Outstanding stuff, people! This forum is truly full of some talented folks.
Neat idea! Im loving the beautiful green field and village in the distance. It almost looks like the suitcase has almost made it back home! Or perhaps its just getting started? haha
Beautiful! Great composition with the closest mountain on the left and the rest becoming more and more distant as you look right. Im not sure if the grass adds something or takes away, but I do very much like the sky clearing in the distance. Almost as if theres a paradise just over the next hill!
Beautiful colors! Very dream-like.
Imac wannabe
Looks like a good place to be!! Makes me want to go for a run on the beach! Part of me wishes that your building wasnt casting that shadow, but otherwise great shot!
Nice interpretation! I was hoping someone would take this direction with this contest! I really like the subject; her clothing, makeup, pose and background go nicely together. Her expression is great too! Not too relaxed, yet she does look like her mind is elsewhere. Part of me wishes that I could more clearly tell what it is her arms are resting on, as with the way the lighting is it almost looks like shes leaning on air and just sortve floating there. (Which I could see as a good thing with this contest!)
Fun! This photo immediately reminded me of U2s No Line On The Horizon album cover. Love it.
Wow!! Very neat. This looks like the perfect day in a perfect place! The mountains, trees, pond, and balloon just look so nicely together! Im picturing myself climbing one of those trees and just jumping in!
Aww right there with you, pal. It seems like the longer time goes on, the more and more Im trying to find things that make me have that same childish innocence again.
Parkin Pig
Cool! Ive never been to that side of the world, but from what I hear its pretty magical to be among the Himalayas.
Love it! Nothing says paradise more than kicking it in a hammock! Thats my idea of the place to be today.
Very dreamy! For some reason the water looks especially deep, almost like its guarding lots of treasures and amazing creatures beneath!
Sounds like fun! And expensive! haha
Beautiful! The puffy clouds swirling around the bluish mountains are just so pretty, and the clouds do a good job concealing much of the mountains adding some mystery to what is just waiting to be revealed behind the clouds. I could stare at that for hours.
Cool portrait! The sun is hitting the face just right. I especially enjoy the bokeh of this particular shot, reminds me of what I get when I use my old Takumar lenses.
Apple fanboy
No joke! haha well there is definitely some photo-fun to be had in the snow! You know what they say, theres no such thing is bad weather, just bad clothes.
Mmm Id love to watch this from a nice spot with my favorite coffee mug in hand.
Beautiful color!
Hahaha Im not honestly quite sure what Im seeing! Love the randomness!
Archie, your stuff is always so great. Love the model and pose, and the red of the towel/swimsuit is really nice. The road leading off to anywhere is nice, with her standing in it almost offering to run off on some adventure! Reminds me of the magical summer days between school when I was a kid.
Great shot!! Lots and lots of mystery to behold. Reminds me of Indiana Jones! Just a few steps through and perhaps theres a whole civilization behind that rock stuck back in time! Anything is possible. Love it!!
Looks fun! The cottage is very charming and the chairs are cute. Im sure you had a lovely time.
Beautiful spot!
Well thanks everyone for the awesome submissions!! These were wonderful to look at and a joy to judge. Of course I have to pick the winners, so here they are!
3rd place- Acearchie
2nd place- themumu
1st place- GT41
Congrats to GT41 and everyone for the great photos!