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3 characters.... M10.....
This one?

Nice! :p
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Reactions: kenoh and needfx
Just a heads up that theres only a bit over 24 hours until I end this thing . At noon tomorrow NYC time . There's around 7,000,000,000 people on earth ; some of them are stuck on 28.8 dialup and I want them to have a chance to post an entry.
Just a heads up that theres only a bit over 24 hours until I end this thing . At noon tomorrow NYC time . There's around 7,000,000,000 people on earth ; some of them are stuck on 28.8 dialup and I want them to have a chance to post an entry.
But of the 7 billion on earth, how many own cameras, are Macrumors members, and are following this thread?

Might get a couple more!

Volume Knob
by Matthew, on Flickr

Volume knob from a G&L L2000 Bass. Roughly 3/4 inch tall by 5/8 inch circumference
Nice! Does the volume go up to 12?!
Well , that's that ! Contest closed! I have a (probably) dismal affair I have to show up for this afternoon , but hopefully should be able to bail out of there early . Looks like I've got my work cut out for me here , there's an awful lot of nice stuff entered . I want to spend a bit of time checking out everyones' work on a good monitor , and come up with some commentary . So , with any luck , there'll be winners up tonight , or tomorrow morning at the latest .
Was that a Classic Whiskey Sour, with the dry shake egg white?
Yes! Nice call.
[doublepost=1485043616][/doublepost]I know this is a contest that is completed, but, I hope people continue to post to this thread, if that's ok. I think nearly all of them are winners!
Yes! Nice call.
[doublepost=1485043616][/doublepost]I know this is a contest that is completed, but, I hope people continue to post to this thread, if that's ok. I think nearly all of them are winners!
Best to start a new thread just dedicated to macro shots, then technique etc. can be discussed.

Cheers :)

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Reactions: MacRy
Took me forever to judge this thing , the quality of this weeks’ submissions were good beyond belief .

Some comments …

JohnDS : Great Bug ! Nice color , pretty good detail , you were able to pick up most of the fine details ,i.e. the ‘hairs’ on the bugs’ legs , and on the leaf .

CmdrLaForge : Tulip ? Looks like one of the ones I had in my garden , anyway . Nice crisp image , great colors , there seems to be a loss of detail in the yellow areas , though . It looks like there’s things hiding that could be brought up a bit .

Kenoh : You had to do this …… a watch I’ve wanted for maybe 40 years ! A great image that works even better in monochrome . Probably hides the fact that it’s a rose gold one , too . Lots of detail , nice fade out as the DOF runs out . Good Job !!

Needfx : A little tiny ‘bathtub’ Porsche ! Plenty of detail , nicely lit . Done in a lightbox? There’s something going on , though between the black inside the car and the seat’s headrest . Or is it a tonneau cover?

Alexander.Of.Oz: Wow ! Wonderfully detailed image , got the hairs , the faceting on the eyes , and the errant bits of schmutz . Plus a neutral background/ground plane that blend together . Great even lighting . Was it alive and cooperative , alive and chilled into immobility , or just slightly dead ?

Dwfaust : Cashew ! …… Gesundheit ! ( Sorry , I had to ) Never thought of doing close-ups of snack food , but this works pretty well , there’s good focus in the foreground , nice fade toward the rear , good color , plenty of detail .

MacRy : Very nice capture ! Lots of detail , the whites didn’t blow out , no fringing that I could pick up . Maybe I would have centered it a bit more , but that’s just me .

PfEMP : Here’s a change from the usual mundane green grasshopper ! Great color , lots of detail in the parts that are in focus . Were you dealing with some sort of leaf blowing around causing the blurring in the front ?

anotherscotsman : Another black and white that , I guess, should be black and white ! Plenty of detail and attention to DOF . Pretty substantial magnification , was it focus stacked?

AlexH : Took me a bit of time to figure this one out . Don’t know why , my yard is full of stuff like this . Another image that works very well in monochrome , bringing up detail that would probably have been lost with a color shot . Again , good usage of depth of field , the small out of focus area in front drawing my eye into the main body of the image .

Robotti : Salt’s popular this week ! The salt itself has a lot going on in it , theres no need to make it monochrome , and you didn’t . Nicely delineated from the background/base , though the base is kind of ‘busy’ , drawing attention away from the salt . Looks like you’re getting a bit of cyan CA around the edges , or is that some sort of lighting artifact ?

Jkramerbob : Spring Flowers ! Wish it was Spring now … Was the water from rain , or did you spritz them to give the ‘just rained on’ look ? Nice detail in the right flower’s center , everything seems to fade somewhat from there . Maybe a bit more stopping down to increase DOF , or was your intent to use the left flower to draw one’s eye toward the right flower’s center via a ‘path of yellow’?

Pmxperience : Love taking pictures of dragonflies . At least when they’re cooperative . Yours certainly was . Nice colors , good details in those areas in focus .

Maybe I’d have stopped down a bit more , if possible . It’s really hard to get the whole bug into focus , can’t use a tripod , and unless you have a focus preview button on your camera , it’s kinda hit or miss as to what you get as the DOF you’re playing with is not real large . Nice.

Ravaroo : Another nice use of monochrome ! Plenty of detail that I suspect would have been blown all over the place in a color shot . Great reflection off the base . Gloss laminate? Interesting fading as the focus goes out . The only thing that detracts from the image is that circle in the background . Part of the background , or some sort of lighting effect?

OzBok : Colorful little guy , 20mm or so? Lots of nice iridescence captured on the wings , but its’ head area is sadly out of focus . Something that’s real hard to do shooting hand held , even with a DOF preview button . For me it’s just a matter of luck , and “spray and pray”.

Moakesy : Another fly…or gnat … or wasp . Looks like its pretty small , on a flower?

Again , good detail , got the hairs , and the thumbscrew thing under the wing . Can’t see if it’s got faceted eyes , though . The image hints like it does , but can’t really make it out for sure .

Badrottie : A keyboard that seems to have gotten some use along the way …

There’s something interesting going on with this involving the decrease in size of the keys from lower front to upper rear . This is in addition to the focus / out of focus areas which you planned in your shot . Some kind of lens distortion , or decentering of some kind ? Or maybe just the angle of the shot?

Apple fanboy : The frog on leaf shot ! I’ve done a few of there in Central America.

This looks like a zoo shot . But not through zoo’s smudgie glass , so I guess you have friends in high places that let you into the frog enclosure . How was this lit? Ambient ,a light panel of some sort , flash ? Macro lens , or a zoom? Nice Work !

Hughmac : What dedication ! Laying in frost covered grass in the dead of winter to get a shot for this contest ! Unless you dropped the camera and it accidentally went off ..... Anyway , certainly an image , and perspective I would never have thought of .

It’s pretty neat . what lens did you use to get this ? Just the center’s in focus and everything else is out . There also seems to be some strange color shifts . Something vintage , maybe ?

Digger148 : Yer too late !!! But I’ll comment anyway …. An interesting perspective , and one I’ve never thought to capture . Usually I just get a refill . Must have been taken after the first one , wouldn’t have been as well focused if you’d taken it later .

Who’da thunk it was an iPhone pic ?

So , who won this thing , and who gets to crouch , sobbing and dejected in the corner until next week ?

1st : Alexander.Of.Oz

2nd : Kenoh

3rd : Tie ….. MacRy and anotherscotsman

And I’ve got to give Honorable mentions to : JohnDS , Hughmac ,and Apple fanboy

Congrats to the placers , and thanks to everyone who entered !

And now , I’ll try to duplicate @Digger148 ‘s entry . Suspect it might take several tries…..
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Thanks very much for the 'honorable mention' ... I used a 1967 SMC Takumar 55mm on my NEX camera, plus extension tubes which I had never tried before.
Sorry but I wasn't laying down - the camera was placed on a towel on the grass, and I used the tilting screen to compose the shot.
Because of the extension tubes DOF was very narrow, and so I used f/4 rather than the max. of f/1.8. The colour shifts are probably due to the sunlight that was reflecting off the icicles and bouncing around the greens.

I enjoyed the challenge of doing something new, but the winners turned out much better work - congrats to them!

Cheers :)

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