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Martin C

macrumors 6502a
Nov 5, 2006
New York City

Outside Yankee Stadium, New York City
April 2008

An NYPD team take a bomb sniffing dog underground to the subway before Pope Benedict makes his entrance into a mass of 60,000 people at Yankee Stadium.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 19, 2008
Las Vegas, Nv
Sweet, I made it!

I want to submit a picture, but I don't get home to my iPhoto for about 6 hours is that ok? I know today is the last day. :confused:

EDIT: I guess i made it in time here is my city from a bus stop that i sat at night after night after night to get home from work...



macrumors 68020
Original poster
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
contest open until 9 P.M. Pacific Std Time tonight...

Okay, the contest is 'officially' closed, but I will look at anything that comes in over the next couple of hours, since I won't be reviewing them until later tonight. Technically, the week was up at 2:55pm, but I'm giving until 9pm PST for any stragglers. Get 'em in now, if you want.



macrumors 68020
Original poster
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
Okay, here goes. Results of this week's contest:

panoz7: This one is definitely different. I like the creativity, but your photo(s) makes me want to rotate it, and then study it further. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to take it in... so on first impressions it's a bit confusing. Maybe if it were really big and on a wall I'd be looking at it a while, but in this format/forum it loses that..

techie4life: I really like this. The movement is vibrant, nice color... does a nice job of capturing a flavor of Manhattan at night. I'd like to be a bit closer to the people - perhaps a crop on bottom and top of shot to tighten the vertical just a bit without losing anything... but nice!

mrgreen4242: Looks a lot like my little town. The main thing I can interpret here is that it's a quiet little place where they roll up the sidewalks each evening, or it's really late and everyone's at home. It doesn't really say too much else.

raxafarian: Nice skyline. I like the b/w. It has a nice smooth tonal range in the grayscale, and the boat adds a note of interest. Too bad the sky is featureless...

jbernie: Nice, clean shot. I find that I don't really know what to look at... there's no focal center - it's like seeing something as you're passing by on a boat, sort of a grab shot. The buildings in the back all sort of compress into each other, and I don't really get much of a sense of the unique character of the city, other than it's a modern city.

ipodtoucher: This photo tells a story... ground zero tells a story. There is a haunting quality to this shot. The hazy background and what appears to be idle machines with no people makes it rather ghostly. This shot definitely catches my eye... makes me pause.

cosmokanga2: Nice night shot. I love the perspective, perhaps that of a primordial creature lurking in the swampy shadows of civilization's glowing reflections... well done.

md2427: The shot does give a feel of being there, kind of a tourist perspective. Interesting characters, especially the guy on the left and the little trumpet guy in the middle. I actually like the competing background in this case, as it helps put the foreground into perspective in the big picture.

lu0s3r322: Didn't know how I felt about this at first. It made me want to tilt my head and wait for the cabs to pass so I could cross the street. Of course, I didn't know where I was going, either. I was just trying to know what I was looking for here...patterns, movement, perspective? I like the darkish tones, and in the end realized it made me feel like I was actually there... so... interesting.. hmmm.

Tom Sawyer: Pretty nicely done. Not terribly original, but not bad. I like that you managed to capture some light in the sky. I don't know your city, but maybe you could have tried a few different viewpoints as well. The buildings are all clustered together in this angle, dominated by the twin-spired tower, which gives the impression of a big ship..;)

albysilk: Interesting shot of an unfinished 'grafitti' mural project shut down for the night. The thing is it doesn't tell me anything about itself, or how it relates to your this town. Maybe a closer shot, emphasizing the actual artwork detail a bit more. Either way, I'm either too close, or too far away.

MicBook: I like this. It's a bit underexposed for the street level stuff, but that keeps the brightly lit stuff from being blown out. For a street shot at night, it seems to work...

doubleohseven: It's a bit contrasty. The right side is fine, the left side has me straining to look into the shadows... the subject is non-descript, but the picture does describe essentially what this street looks like...without telling me much about it.

Chappers: I like where you're going with this. A bit too much sky, but I like the vertical composition with the depressing trashy foreground. I even like the depressing tones... but this would have really made an interesting concept if you could have contrasted this with something... like a sign advertising posh high-rise apartments, or a ritzy hotel in the background, or something to make it ironic... by itself I'm only getting half of it since I wouldn't know where this was on it's own without some reference. Try more of this kind of stuff. You might be onto something.

dewailang: I'd like to have seen this bigger. I like this night scene. The sharpness and color of the produce contrasted with the warmer tones and motion of the people makes it seem alive. Not sure if you used slow-sync flash, or the light was just that color, but I like the sense of place.

deep diver: This one has grown on me. I like this one big, so I can feel like I'm pressing my nose up against the shiny reflective surface, and looking at those people with them not knowing I'm looking. I like the distortion, and it does make me wonder about each of the people in the shot. All this with that huge backdrop of Chicago. Really nice.

romanaz: This is the kind of shot that would make a decent postcard... as it has that surreal, painterly quality of certain HDR photos. The colors have an almost pastel quality about them, which works here.

movieman76: Gotta love the flags... and the big love sign. There's this hodgepodge quality to this composition, yet the picture says something about the place...

AlexH: This is really striking. I love the texture, tonal qualities, composition and flavor of this shot. Looks like it was done on film. Nice muted color palette.

endingstart: A little too far from the subject, and the skyline and main feature is a bit too centered, both horizontally and vertically. The birds add a little interest, but the overall effect is one of distance, which is emphasized by all that featureless sky.

Capio-Lumen: I think the HDR was a little strong here (bit of a halo effect,) and this is only my opinion, since others may disagree... but I'm the one judging this week. The shot does have a painterly quality, which may be what you were going for, but I think a less heavy-handed processing job might have been better.

MartinC: Your shot speaks volumes about our world today, and I love the quirky, photojournalistic style of this shot.

apearlman: I like where you're going with this... but the lighting difference was too much. If you could have caught some light (first dawn or last light) on the Chrysler building to fill the shadows, this would have been really something. Now, which one's Minerva? ;)

seattle: Hmmm.... wonder what town this is from? <jk> Well, you captured an iconic landmark really well. I actually like the similarity in tone between the rest of the DT buildings and the background sky... it's kind of different. The shot displays on my MBP really well when the monitor brightness is about halfway. The overall shot has a bit of a warmish cast to it, but it doesn't really hurt.

mikekelley: I'm not sure what to make of this one... looks like a sign maybe over a street... but I can't tell. The overall shot is too dark, but if if the highlights were brought up, it might be graphically a cool shot. Minimalist, but okay.

NeGRit0: Nice night shot from Paris, Nevada....;) I'd have preferred a little different perspective so that the "Eiffel tower" was less centered, and not competing so much with the building on the right. Also, maybe do some variation on the wide-angle, closer shot, looking up making it more dramatic. Having never seen that version in Vegas, you did capture it well, because I'm impressed.

Here's how I picked 'em for this week: (real tough call...the top three all could have easily been my choice, depending on what hour it was!)

First - deep diver / "Chicago Bean"
Second - AlexH / "Hot Springs"
Third - ipodtoucher / "Ground Zero"

...quite a few honorable mentions... MartinC, techie4life, movieman76, Chappers, and cosmokanga2.

The rest of you also brought some nice work to the contest, and I enjoyed seeing and commenting on them. Hopefully all comments are taken in the spirit of constructive opinion, and nothing more.

Congrats, deep diver.

Looking forward to the next contest.


macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2003
At home
Thanks pdxflint for the incredible feedback for everyone. Sadly directly behind me was a brand new shopping centre and luxury apartments but it was not possible to get them in and achieve the same feel for the shot.

deep diver - I also chose this photo to win - I really like it....... well done.


macrumors newbie
May 8, 2008
Manchester UK
Thanks pdxflint for the comments, sounds like you've spent a serious amount of time reviewing each entry. Very helpful comments - thanks again.

Congrats to the winners!


macrumors 68020
Mar 7, 2006
Thanks dude! Congrats to all for some really cool shots. Nice work everyone!

deep diver

macrumors 68030
Jan 17, 2008
Thank you and new thread has been posted

Thank you pdxflint and everyone else for your feedback.

Movieman76, I grew up in Philadelphia (the greatest city in the world). Your picture was a real treat for me.

The new thread has been posted.

Have fun.


macrumors member
Dec 15, 2006

Thank you pdxflint and everyone else for your feedback.

Movieman76, I grew up in Philadelphia (the greatest city in the world). Your picture was a real treat for me.

The new thread has been posted.

Have fun.

Glad you enjoyed it.
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