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Well done Melizard for the judging. Despite your disclaimer your comments seem very well done to me! Much better than I could have done.

Well done JDD, Needfx, Alex and everyone for some stunning photos. Look forward to seeing what the next competition will bring! :)
Thank you very much for the nod and the comments Melizard. There were some great photos in there and I'm honored to get to choose the next round. The light in that particular pool was other worldly at that particular moment and I'm glad the colors made out as well as they did. I could spend a lifetime in Yellowstone.

someoldguy--I just wanted to say your pic immediately made me want to watch one of my all time favorite movies - The Searchers.

I'm off to dinner real quick but I will have a new contest up later tonight (EST) or early in the morning. Thanks again and great pics!
Interesting theme this week!

It brought up some horrid geology joke openings, such as : "a gang of bauxite crashes an aluminum party..." , "bauxite family adopts a roll of aluminum...", "a girl wrapped in aluminum goes to a club..."

Great geomorphologies fellow contestants, congrats to JDDavis & Alexander of Oz.
Nicely judged Melizard and great example pic of the volcano.

for my pic, I wish I was half a step to the right. I also regret the fact that even though I somehow corrected the perspective in PS, I uploaded the wrong photo...silly goose.

equipment : canon 6d, ts-e 17mm, handheld with available light
exposure : 17mm, 1/10sec, f/4, iso-5000
post production : some highlights & shadows tinkering, some red tint boosting, and a perspective correction not reflected in posted photo as previously stated.

to the next theme


  • bauxite gang crashing an aluminum party.jpg
    bauxite gang crashing an aluminum party.jpg
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Congrat's to JDDavis and NeedFX! A huge thanks to Melizard for the effort of individual feedback, especially on a busy week and for the wonderful compliments. Well done to all else who entered too, some great pictures amongst this weeks lot.
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