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macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2008
Smell that alley way? :p
Shot on film from my 3rd shoot ever and scanned in


  • Untitled-7.jpg
    122.6 KB · Views: 145


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 8, 2007

Thanks for all the entries. I'm certainly not a professional but offer the following comments:

Entry 1:
techie4life - I like the exposure and sky. I probably would have cropped it a bit differently by cropping just above the first band of dark clouds and just to the right of the side-by-side double towers in the distance.

Entry 2:
zuma022 - Decent picture but really doesn't speak to me. I'm not sure what I would have done different but it just seems to need something.

Entry 3:
lu0s3r322 - Exposure seems to be a bit too high. Maybe a graduated filter? Scene looks interesting. A waterfront?

Entry 4:
heron88 - I like the angled perspective and cloud motion.

Entry 5:
rouxeny - Nice picture but a bit too busy for my taste. Maybe get lower to the ground and emphasize one of the rocks by getting really close to it.

Entry 6:
ftaok - I kept trying to decide if this was an artistic, interesting picture or if it was overexposed with some motion blur? I like the effect but I'd like it more if the sky wasn't so blown out.

Entry 7:
PeteB - Nice picture and again I like the perspective looking upward.

Entry 8:
anubis - Interesting picture. Something about the color is throwing me off though.

Entry 9:
jodelli - Nice picture. I'm not sure if I would have included the lamp on the left or not.

Entry 10:
gnd - Nice picture.

Entry 11:
Indydenny - Nice picture. I like when the clouds get lit from below.

Entry 12:
nuffy12 - I really like this picture except for the sun/moon being dead center.

Entry 13:
pdxflint - Another one I really like.

Entry 14:
GT41 - nice shot of the rainbow

Entry 15:
RHVC59 - Very nice picture. I probably would have cropped out the dark cloud at the top left

Entry 16:
LittleCanonKid - Another nice use of available light but I would have tried moving the lit subject away from the center.

Entry 17:
lucarelli - Nice picture

Entry 18:
yzeater - Nice night shot. Maybe straighten the statue so it's vertical

Entry 19:
w_parietti22 - I like the lighting and reflections

Entry 20:
ipodtoucher - Nice shot. I like the star effect on the lights

Entry 21:
md2427 - I probably would have tried to get the sun to one side or the other.

Entry 22:
Nicholie - nice, soft lighting through the window

Entry 23:
GotMyOrangeCrus - This picture doesn't really say anything to me?

Entry 24:
CK Williams - Must have been a full moon? Lit the scene nicely

Entry 25:
LERsince1991 - Maybe a vertical orientation would have worked better

Entry 26:
Chappers - nice pic

Entry 27:
Sigur - I like the lighting but not really the scene

Entry 28
Cliff3 - Nice picture but I don't like the horizon dead center.

The Winner is:
Old growth, Oregon coast range posted by pdxflint

In case the winner doesn't post a new thread within 72 hours:
Second Place: Sun or Moon? by nuffy12

And third place in case neither first or second respond (allow 72 hours for each): A Southeast Alaskan Sunrise by RHVC59

Thanks to all that entered. Judging one of these isn't as easy as I thought it would be. Take any comments above as my opinion and they may be worth exactly what you paid for them :)


macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2003
At home
Well done pdxflint - nice pic
and nuffy12 - I had one very similar in my list to possibly post - you forced me to go in a different direction :D


macrumors 6502
May 10, 2008
Eugene, Oregon
Thank you, for the C&C!
You sure took the time to think about them and provide it is nice to see the thought process, Lot of work on your part. Thanks


macrumors newbie
May 20, 2008
Well done to pdx, nice photo. Thanks for the second also didn't expect that. It was the sun on an early foggy morning by the way, just thought it was cool as it was hard to tell.

Thanks will be entering more often.


macrumors regular
Apr 25, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Well done guys, I really thought we had some very high quality pictures this week (probably more than we have had in the recent past.)


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
Thanks... new subject shortly...!

Thanks, raxafarian. There were certainly plenty of worthy entries which would have also been great choices, so I'm flattered that you chose my image.

I'll do a bit of thinking, and post the next contest shortly. Great job this week everyone.
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