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macrumors G3
Original poster
Aug 18, 2016
This week I would love to see images of juxtaposition:

the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect

Think hard/soft, light/dark, urban/country, etc. Use your imagination. The image below is a good example, with the angular lines and harsh light creating graphical shadows, and then coupled with the little bit of bright greenery in the corner.


Please remember that these standard rules apply:
  • Do not comment, vote, react or click “like” on images prior to the winners being announced. In keeping with our most recent tradition, violators may be awarded first place. Henceforth this shall be known as the Molly-ing rule in honour of our friend and fellow perpetrator.
  • The photographs must be your own work.
  • This contest runs for one week. If in doubt, please check the title or description.
  • At the end of the week, The Judge will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible.
  • If the Judge is unable to complete the selection within 48 hours of the deadline, then last week's 2nd place has to step in. 3rd place takes over should 2nd place be similarly unable to officiate.
  • The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create a new theme, after that it defers to 2nd place).
  • Be sure to update the Contest Master List as soon as you post a new theme.
German Shepherd pup (Shilah) meets Norwegian Fjord Horse (Kusatanken), and Kirby's nose.
View attachment 2020149

One of the last shepherds I had was so old. The oldest shepherd I'd ever had. He was such a fantastic dog. I miss him to this day, but he had hip and knee issues, and possible cancer. The veterinarian that I use I use also has a large animal practice. So I'm out walking him before our appointment, and there was a beautiful male horse out walking around in the medium pen. He sees the horse, and is stupefied watching it and giving that curious half bark. All the time the horse is looking at him in such a way as if to say 'Hey dog, I'm a horse, and for the record, you are the funny looking one here! HAH!!!'. Such an amazing experience. He'd never seen a horse before, and the horse was like 'Yeah, so what'... :D:D:D A funny moment in a sad situation. 😭😭😭
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One of the last shepherds I had was so old. The oldest shepherd I'd ever had. He was such a fantastic dog. I miss him to this day, but he had hip and knee issues, and possible cancer. The veterinarian that I use I use also has a large animal practice. So I'm out walking him before our appointment, and there was a beautiful male horse out walking around in the medium pen. He sees the horse, and is stupefied watching it and giving that curious half bark. All the time the horse is looking at him in such a way as if to say 'Hey dog, I'm a horse, and for the record, you are the funny looking one here! HAH!!!'. Such an amazing experience. He'd never seen a horse before, and the horse was like 'Yeah, so what'... :D:D:D A funny moment in a sad situation. 😭😭😭
please no comments or likes until after judging.
@oblomow so my first thought when seeing this was a good use of color theory, which while I suppose technically counts based on the definition of contrast, wasn't really what I was after with this challenge. But, then thinking about the lone flowers in the field of grass, I realize hits the mark quite well. I do wish for this challenge that the background was more minimized, so the image was just the flowers and the grass, but that's pretty nitpicky, and I imagine (am pretty sure) this is an archive photo.

@tizeye a beautiful image, well done on a technical basis. having never been to england, as a viewer I am left only to imagine the juxtaposition of the missing clouds...but really quite a lovely image

@OldMacs4Me yes, this is the kind of image I was after! something truly unexpected, just not really supposed to be there at all, without any questions. I do wish there was a bit more detail in the pig, although hard to say if maybe that was just the overall age and condition of the pig. He looks like he is quite comfortable there.

@Strider64 another lovely photo! The color, bokeh, and exposure are all very nice. For me, though, a bird on a fence post just isn't an uncommon sight, and I think this slightly missed the mark of the challege. Beautiful image, though.

@Allyance I suppose to most people wild horses on a beach might be unexpected, but my husband's family built a beach house in the Outer Banks in the early 80s and I have been down that way too many times in the past 20+ years to know that the beach is really their native habitat. And odd habitat, but native to them now all the same. Actually hoping to see some when we go next month. 🙂

@Snowlover Yes, another good image to show off the challenge them. Might have been a bit more effective if they were both on the ground, but safety first for both animals. I always wonder how horses see out of those fly hats.

@Hughmac old vs new! a great interpretation. nice use of framing (and look, another clear day...tell @tizeye! 😉 )

@gaswerks I love the little sprout, but unfortunately due to the exposure issue, I am at a complete loss as to what it is growing out of. I assume it's a little concrete or metal something, but the blown bit at the bottom with no details detracts from the sprout, IMO.

@TheYayAreaLiving 🎗 a view at Burning Man, I assume? The height and colors certainly contrast with the vast dessert. I don't think I'd want to be as close to the statues as some of those people are!

@Janichsan yes, a very lovely color theory image, but I was really going for unexpected, not just color play. Very well composed, though, with the rule of thirds composition.

Okay, standard disclaimers, these are just my opinions...I appreciate all the entries! everyone of you is a winner in my book for playing along, but to go with the rules of the game, here are my top three, based on adherence to topic and other secret formulas:

3. Hughmac

2. oblomow

1. OldMacs4Me.
One of the last shepherds I had was so old. The oldest shepherd I'd ever had. He was such a fantastic dog. I miss him to this day, but he had hip and knee issues, and possible cancer. The veterinarian that I use I use also has a large animal practice. So I'm out walking him before our appointment, and there was a beautiful male horse out walking around in the medium pen. He sees the horse, and is stupefied watching it and giving that curious half bark. All the time the horse is looking at him in such a way as if to say 'Hey dog, I'm a horse, and for the record, you are the funny looking one here! HAH!!!'. Such an amazing experience. He'd never seen a horse before, and the horse was like 'Yeah, so what'... :D:D:D A funny moment in a sad situation. 😭😭😭
what a beautiful sharing
Thanks for the first, or maybe it's just payback?:eek: And congrats to everyone for some great entries, I wasn't even thinking I might make the podium. Will come back later today with a new contest.

BTW There was not a lot of detail in the pig, but it's still the sort of shot that makes me wish that waterproof camera makers would take advantage of the 1" or 4/3rds micro formats.
Congratulation to each. I really liked the topic as something not normally thought about and loved the submissions.

The background on mine. This was from a slide scan originally taken in the 1980's. In England, you never let the weather stop you, but it wasn't really that bad a day - just wanted to improve a relatively non-descript photo as you can see from the original scan below. Accomplished sky replacement using Luminar discussed in other threads. After a more traditional sky replacement, experimented with some evening skys and brought the foreground down for dusk lighting. So much is possible!
img483 - 2000px.jpg
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