Okey dokey, stepping in for macmgg, here are my thoughts on the winter theme!
@Darmok N Jalad, a lovely woodpecker image, fantastic focus and good composition. On a technical basis, I think it's slightly underexposed, as I'd like to see the snow "snowier" and there is plenty of room for brightening, but snowy days often feel very gray, so this is a minor complaint.
@deep diver, this is my kind of winter image, as I am not a snow lover! 😉 A lovely image, it needs just the slightest bit of straighening, but I love the warm feel to it.
@cdcastillo, a clever repurposing for hospital decorations! 🙂 Not being the contest originator, take my comment with a grain of salt, but this doens't really feel wintery, but more Christmassy, and to me there is a distinct difference between the two. That said, as deep diver shows, winter is different for everyone, and I realize this might be as close as you get to anything wintery where you live.
@Clix Pix, yes, a familiar sight to those of us with so far mild winters. Again, it feels more post holiday than actual winter, but I appreciate the effort of shooting something new for the challenge. 🙂
@StrollerEd, a ha! At last a real winter feeling image. I now know you are an iphone only shooter at present, but I'd encourage you to explore some of the editing apps; this image is too blue and a bit underexposed; shooting snow takes some technical know-how that you have to over-ride or edit default camera settings. That said, I like the composition of the lone tree and the bit of grass left safe by the tree branches.
@Apple fanboy, I have really enjoyed seeing your pastoral images lately. The sheep series are some of my favorite by you. Again, I see this as slightly underexposed, but I adore the subject matter and the capture of the falling snow.
@koolmagicguy, such a similar image to AFB's, other than the swap of animals. 🙂 And your snow is white! It looks very peaceful there; I'd like to see a slight raise of the black point to bring in some detail to your subject, but a tricky overall exposure balance in this image for sure.
@OldMacs4Me, what a view! I love the light hitting the side of the mountain and that cloud cover is pretty fantastic. A nit picky comment would be that I'd like to see the bottom right of the image warmed up so it isn't blue snow, but again, snow is so hard for exposure and white balance.
@anotherscotsman, well a singular/macro type of image is right up my alley. Fantastic detail in the frost. Nicely balanced exposure and composition.
@someoldguy, a classic NYC view in the park. Winters in Manhattan can be brutal, and you make me wish I'd been a photographer when I lived there for two years. Just watch your white balance. 🙂
@Laird Knox, a lovely nighttime capture. I like the moon peeking out through the clouds. Nicely balanced exposure. For a winter image, I do wish just a bit more foregroud.
@tizeye, a good reminder that winters are different all over the world. I appreciate that you shared an image with winter birds since you live in a warmer climate, and that you explained the difference!
@oblomow, so not being a winter lover, I admit that this is what I feel when it reaches about 28*. Which is really not even that cold, but I don't tolerate cold well. 😉 I love that we can feel the whipping wind, and your wb and exposure are spot on.
@themumu, so you lost me at camping in the snow (see my comment above), but this looks like a lovely and peaceful spot. A bit underexposed again, and your subject gets a bit lost with the trees. I do love the leading line of the ski track though and it really helps guide your eye right to your subject.
@Janichsan, that is definitely not somewhere you should lose your footing! I would love to see just a bit of a wider view for some context of where you are, but great detail in the pieces of ice.
Okay, so since this was not really my competition to judge, I probably went a bit more technical on my comments than people are used to, as I wasn't really emotionally attached to this week's theme. My podium is as follows:
3. anotherscotsman and AFB
2. oblomow
1. StrollerEd...I love that you are working with the gear you have and asking questions on the POTD thread. 🙂 Would love to see you lead next week's thread.
Cheers to all! 💕