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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 10, 2006

The week has come to an end,
and thus I'll be releasing my decision ASAP.



macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 10, 2006
Quite a tough selection to judge from.. some great shots in there that unfortunately did not have such an obvious connection to the '...waiting' theme. While one usually finds captions next to photographs in any context, there were quite a few examples where the two did not match in the least. I'll offer a couple quick words on all photos, skipping those which will get a greater review at the bottom.

gaswerks - I'm afraid this is one of those where the photo does not support the caption. I would imagine the seats to be full of people waiting for the bride if she was late.. I'm guessing this shot it more about capturing the style of decoration, rather than setting which should have shown more of the environment.

Chappers - This is a great portrait shot, however without making an uncomfortable inference as to how you meant this photo to tie into the theme, I see the emotion captured here to reveal 'sadness' after an unknown event.

bootedbear - They may very well have been waiting for a next treat, however we are simply zoomed too close to tell from the photo. I imagine their open mouth, drooling, would have demonstrated that for us and offered more to this image.

ManhattanPrjct - I'm not sure either.. and I see someone who is casually looking over to see who is entering the room. In this shot the table in the foreground is really dominating. Had the bottom of it been cropped off, I think our eye would focus more on the subjects in the shot.

zeeflyboy - Dramatic shot captured here.. being so zoomed in, this is all about her eyes, yet I'm distracted by the massive writting of 'COSTA' on the bottom, its nearly identical to the composition of the face, light areas with dark in the center. Removing it would help keep our focus on her eyes, which seem to be more about seduction/anger than waiting.

designguy79 - From the shot alone, this is not waiting, but merely having fun with Dad's business clothes when he's returned. Reminds me of my childhood when we would blast Fats Waller's "Your Feet's Too Big" and tromp around in my dads oversized shoes. Worthy of a 99cent purchase and providing the same memories :

ukuleleman - Girl in blue seems sad about not getting something her way, and the girl in red is being quite patient about the whole matter. Unfortunately museum trains rarely leave on time ;)

flosseR - This is also a nicely composed shot, even though the overexposed white circle in the background is rather distracting. While she looks tired and 'waiting to leave', she is also content with something in her hand.

acearchie - The shot as a whole is quite blurry, in the action of backstage movement, which gives me the impression she didn't have to wait for too long if there wasn't enough time to capture it sharp [could also be lowlighting issue] - but more context would have helped visually explain this caption.

JDDavis - With the chair being the main subject here, it's having to compete quite strongly with the roof post that stands to the left of it in almost the same focus. While I'd like to pick an inanimate object to be waiting.. I'm not so sure that is happening here.

jmdfd415 - In strong competition with the other dog shots, and while offering more context than the previous doggie shot, it was up again some strong compositional competition from others.

OrangeCuse44 - Nice nighttime street shot, however NYC taxi as a theme is told here more than waiting be it in traffic or simply for the light to change.

NeGRit0 - Again, not so sure the inanimate object here reveals the idea of waiting.. and with the sun peering through the back, they may have to wait a while before someone cares to sit.

turugara - I'm sorry but I do not see how this fits into the theme at all.. I am picking up religious references..? I give you credit for the longexposure-lightplay, but not relevant for theme.

luminosity - Optimistic and tired.. nice portrait but not so relevant for theme.

Kebabselector - Seems to just be enjoying an evening by the dock.

gnd - While I'm drawn in by that streak of light, particularly where it passes the back wheel.. it's distracting to what would have otherwise been a great shot of mundane waiting.

GT41 - This shot is a little overexposed, resulting in some blur and bumping of noise.. while it captured a nice blur of passing taxi, it would have made a better capture if lowering the exposure a couple stops.

joepunk - She looks bummed/bored, rather than waiting. Quite passive in the market for hugs in comparison to that 'free hugs' clip I can only guess being impersonated.

milkshayne - great composition, although this shot could use some bulging perspective correction that seems to be happening to the top and bottom due to the wideangle. From the look of it, they seem quite content with their situation for the past umph hours.

nomad01 - The subject here looks like they are simply enjoying the direct sun hitting half of them while on travel. I think the middle values could be lowered a bit to help make the light in this shot more dramatic, and pull our attention away from the wall to the left of the subject.

Damn.. I got a little too wordy here, but now for the winners in reverse order:

_3rd - Ascom
Great composition with the reflection of surroundings which the waiting, yet content, dog has to entertain itself. Here the caption was not needed, since it's a very familiar scene, however captured in a clever way. A slightly tighter crop may have been nice here, no need for the top or bottom of the window, plus blown out siderearview mirror. All information we need is either within the car or outside reflection.

_2nd - pdxflint
I almost didn't want to pick this photo because of the lengthy description which simply is not needed [although sweet, it overly emotionalizes the photo for contest]. The dogs ears and forehead here offer a great deal of information for its alert and waiting state. The composition is great, with the open space surrounding the main subject, a descriptive context is provided with the parked car and houses in the background, not to mention the long shadows revealing the time of day.

_1st - Nicolasdec
NOBODY makes her royal majesty wait.. Nobody! The gentleman to her left helps accentuate the seriousness in her demeanor, which hardly needs it due to the near glare her eyes are making. To top it off the pink umbrella with its soft, almost prissy quality, acts as a nice counter balance to her current state. Considering all of the press photogs that are in the frame, you were rather fortunate to have this perspective on the moment. The composition is excellent, even though cropping off a bit of the left might help restrict our focus, while the right is perfect with another photographer pointing towards the awaiting subject. Well done!

Thanks everyone for participating!


macrumors regular
Apr 25, 2009
Cheers for the feedback!

I did toy with removing the logo actually, but was afraid it would create a distracting large white mass in the lower part of the frame...

Here is the image de-costa-fied - what are your thoughts guys? better?

Congrats to the winners and everyone else, there were some fantastic pics!


deep diver

macrumors 68030
Jan 17, 2008
Nicolasdec -- congrats. Looking forward to the next topic.

They were waiting on a bus.

I think you did a great job here of capturing the essence of who these girls are. An excellent image.

Waiting for you to say hello?]

This is one of the best images I've seen in a long time. The composition is outstanding. Her eyes are seductive and draw the viewer in. Her hair frames her face perfectly and the steam from the cup and the cup itself balance the rest of the image. I like the lettering on the cup because it sets the context for the story. Without the lettering my eyes are drawn down to the cup and the image is left with very little impact. Outstanding work.

Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
Cheers for the feedback!

I did toy with removing the logo actually, but was afraid it would create a distracting large white mass in the lower part of the frame...

Here is the image de-costa-fied - what are your thoughts guys? better?

Congrats to the winners and everyone else, there were some fantastic pics!


+1 to everything Deep Diver said. The 2nd photo is obviously PhotoShopped and creates an unnecessary light zone in the photo. The cup said "Costa" let it live. It's not a winner for this contest, but it is a great portrait. Love the feel.



macrumors regular
Jul 10, 2009
Yay! I got mentioned!

That was shot on film; I wanted the real grain look. I didn't get the chance to pp it myself, the car is actually bright red (Miata).If it was digital I would have mixed the color balance of the b/w conversion differently. True fact: I dreamed that shot in b&w a week before I took it. Not exactly those reflections, but the idea.

I gotta say, I loved "Prudence waits". Great shot.
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