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macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
The calm before nightfall...

This is a different shot taken the same day as a similar photo which I posted in the POTD thread a few months ago. This one is a wider perspective (if you can call 80mm wide...,) which I felt gives it a similar, yet different enough feel to it, and this version began to grow on me a bit... perhaps evoking more of a sense of "place."

D300, 80-200f/2.8, 1/160, f/4.5, 80mm, ISO200, -2EV


macrumors member
Jul 16, 2007
Sunflower Macro

No editing just added name in corner via Photoshop


D5000, 18-200mm Tamron Lens

Exposure: 0.005 sec (1/200)
Aperture: f/8.0
Focal Length: 200 mm
ISO Speed: 200

Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
The contest is closed. Thanks to all who submitted one of their Favorite Photos.

acearchie: I really like the creative and playful approach that you show in this photo. The "framing" of yourself and the expression you caught on the girls face meek this a favorite photo for anyone's library. The cropping seems to put the subjects a bit too much in the center for me. The energy seems to be flowing left to right, but I can't quite seem to decide how to crop it to improve the photo. Are you scanning prints or negs? Your scanning environment seems to be a bit dusty.

Presha: Very nice use of high shutter speed to capture a difficult subject. The flow of lines through the photo is down left to right through the birds wings and up center to right following the stalk and flower. This makes the open space on the left side of the photo too dead. If you can imagine the frame moved to the left so the bird was off center and we could see more of that interesting out of focus texture that begins to shot on the right, it would be outstanding. Nice shot.

someoldguy: Wow! Bam-Boom-Zing! This one is full of motion! I love the placement of the horizon and the texture of the clouds. The focus is sharp on the grasses and sand in the foreground, which makes the subject clear from the background. Every thing seems to be moving left to right and the framing of the grass gives a nice upward sweep to everything. I would like to see a little more sharpness in the sand near the bottom of the frame, but not at the expense of the softness on the far beach.

deep diver: Nice use of color and DOF going on here. The flowers are nice and sharp, while the background is just soft enough to breakup the pot thing in the background. Nice flow top right to bottom center. That slows this photo down for me. I see all the detail in the white petals and then dwell on the contrasting color provided by the red one. I like this one quite a bit.

mattyb240: I know you have your reasons, but dang, why do folks have to put big watermarks in the center of great photos? With that out of the way, this is a great example of light trails that work. The trails and street lights lead the eye in to the horizon and the soft detail of the remaining post sunset sky provides a neat finish.The colors are warm and I like the star flares of the lights.

JDDavis: This is a remarkable achievement, and a darn good photo, too. The colors convey the chill of the environment and the angle is interesting. Kind of like Spider Man on ice. The low center of the cave is a bit blown out, but things like that come with the territory when you shoot challenging photos. Is there a reason for moving down the cave half way up the wall? Very nice photo and a great memory, I'm sure.

compuwar: Really nice photo that goes a bit against some of the rules. The flower head is almost vertically centered, but the stack of soft colors in the background accent the overall image. Sharp, well framed and an appealing palette of colors. I like this photo a lot.

flosseR: Tons of great elements come together here to make one amazing photo. The clouds, sky and sea combine to give a color palette that blends warm and cool tones together. Good use of framing and exposure, even though part of the sky is burned out. The double rainbow makes a nice accent. Did you have to special order that? The dark rock and deep green trees produce an interesting fluid line up and across the frame. Nice.

Abyssgh0st: Well framed photo with a clear distinct subject placed in an area of highlight that pulls the eye. The line of the horizon is good in that it isn't totally straight. The darker band of clouds at the top help to balance everything out. I take it this was shot right into the sun and that caused the highlight to burn out just a bit. This hides the tree just a tad. Did you bracket this as the sun went down? Nice presentation of a difficult shoot.

a.jfred: The green and white that dominate the frame make for a nice background setting for the bee. He/she seems to have had a busy day so far and is taking a "union break". I would like to see a bit more space around the flower so that it's not quite so cramped. Add a bit more of the environment and it will become a better photo.

Jennx143: First, welcome you to MacRumors and the Weekly Contest. Very cute photo of your (I presume) dog. When you shoot something with a lot of detail like the fur on the dog's face, see if you can use a faster shutter speed. It looks just a bit out of focus, but I'm looking at the small version here. Exposure is one of the big things to learn in photography. Your camera exposed well for the dog's face and ears, but the sun on the wood doesn't have a lot of detail. Exposing for a dark subject on a lighter background is something that takes practice to begin to get right. Nice photo and a good start. Follow the Weekly Contest and show us more in the next one. Take a look at the Fortnightly Challenge. We work on a single idea for two weeks and critique each other. It's not a contest.

pukifloyd: I have been waiting for someone to enter an abstract image. The wood has an interesting texture and tone, and I like the way the staples seem to wander their way across the frame. I assume this is a phone pole. It could be improved with more sharpness and depth of field. Using a tripod and an f stop of 8 or higher really helps with this type of photograph. Horizontal framing is a good choice here.The grain lines of the wood break the frame up into smaller segments. Nice entry.

nomad01: I like the lines created by the shadows and how they interact with the organic verticals of the tree trunks. Nice exposure for the shadows and mid tones. The sky is too light, but you know that. It's hard to cover all the tone ranges without some sacrifice. The dance of the tree trunks across the park into the distance is intriguing.

luminosity: Great energy and personality in this one. The DOF is just right, with the subjects nice and sharp while the background remains soft. Black and white is a great choice for this type of shot. Color would have introduced elements in the background that could spoil the delicate balance you have achieved here. Very nice!

OrangeCuse44: Wonderful capture of a beautiful sight. Great broad color palette presented to you by the true Mother of Color, Nature herself. This is one of those shots that makes you want to kiss your camera for it's ability to spring into action and capture the sight for you to share with others. This photo does a great job of capturing the unique colors of the islands. When I was there, the colors of the dirt really stayed in my mind. Great vacation photo.

saurabhb: Interesting juxtaposition of where you are going with where you have been. Kind of a time travel thing. The illusion is that you are looking through a glass frame down the road, while you are actually looking into a mirror. I think it would be a bit better if the overall tone was just a bit darker. But I still like this photo. Oh, and welcome to the Contest!

VirturalRain: Stunning sunset panorama. Loads of warm tones and textures in the sky that give it great texture and feel. It almost has a personality of it's own. Overall exposure is good. nice detail in the foreground without losing the highlights. Hard to do. The ships with their lights add interesting elements to the foreground, but the one on the right spoils the clean line of the horizon. Maybe you could have told him to move…JK… Very nice contribution.

Schtumple: Very nice cityscape. I like the viewpoint and your use of a wide lens. Nice choice to squeeze as much of this massive city into the frame as possible. The way the lines of the buildings spread out from the center make for a good study. Lots of interesting things going on in this one. Nice lighting, too.

CK Williams: Awesome photo! What a great capture of a majestic creature. Everything is just nailed here. Perfect exposure, focus, framing. All the good stuff is great in this one. The clarity you captured in the eagles eye is amazing. I checked the Flickr version and noted that this is a rescue bird. Hope it will be able to return to the wild where it belongs.

pdxflint: Very serene image with lots of strong elements. I like the consistent verticals moving across the frame and the way the reflections compliment the subjects. Lighting and exposure is just about perfect for this shot. Your choice of near sunset makes use of natural light to warm everything up. There may be a bit too much showing on the left and bottom of the frame. For some reason the back of the boat on the extreme left is not just right - at the base of the first pillion over there. Maybe take a bit off the light reflection in the water, too. This would make a nice large print on my wall.

MattsxB: Great warm colors used in this photo. Yellow seems to be an underused color palette with the exception of macro flowers. Too bad. I like the framing you used here with the sunflower head creating a diagonal line down and across the frame. That lens is stopped down to f/8 and you can see how thin the DOF gets when you go up close at 200mm. Try using manual focus if you didn't on this one. Watch how the image will change character as you move the focal plane across the head of the flower. Use the preview button on the side of the lens to see what you have going. A nice photo with a lot of potential.

liljohnny51: Another nice calming photo using a cool color palette. I like the lines flowing throng the frame. They give it a nice feel of movement. It looks a little pushed to the blue side to me. The greens of the grass are a bit lost. In all of the reviewing I have done for this Contest, I'm gaining a respect for how difficult shooting into the sun late in the day can be. The highlights detract from what is going on in the foreground and middle sections of the photo. I like the composition and agree that this must be one of your favorites.

bubulindo: I had to disqualify you for posting two photos.

Apologies for any spelling things...:eek:

This was the easy part. Now it's up to Maxx to select, in his view, the three best of all these best. IMO everyone is a winner.



macrumors 68040
Jan 15, 2006
The contest is closed. Thanks to all who submitted one of their Favorite Photos.

acearchie: I really like the creative and playful approach that you show in this photo. The "framing" of yourself and the expression you caught on the girls face meek this a favorite photo for anyone's library. The cropping seems to put the subjects a bit too much in the center for me. The energy seems to be flowing left to right, but I can't quite seem to decide how to crop it to improve the photo. Are you scanning prints or negs? Your scanning environment seems to be a bit dusty.


Dale, thanks for the thoughtful response. I have waited up for the comments ;) Something so satisfying about getting a few words about your work!

The cropping was an issue for me too. Attached is the original size and maybe you could suggest a better crop? I was playing around with it but never could get something that looked better. I like the original square however, the light leaks on the left hand side annoy and distract my eye so I cropped them out.

I take, develop and scan all my pictures in my room so the odd bit of dust enters my environment (now you mention more in this picture than my others!) but I quite like it as it adds effect to the picture, a sort of vintage effect. But I agree that I should either re-scan or retouch!

As for the other pictures:

luminosity's Love the expressions and B&W nailed this shot. Can't see it having the same effect in colour!

VirtualRain What a sunset! And managing to get everything well exposed. I'm envious of the shot and the location!

JDDavis Love the contrast of colour and the location! Did the camera equipment deal well with the temperature?

All in all I think this week has really shown that with a broad topic the weekly contest is definitely not "on it's way out"!

Credit to DesignerDale for some excellent comments and fast actions to turn last weeks flop into this weeks success!


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macrumors 65816
Jan 16, 2009
Some absolutely fantastic shots in this round (as would be expected). I am so glad I'm not picking a winner this time. I'll reserve any comments on others till after Maxx picks a new judge. Really enjoyed the shots.

Dale - If I understand the question then the reason for staying on the wall in the cave is that it's really not a cave. It's a crevasse in the making and that little patch of snow on the bottom is just a false bottom that is covering a void 10's if not 100's of feet deep. If you walked on it you would fall through. As the glacier moves it will get wider over time.

Acearchie - There on the glacier was not really that cold. It was July in France. This was taken with my old Minolta Dimage and it was a tough old bird. The body cracked in the hot / cold cycles at about 12k feet but it kept taking pictures like a champ. I've yet to take my D90 to those altitudes but I think it would fare much better.

deep diver

macrumors 68030
Jan 17, 2008
I will also reserve comments until after Maxx chooses. This is a great collection of images. Dale -- your critique and feedback are outstanding (as I would expect from you). Hopefully we are starting to get back on track.

Very well done everyone.

CK Williams

macrumors 6502a
Dec 27, 2008
Las Vegas
Thanks Dale for posting such a great commentary on the fantastic collection of photos submitted for this week's contest. Terrific job by all!!


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 16, 2004
Designer Dale's comments are succinct and as usual, informative and observant. My apologies to him for not following up on his timely post with a timely judgement. He tried hard to break what had become somewhat of a streak in the weekly contest threads--late or no comments and judgement. Thanks for being so on top of it Dale:cool::cool::cool:


How can anyone have just one favorite? This is one of mine , just taken with a p&s while frying on the beach in Florida some time back. I seem to always have it as wallpaper during the winter to remind me that better days are on the way.


This picture effectively conveys relaxation to the viewer. I can see why you would have this as a wallpaper.

I'm not sure I have a favorite photo. This isn't the best shot I've ever taken but it's one of my favorite places I've taken a photo from.


Interesting and adventurous. I've enjoyed this photograph each time I've seen it.

You nailed this. As a fellow Nikon shooter I'd love to know what lens you used. I've tried shooting this flower 10 ways to Sunday and have nothing that even approaches this.

captured by accident. wanted to create a panorama and went too far off to the side. For some reason I love the contrast in nature in this image. you can see the storm but it still a very peaceful photo.
Aside from some levels, nothing was done to the shot...

The range of emotion captured in this shot is a nice effect. Landscape photography rarely does anything for me…this picture does.

Easily still one of my favorite pictures:


Interesting subject and strong complimentary color pallet make this work.

This is a different shot taken the same day as a similar photo which I posted in the POTD thread a few months ago. This one is a wider perspective (if you can call 80mm wide...,) which I felt gives it a similar, yet different enough feel to it, and this version began to grow on me a bit... perhaps evoking more of a sense of "place."

D300, 80-200f/2.8, 1/160, f/4.5, 80mm, ISO200, -2EV

This shot makes me linger. I just want to explore the photo and more importantly, it makes me want to be there.

3rd Place: a.jfred
2nd Place: compuwar (If I could cast this into a tie for 1st place I would)
1st Place: pdxflint

Thank you all for participating. I look forward to the next contest. Echoing Designer Dale's sentiments--this contest was solidly represented across the board. Well done by all.

Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
Maxx: Thanks for judging. We were not really clear who had that responsibility for this week.

Phil: Congrats on winning. Great photo.
Paul: Congrats on second winning. great photo.
a.jfred: Congrats on third winning.

My judging would have been a bit different with so many great photos to choose from, but the photojournalist from Oregon got my first vote, too.



macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
Wow... a bit surprised considering all the really fine photos this week, but thanks Maxx and Dale for the kind words. I'm open to suggestions on a new topic which would keep the participation high. But I'm also thinking it wouldn't hurt to repeat a former topic from over a year ago. I've got a few ideas that might be broad enough to include a wide variety of interpretations, all I think have been done before- light, black and white, and contrast. I'll think about it, and if anyone want to throw in a preference, feel free to do so... :)

In either case, I'll have the new contest up and running in a couple of hours.


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
You nailed this. As a fellow Nikon shooter I'd love to know what lens you used. I've tried shooting this flower 10 ways to Sunday and have nothing that even approaches this.

3rd Place: a.jfred
2nd Place: compuwar (If I could cast this into a tie for 1st place I would)
1st Place: pdxflint

Thanks, and congratulations to pdxflint!

The Allium was shot with a 200mm f/4 Micro AIS on a D3x. It's a 1:2 macro without adding a TC-300 or TC-301, but fantastically sharp and a complete bargain used in great condition. I had a ring flash on at the time (cheapo eBay TTL-compatible Phoenix,) which washed out images shot in TTL mode, but fortunately there's a lot of dynamic range in the D3x's images, so I was able to save this one (it was my first outing with the flash, and I hadn't yet realized that I'd need to shoot in manual mode to adjust compensation on the D3x.) I'd guess I was probably 10-15 feet from the flower, camera on a tripod

Shot at ISO 200, f/4, 1/250th of a second. Raw image processed with RPP and the Kodachrome 64 tonal curve applied along with some negative exposure compensation and added sharpening, local contrast, saturation and a slight touch of warming to go with the tonal curve of the film.

If anyone would like a print, I've added the coupon code "MR-July-Discount" to my site for a 15% discount for the rest of the month off any print(s). It's in the Flowers, Butterflies, etc. gallery. I find it to print very well very large, but even an 8x10 on the wall seems to brighten my mood.

Until this trip to Meadowlark Gardens in Northern Virginia, I didn't even know what an Allium was, now I see them all the time!



macrumors 601
Jun 13, 2007
Schtumple: Very nice cityscape. I like the viewpoint and your use of a wide lens. Nice choice to squeeze as much of this massive city into the frame as possible. The way the lines of the buildings spread out from the center make for a good study. Lots of interesting things going on in this one. Nice lighting, too.

Cheers! It's actually not one photo, but 9 stitched together, it was taken on an age old 3MP consumer camera about 3 years ago. It was actually the first time I used photoshop for technical works (lot's of layers etc.), I put it all together manually as well, I wasn't aware (at the time) that there was an auto-panorama feature :p

deep diver

macrumors 68030
Jan 17, 2008
Wow... a bit surprised considering all the really fine photos this week, but thanks Maxx and Dale for the kind words. I'm open to suggestions on a new topic which would keep the participation high. But I'm also thinking it wouldn't hurt to repeat a former topic from over a year ago. I've got a few ideas that might be broad enough to include a wide variety of interpretations, all I think have been done before- light, black and white, and contrast. I'll think about it, and if anyone want to throw in a preference, feel free to do so... :)

In either case, I'll have the new contest up and running in a couple of hours.

Outstanding work everyone. There were many worthy images. Phil - congrats. I always love seeing your images and learning from them.

I said before that I thought some of the topics were a bit constraining. This week's topic as the ones you have suggested will allow for broad interpretation and expression. I'm looking forward to whatever it is.


macrumors 6502
May 28, 2010
Austin, TX
As a complete amateur, I'm more than thrilled with third! Thank you everyone, and congrats to pdxflint :)

That was the one photo that made spending the money on my macro lens worth it. :)

Looking forward to seeing what the next challenge is :)

.oO(can I put any more smilies in this post? I'm sure I could somewhere)

Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
Everyone: Thanks for providing a great contest with lots of wonderful photos. An extra nod to all those who took the time to reply to the questions I planted in some of the comments. I love to hear the backstories of photos.

Now everyone go shoot with a Black and White vision of the world.

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