Some great images in this weeks competition, well done folks.
Picking a winner was hard as the there were 3-5 photos I really liked and it could've gone either way. Regardless, this is how I'm going to vote:
Honorable mentions: MacRy, Cyclops62 and salacious.
3rd: Needfx. Great image, nice pose and good lighting.
2nd:jkramerbob. Nice use of ambient light. Great atmosphere and fantastic perspective.
1st: filmbufs. Just a great portrait. Interesting pose, great lighting and subject matter.
Congratulations filmbufs, you'll be setting the theme for the next competition.
Picking a winner was hard as the there were 3-5 photos I really liked and it could've gone either way. Regardless, this is how I'm going to vote:
Honorable mentions: MacRy, Cyclops62 and salacious.
3rd: Needfx. Great image, nice pose and good lighting.
2nd:jkramerbob. Nice use of ambient light. Great atmosphere and fantastic perspective.
1st: filmbufs. Just a great portrait. Interesting pose, great lighting and subject matter.
Congratulations filmbufs, you'll be setting the theme for the next competition.