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macrumors 68000
Sep 30, 2007
NSW, Australia.


macrumors 6502a
May 1, 2008
I snapped a picture of my friends turtle!

I was surprised how well my picture turned out. The turtle liked to hide, so I (very) lightly tapped on the glass to get it's attention, then temporarily blinded it with a flash as it approached.



Sep 7, 2008
forlod bygningen
Wow, there are some amazing pictures of insects here. I would like to live in such an environment where they are more prevalent than the city I currently live in.

I took the following picture some months ago.


Camera: Canon G9
Exposure: 1/160
Aperture: 3.2 at ISO 80
Focal length: 12.733 (digital)


macrumors 6502a
Nov 8, 2007
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Canada Thistle

The dreaded Canada Thistle. A weed that is not appreciated in some parts... but I thought the dew on the webbing looked pretty. I just have the 18 - 200 mm lens with my Nikon D-80, so no fancy close up lenses for me... yet.


  • Thistle copy.jpg
    Thistle copy.jpg
    1 MB · Views: 96


macrumors regular
Feb 7, 2007
Mt. Challenger

Mt. Challenger, Picket Range, North Cascades NP, USA


Scan from B&W negative taken in 2002


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 19, 2007
Wow. That's all I can say. I could declare almost any shot in this thread a winner. Submissions may be posted until 12:00 AM Saturday morning EST. I will do my best to decide on a winning photo tomorrow (Saturday), but please be patient, this is going to be an extremely difficult decision, but that's almost what I was aiming for with this theme. Great shots everybody!


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 19, 2007
I decided to multi-quote every entry so anyone viewing the thread doesn't have to go back and see what picture they are reading about. I am sorry that the entries with "attached" images didn't quote. This has been an extremely tough decision, and I certainly hope I made the right choice. This is my first time judging a photo contest, but I did my best. Thank you again for your entries.

I only had a point and shot back when I took this but I've always remembered this bug sheltering from the rain.
It's funny, I didn't even notice the bug until I read your caption. I must admit, it is obvious you used a point and shoot, but nevertheless, a great photo.

Wow, what a great photo. It's obvious you have a lot of practice with Bald Eagles. Well-framed and good exposure.

Pine with morning dew - first entry.
When I first looked at your entry, I thought that was ice on the pine, which to me, would have made a better photo. For a first entry, I don't think I could have done any better. Great bokeh, and an overall great shot.

A Banana Heart just waiting to open and reveal a bunch of bananas. :D
I can't say I have ever seen a Banana Heart here on the East Coast US. Great colors, but it might have helped to move the subject a little more to the left (in my opinion), but again, a great photo.

Whatever post-processing you did (assuming you did some), you did well. Great contrast and saturation. This location was certainly a wonderful find.

A great subject, but the picture is a tad blurry and overexposed. A great find.

I have tried and failed at this type of shot, but I must admit, this is a great photo. Great bokeh, but I'm not so sure about the objects in the foreground. In my opinion, they do nothing to help the photo, but it doesn't detract too much from the shot.

I love the tree branches in the foreground. A sun down so clear is rare, but you managed to get a great shot!

Great color in this shot. The bee does add to the picture. Great focus, but I don't personally like the brick wall in the background. Overall a great shot.

Great leaf shot. Wonderful colors, but a bit overexposed for my taste. I love the title, assuming you mean running from the leaf eating bugs.

Wow, certainly a rare find. And two of them! Great shot, but a bit dark for me.

Creepy little dude:

I love the foreground objects in this one. Without the green, this shot would certainly be a bit boring. Interesting subject.

Wow. I love squirrels! I would love to know which lens you used for this shot. Great color, bokeh, framing, and of course, subject. Wonderful photo!

Overall, a great scenic shot. I did notice some ROYGBV coloring from the sun toward the bottom of the photo. Great photo.

Interesting shot. Great sky color, but the tree is a bit...something. I don't know how to put it, but there is a orange tint from the sky on the leaves. If it were an orange sky with purely green leaves, I think you'd have a winner.


Model: NIKON D50
ISO: 200
Exposure: 1/800 sec
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 200mm
That's a lot of seals! Certainly an interesting subject. I like how you incorporated some "civilization" with the shot.

Australia sure does have some beautiful sunsets. The clouds are just right, and the sunlight isn't too harsh. Wonderful photo.

Amazing depth of field on this one. Great colors, and certainly an interesting flower.

Bow River
I like the combination of the mountain and the river, but the trees in front of you (especially the dead ones) don't really help. Also, it seems a bit sharp.

A wonderful reflection shot, but the tree on the left (as I have said with other photos) doesn't really help the picture. More color would help.

Great subject, but I don't particularly like the framing of this one. It's also a bit blurry. Great color though.

My entry:
That sure is a colorful bird! I know you can't really help this, but I think some natural sunlight would have helped out with the composition of this one. Overall, a great photo.

Got pollen?

Personally I enjoyed some of your other flower shots on your SmugMug than this one. It is, however, a great photo.

Japanese Snow Monkey
It would have been great if you could have gotten a more artsy angle of this little guy. It is certainly a cute photo.

I followed this image in the Photo of the Day thread for November. When I first saw it there, it seemed like a painting or animation. Great composition.

I don't really have anything positive to say about this one, so I won't say anything at all.

A beautiful butterfly, but I would have made it the main, most lit part of the photo. I think the bright rock takes too much away from the photo.

"the rose"
Interesting find, although I probably wouldn't have noticed the rose if it weren't for the title. Overall, great composition.

This was taken in my front yard with a cheap 2.1 megapixel canon circa 1998.
You have a beautiful front yard! Great contrast of colors.

Great DOF, and an interesting subject, but not enough color for me.

Great location, but the photo is a bit blurry, grainy, and blueish. Try going back (if it's easy) and trying this one again. I've seen and liked some of your other stuff, so I'm a bit confused by this one.


Taken at the Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park in Utah with a Canon 350D.
Oh boy. I absolutely love this shot. Great composition. Not too bright, great cloud position, and great sky color. Wonderful photo!


Camera: Canon G9
Exposure: 1/160
Aperture: 3.2 at ISO 80
Focal length: 12.733 (digital)
Great macro! Wonderful colors and well framed.

A great capture! Just at the right moment. Great composition, DOF, and color. Amazing macro!

Wow, great photo. Nice clouds, sunlight, and mountains in the background. Great reflection on the water too. Good job!


D40, 55mm, 1/160s, f/5.6, ISO 200
Great color and subject! Is that frost or dew on the cherry's? I think it's frost, but it doesn't really matter, it's a great shot either way!

The dreaded Canada Thistle. A weed that is not appreciated in some parts... but I thought the dew on the webbing looked pretty. I just have the 18 - 200 mm lens with my Nikon D-80, so no fancy close up lenses for me... yet.
That thistle would certainly make an interesting macro subject. Overall, a great photo with great color.

...taken around Labor Day weekend 2008, Red Hills of rural Kansas.
I am always fascinated by your stuff valdore. This is certainly a wonderful black and white HDR, with the sun behind the cloud (I think), and the mailboxes in the foreground. Great shot.

Late entry....

If it weren't for the grain, you would have a decent shot. Still, it's a great capture.

Mt. Challenger, Picket Range, North Cascades NP, USA


Scan from B&W negative taken in 2002
Great scan! I love the shadow in the foreground and the tips of the mountain up top. Wonderful shot!

You are one brave photographer, my friend. Wonderful DOF.

Turtles, when framed right, make wonderful subjects. This certainly falls into that category. Wonderful photo with great composition!

pretty flower

EDIT: flickr pic is not coming up - link here.
Great color! Overall a great shot, but I would have probably made this a macro (hard with your point and shoot, I know).

Well, I was going to pick a Top 5 and decide a winner from there, but there are just more than 5 photos which I think are wonderful embodiments of my theme of Nature. I will, however, list my favorites, in order of appearance:


I realize that's about 1/4th of all the submission, but they are all wonderful shots! I must pick a winner though, which is a tough, touch decision. However, I have come to a conclusion. This week's winner is iranintoavan. Congratulations! You may pick next week's theme!


macrumors 6502
Oct 22, 2008
Thanks, techie4life for giving comments on every picture! :) I agree with the winning photo, it caught my attention (and it helps that the same camera I use was used for it :rolleyes:). Spinnerlys's picture was also one of my favorites. Thanks for judging! :cool:


macrumors regular
Dec 5, 2006
New Jersey
Whatever post-processing you did (assuming you did some), you did well. Great contrast and saturation. This location was certainly a wonderful find.

Not that much, actually -- increased the clarity & contrast in Lightroom, and crunched the blacks a bit.... some sharpening -- but nothing but slider adjustments and a crop.

The location is the Sleepy Hollow cemetery in Tarrytown, NY... was visiting Washington Irving's grave and saw that the tree trunk had decide to overtake a nearby tombstone.

Excellent choice on the winner -- iranintoavan's shot really exhibits what great composition can do for a shot. A perfect balance between the dune and the sky, fantastic perspective.


macrumors 68020
Mar 7, 2006
techie4life, you went above and beyond! Thanks for hosting a great contest and being so thorough!

Congratulations iranintoavan, that is a stunning shot!
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