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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 25, 2023
I perused the Contest Master List (through 2018) and couldn’t find this one, so this week’s theme is “Portraits”. This means portraits either of people or pets. I’ve seen some really great photos in this genre during the year I’ve been here at the forum, so I hope you’ll get out your cameras and take some new shots or dig through your photo library for one of your favorites. Have fun!

Contest runs until around 12:00 PM Pacific Daylight Savings Time on August 2, 2024.

As always, standard rules apply:
  • The photographs must be your own work.
  • You may only submit one photo per contest.
  • No commenting or liking photos until after the judging has taken place.
  • This contest runs for about a week, starting now
  • At the end of the competition, the judge (last week's winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible.
  • The 1st place winner will start a new thread here with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme, after that it defers to 2nd place).
  • Be sure to update the Contest Master List as soon as you post a new theme.
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We are near the end of this contest. We have some great entries, but could use some more. How about some new faces (no pun intended)? :D
@Natalia22 : May I ask why you deleted this photo? It was an excellent portrait and very nice to see a new poster entering the contest. I'm very sorry to see it (and you) go.
I apologize, it seemed to me that this photo did not quite fit the theme of the competition. Thank you for your kind words, I will be very happy to return the photo to its place)
Contest will be closing soon. This is going to be difficult; so many great entries. Still a little time for newcomers to enter their portrait!
Contest is now closed to entries. I'll be back later with results. Thank you so much to everyone that entered the contest!
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Reactions: lkalliance
Okay...first let me say this was VERY difficult. I had NO idea what I was getting myself into when I chose this theme. ALL of the entries are great and if you don't get a spot on the podium it's because I literally finally had to just pick three because the competition was SO close! Thanks to all of you for your entries and making my job extremely hard.

One other thing: As I write your critique, if they are pets, I will be referring to them as "he" or "him" to avoid having to he/her or "it" every time. My apologies to the females. Okay, Here we go...

@coolguy4747 : This was the first entry and from the moment I saw it I loved how the cat has his arm set like a person leaning on a table or object. Like he is posing. I'm also drawn in by the Dachshund's big sad eyes. The natural light is soft like the blankets enveloping the pets. Very nice.

@mollyc : An excellent photo with all the right elements. I like the black and white, but can't help but wonder if this was in autumn and what color those leaves might be. That's one of the things that's great about photography...the mystery you can invoke. Lovely pet.

@Natalia22 : I'm so glad you came back! This is a great portrait. I love how the light is only showing half of the subject's face (see above as to what I said in @mollyc photo about mystery). Photography is all about the light and this photo uses it so well. I also like the elements surrounding the subject of the portrait.


(I just noted that your account says that you are suspended. I'm very sorry to see that and hope that you'll be able to see this).

This photo makes me smile! I love how both the lizard and your daughter have their mouths open as if it planned together. The natural light is nice as are the surrounding colors. This all comes together to make a really compelling portrait.

@Strider64 : FYI: Your first choice wasn't vain, it was a very nice portrait (I vote for the beard). This is a great portrait too. What a capture! Everything is so sharp and the earthy tones are really beautiful. Nice work.

@piatigorsky : What a precious image of this pet. Having chosen to shoot with black and white film really leaves a lot to the imagination, but I think it really brings out the kitty's big eyes. At first I thought the cat looked startled, but the more I studied it he looks more curious as cats are famous for. Nice capture.

@squawk7000 : What I really like about this portrait (well, several things) is that you've shown the subject doesn't have to be facing or looking at the camera to make a good portrait. I like the reflection, the items in the background that add to the photo instead of being distracting, and the light is great.

@lkalliance : Haha! Is this a "selfie"? Considering the studio type background I feel like the subject was having some portraits done and decided to have some fun. Great shot, good colors/tone, sharp, nice light.

@mtbdudex : What a cutie! I love the snow on his nose. I'm imagining you going for a bike ride in the snow and your dog running beside you. I could be WAY off, but it's a very nice portrait.

@_timo_redux_ : Again, showing that a good portrait doesn't have to be against a stereotypical studio-type background. The expression you captured is priceless. My only complaint is that the bits of red in the background ae distracting. I do love the way the pink tree blossoms fall over the subjects hair.

@Apple_Glen_UK : What an ADORABLE cat! I love his little goatee. The light is beautiful and the way the cat's head is cocked is a perfect capture.

@fauxtog : Wow! This portrait is really striking and those piercing eyes really pull you in (or make you run away :) ). A very unique individual stabbing me with the look you so brilliantly captured in those eyes. A very powerful portrait.

Now, the hard part. And, I'm not joking when I say hard. But, this week's winners are:

Third place: @coolguy4747
Second place: @Apple_Glen_UK
First place: @Natalia22

Congratulations to the winners and really, to everyone because these were all great entries.

@Natalia22 if you need any help going forward and setting up next week's contest, you can ask me or any one of the posters here. If for any reason you can't take over the next contest, you can defer to @Apple_Glen_UK in second place. You have 48 hours to move forward. Congratulations!

Thanks,'s always an honor.

Oh! One other thing: PLEASE take a moment and tell us a little about your portrait. Who is in the photograph (you don't have to use names, I mean is it your brother, your best mate, etc), where it was taken, what were the circumstances surrounding the portrait being taken. I have been staring at these photos all day and would love to hear more about them as I'm sure the other contestants would, too. Thank you!
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@mollyc : An excellent photo with all the right elements. I like the black and white, but can't help but wonder if this was in autumn and what color those leaves might be. That's one of the things that's great about photography...the mystery you can invoke. Lovely pet.

yes this was taken in the fall but this was medium format film so taken in bw natively. 🙂

congrats to the winners!
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@lkalliance : Haha! Is this a "selfie"? Considering the studio type background I feel like the subject was having some portraits done and decided to have some fun. Great shot, good colors/tone, sharp, nice light.

This was a tough one to do. I had a lot of photos I considered, and wasn't sure which might be considered a "portrait": there is a spectrum on which you might either loosely define it or rigidly. As I was searching I came across this one.

This is my father. He and my stepmother, every other year for a while, arranged an extended family reunion: not just me and my brothers and our families but my stepbrother and stepsister and THEIR families. It's a big group. This was a time in my life when I would bring my camera to these sorts of things, and I would shoot and shoot and shoot. This is the kind of thing that Dad would do sometimes: imprint a moment with something of himself, hence the tongue. He knew he was joining me in creating this moment instead of just posing, and I loved when he did that.

We lost him a year ago. I miss him. So when I found this photo, I stopped looking.
Welcome to Photo of the Day. The POTD thread was started by iGary in May, 2006 and converted to a monthly thread in November 2007 by Arn. POTD is one of the most popular picture groups on MacRumors, often exceeding 500 posts and 20,000 views per month.
Photo of the Day is intended to be a showcase for your best pictures. There is no limit to your gear, just your imagination. P&S and film cameras are welcome along with DSLRs. There are no themes like the Weekly Contest, and no winners (or losers) either.
POTD Thread Policies
  • One Photo per Day - Don't post more than one photo each day. Diptychs, triptychs, etc. are OK.
  • All photos should be your own work unless special circumstances have been agreed.
  • Multi-Quote - To comment on several photos, click the "+ (Multi-Quote) button. This puts all your comments in one post. Multi-Quoting is required on all of the MacRumors forums.
  • Safe for Work (SFW) only - This is a site-wide rule. If you wouldn't show it in a public place, then it's NSFW (not safe for work). Think before you post.
  • Describe your photo - Tell what it is and where you took it. If you know the EXIF data of a photo, include it. The following EXIF fields are recommended: Camera, ISO, Focal Length, Shutter/Aperture and Lens.
  • Note: Anyone may start the Photo of the Day thread on the first of the month GMT. Please copy a quote of this post to maintain all the formatting.
  • Please don't alter or expand these policies - If you think they need improvement, use a separate thread to discuss.
  • Past POTD threads from August 2013 onwards can be seen here
  • Earlier POTD threads thru July 2013 can be seen here

This was a tough one to do. I had a lot of photos I considered, and wasn't sure which might be considered a "portrait": there is a spectrum on which you might either loosely define it or rigidly. As I was searching I came across this one.

This is my father. He and my stepmother, every other year for a while, arranged an extended family reunion: not just me and my brothers and our families but my stepbrother and stepsister and THEIR families. It's a big group. This was a time in my life when I would bring my camera to these sorts of things, and I would shoot and shoot and shoot. This is the kind of thing that Dad would do sometimes: imprint a moment with something of himself, hence the tongue. He knew he was joining me in creating this moment instead of just posing, and I loved when he did that.

We lost him a year ago. I miss him. So when I found this photo, I stopped looking.
What a wonderful keepsake to have this photo of your father! I lost my dad when I was 27 years old and not yet into photography, but I sure wish I would have been. To have something like this to remember him by would be so great. Thank you for sharing your father (and his humor) with us and I'm very sorry for your loss.
what fantastic entries this time, and a very justified first place to Natalia22.

Thanks for the comments on my photo of my best mate, Paul.

The backstory is he wanted a quiet place to finish the writeup of his PhD thesis (something about cognitive behaviour in the deaf-blind). He rented a cottage on Arran for a couple of weeks, and so I was helping carry the books etc over to the island. Everything moved we had a cup of tea, and then I saw the shot with Paul deep into writing mode.

It is also one of the very few photos of him with his eyes open.


  • Paul-20020723.jpg
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Okay...first let me say this was VERY difficult. I had NO idea what I was getting myself into when I chose this theme. ALL of the entries are great and if you don't get a spot on the podium it's because I literally finally had to just pick three because the competition was SO close! Thanks to all of you for your entries and making my job extremely hard.

One other thing: As I write your critique, if they are pets, I will be referring to them as "he" or "him" to avoid having to he/her or "it" every time. My apologies to the females. Okay, Here we go...

@coolguy4747 : This was the first entry and from the moment I saw it I loved how the cat has his arm set like a person leaning on a table or object. Like he is posing. I'm also drawn in by the Dachshund's big sad eyes. The natural light is soft like the blankets enveloping the pets. Very nice.

@mollyc : An excellent photo with all the right elements. I like the black and white, but can't help but wonder if this was in autumn and what color those leaves might be. That's one of the things that's great about photography...the mystery you can invoke. Lovely pet.

@Natalia22 : I'm so glad you came back! This is a great portrait. I love how the light is only showing half of the subject's face (see above as to what I said in @mollyc photo about mystery). Photography is all about the light and this photo uses it so well. I also like the elements surrounding the subject of the portrait.


(I just noted that your account says that you are suspended. I'm very sorry to see that and hope that you'll be able to see this).

This photo makes me smile! I love how both the lizard and your daughter have their mouths open as if it planned together. The natural light is nice as are the surrounding colors. This all comes together to make a really compelling portrait.

@Strider64 : FYI: Your first choice wasn't vain, it was a very nice portrait (I vote for the beard). This is a great portrait too. What a capture! Everything is so sharp and the earthy tones are really beautiful. Nice work.

@piatigorsky : What a precious image of this pet. Having chosen to shoot with black and white film really leaves a lot to the imagination, but I think it really brings out the kitty's big eyes. At first I thought the cat looked startled, but the more I studied it he looks more curious as cats are famous for. Nice capture.

@squawk7000 : What I really like about this portrait (well, several things) is that you've shown the subject doesn't have to be facing or looking at the camera to make a good portrait. I like the reflection, the items in the background that add to the photo instead of being distracting, and the light is great.

@lkalliance : Haha! Is this a "selfie"? Considering the studio type background I feel like the subject was having some portraits done and decided to have some fun. Great shot, good colors/tone, sharp, nice light.

@mtbdudex : What a cutie! I love the snow on his nose. I'm imagining you going for a bike ride in the snow and your dog running beside you. I could be WAY off, but it's a very nice portrait.

@_timo_redux_ : Again, showing that a good portrait doesn't have to be against a stereotypical studio-type background. The expression you captured is priceless. My only complaint is that the bits of red in the background ae distracting. I do love the way the pink tree blossoms fall over the subjects hair.

@Apple_Glen_UK : What an ADORABLE cat! I love his little goatee. The light is beautiful and the way the cat's head is cocked is a perfect capture.

@fauxtog : Wow! This portrait is really striking and those piercing eyes really pull you in (or make you run away ). A very unique individual stabbing me with the look you so brilliantly captured in those eyes. A very powerful portrait.

Now, the hard part. And, I'm not joking when I say hard. But, this week's winners are:

Third place: @coolguy4747
Second place: @Apple_Glen_UK
First place: @Natalia22

Congratulations to the winners and really, to everyone because these were all great entries.

@Natalia22 if you need any help going forward and setting up next week's contest, you can ask me or any one of the posters here. If for any reason you can't take over the next contest, you can defer to @Apple_Glen_UK in second place. You have 48 hours to move forward. Congratulations!

Thanks,'s always an honor.

Oh! One other thing: PLEASE take a moment and tell us a little about your portrait. Who is in the photograph (you don't have to use names, I mean is it your brother, your best mate, etc), where it was taken, what were the circumstances surrounding the portrait being taken. I have been staring at these photos all day and would love to hear more about them as I'm sure the other contestants would, too. Thank you!
Thank you friends, for participating in the contest and for the wonderful photos, it was a useful, pleasant and fun experience for me.
Special thanks to @C0ncreteBl0nde for organizing the contest, the difficult task of choosing the winners and congratulating me.

The photo shows a local resident of the mountainous region of Myanmar, the caretaker of a missionary villa built by the British several centuries ago. The man and woman kindly invited me into the house and allowed to take a few photos. It got dark quickly, there was no electricity in the house or in the yard, but a flashlight was found in my colleague's backpack, with the help of which this portrait was taken. Soon we said a warm goodbye, the owners locked the door and sped off into the distance on a motorbike.


Unfortunately, I will not be able to take part in the next contest and will be very happy to take the honorable second or third place. Thank you all for understanding)
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