come across such an opportunity to be able to capture something like this. The focus is on point, brilliant capture.

@yey365 - Good combination of colours on a white background. Nice eye for detail, although I would have liked the framing to be a bit tighter.

@Elbert C - That is what you call an awesome timing. There is not much to say about this shot except, well done.

@Clix Pix - Very interesting, I am not sure what I am looking at here but a very intriguing shot and definitely is mysterious.

@mackmgg - That is a beautiful scenary and probably shows one of the best uses of a smartphone camera, when taking a huge camera with you becomes too much of a burden. I just wish you had / used wide angle lens.

@mollyc - I love the soft natural lighting in this shot. Not sure why it looks that grainy in such bright light. What phone did you use? In terms of colour and whitebalance I am liking the vibe of this one.

@cogi0490 - This is another really good example of where a smartphone camera comes super handy. Very nice composition with the subject in focus, but feel like its a bit over processed. There is too much sharpness around the edge of the subject and the sky has gone grainy. This may have not been apparent on a phone screen if you have used it to edit the picture.

@MacNut - That lunch is super in focus. What do we have here? Do we have a food blogger here?! lol😜

@Darmok N Jalad - Now that's a beautiful shot, really good for a 5 years old device. I don't see any weird artefact there except a bit of over sharpened sky on the top left corner and too much of the blue shadow. Did you edit this with some sort of tint?

@Janichsan - That is a beautiful sky. Good dynamic range and colour hue. I just wish you framed the shot a little lower where the silhouetted horizon would be in the frame properly.

Right! And with that in mind, here goes -

3rd - @mackmgg
2nd - @mollyc
1st - @splifingate
@mackmgg - That is a beautiful scenary and probably shows one of the best uses of a smartphone camera, when taking a huge camera with you becomes too much of a burden. I just wish you had / used wide angle lens.

It's funny, normally I always take two photos when I take a telephoto pic on the iPhone, with the other one being the wide camera. But it looks like this time I didn't! Though I do have the wider pic without the bike there, but I guess I must have liked the composition a lot better with the 2x lens with the bike. I actually had my mirrorless with me at the time (the EOS RP is super lightweight, so not a huge burden) but I haven't figured out a good way to carry it while biking, so the iPhone was used for most of the more spontaneous shots.


On the topic of spontaneous shots, I've found it's a lot harder to get with the iPhone 12 than it was with my old iPhone X. The camera is overall way better on the 12, but it takes longer to get open (and even once open takes longer before it can actually take a photo) which means I often miss the truly spontaneous shots that I used to be able to get. I remember this was something Jobs used to directly talk about how good the iPhone was at, so it's a shame it seems to be getting worse.
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Congratulations to Splifingate, Molly and Mackmgg!

I doubt anyone could figure out what the heck my image is..... Actually, I was in the bedroom and happened to look out the window at just the right angle to realize that there is a section of the screen that somehow has gotten damaged. Don't know if it were weather damage or possibly a bird banged into the window, panicked, got caught in the screening or what, but something happened.

At any rate I grabbed the iPhone and took a few shots. After I'd done the basic documentary ones I got a little artsy and started playing around, just to see what would happen. The sun was coming in the window at an angle and lighting the wires of the screen. This particular shot fascinated me when I saw it in the computer because of the way the shadows and light interacted and created this mysterious effect. My main focus was on the damaged screen, of course, but I deliberately went into 2x and then also expanded with my fingers to around 9x..... Outside the window is our parking lot, and parked cars, plus also the sidewalk in front of the building. Somehow that all came out like this!
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Ooooh, thanks for the mention!

I use an 8+, I am pretty sure it seems grainy because the dynamic range isn't that great on a phone, and I might even have shot the original in jpeg which gives me even less editing room. And I exposed for the highlights to preserve the sunburst, but that caused the trees to be super dark. So raising the darks in post (like I would with a camera photo) added in extra noise. Plus I cloned out a big tree that was right in the middle of the frame. 😂

I was really annoyed that day that I hadn't taken my real camera out with me and did on the next morning, but of course the sun is never in the same spot and I probably walked at a slightly different time of day. 🙂 So the next day I got "better" images but could not recreate this particular image so kept my phone version.
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@Darmok N Jalad - Now that's a beautiful shot, really good for a 5 years old device. I don't see any weird artefact there except a bit of over sharpened sky on the top left corner and too much of the blue shadow. Did you edit this with some sort of tint?
You're asking me what I did 5 years ago? I can't remember what I did 5 days ago! I probably did. I was pretty new to post processing back then. Today, this is what a quick redo would look like instead.
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Thanks for judging! Congratulations to all the people on the podium. I'm glad @deep diver got the courage to enter a shot. I like it, and remember it from some time ago. My image was just a piece of concrete, a road barrier found in the forest with 'radio transmitter' painted on it.
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Thanks for judging! Congratulations to all the people on the podium. I'm glad @deep diver got the courage to enter a shot. I like it, and remember it from some time ago. My image was just a piece of concrete, a road barrier found in the forest with 'radio transmitter' painted on it.

Thank you for the support.
I honestly thought your image was a cemetery headstone.
My bad. I was looking at the closing date not the judgment date. Hopefully spiflegate comes back before tomorrow evening.
Sorry. (I hope that gets me off the hook with you.)
okey dokey. i bet spiflingate comes back but i have a theme in mind if necessary. 🙂
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Let's hear it everyone:


Don’t know why I’m getting excited.

  • Haha
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Don’t know why I’m getting excited.

oh, and yet you let it slip through your fingers the first time! 😂
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Working Out in the Field (literally), and I missed a bunch....

I am happy that I got to share that special moment with y'all, and honoured that you enjoyed it so much :)

Thank you!

I get so little comp time on these intensive OOT trips, and it takes some time to get to proper words . . . unfortunately, right now I gotta go grab some vittles with the Crew.

mollyc: I love your photography, and will gladly defer if my window of opportunity has passed.

I'll check-back after dinner....

Regards, splifingate

Working Out in the Field (literally), and I missed a bunch....

I am happy that I got to share that special moment with y'all, and honoured that you enjoyed it so much :)

Thank you!

I get so little comp time on these intensive OOT trips, and it takes some time to get to proper words . . . unfortunately, right now I gotta go grab some vittles with the Crew.

mollyc: I love your photography, and will gladly defer if my window of opportunity has passed.

I'll check-back after dinner....

Regards, splifingate
Nope it’s all you!!! 🙃
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