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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 24, 2022
Congratulations to @mollyc and everyone for the great selection of photos submitted. Looking forward to next week's topic.
@Jumpthesnark, didn't realize you use to live close to Lake Eola, and presume you've left Orlando. Just FYI, my thermostat greeted me this AM with 29 degrees outside temp! For 'old home week' I've placed many photos this week of my walk around Lake Eola in POTD and will continue this week...with one of my favorites posted today and was one of 3 considered for this contest. The one posted was at the entrance by the bandstand - so catching it between groups of people was the issue with limited time to set up - still had that one person. A bit of a quandry on future POTD sequence as today is free admission to Morse Museum (for other's info - major Tiffany Glass collection), allowing cameras, with violin setting atmosphere. But yesterday, went to Orlando Wetlands Park near Christmas where I have posted many wildlife photos from the access roads, but Monday they opened a mile long boardwalk through one of the retention ponds. Unbelievable photo opportunity with some I am dying to post!

Yes, I left Orlando some time ago - I lived north of Colonial near Mills. Great neighborhood. Looking forward to the other photos you post from around there!

I'm quite surprised at the temps you saw this morning! There were some hard freezes around Christmas when I had to drive out to the orange groves near Apopka and Clermont before dawn to photograph the icy citrus trees. I hope those growers and their crops are doing okay today.


macrumors 68030
Aug 28, 2007
SE Michigan
I shot this at a holiday nighttime photography event at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. We ended up using it on our holiday card the following year.

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I was gonna submit this .. then saw your entry so submitted a different image
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