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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 16, 2004
Weekly Photo Contest (June 22 - 29)


1. You may only submit one photo per contest.

2. The contest runs for exactly one week, from the first time stamp of the first post in the thread (this will be made by the winner of the previous week's contest).

3. Please refrain from commenting on the photos submitted in the contest. A good photograph is one that can appeal to someone who may not know much about the technical aspects of photography, so it would be best if the judge isn't swayed by someone else's opinion of the photograph.

4. The judge will choose his/her favorite at the end of the week, place a post listing it, and include a short synopsis of why he/she chose that photo. The winner is then responsible for choosing a new topic and starting a new contest thread, which will again run for exactly one week.

This week's theme is: "Temptation"

Have fun and be creative...
Happy clicking!


macrumors 6502a
Nov 25, 2005
Denver, CO
Coffee & cake with my wife....

3 sources of temptation ;)



macrumors 68020
Jun 11, 2009
As any cigar smoker will tell you, a burning cigar is quite a temptation! :D


  • Cigar Ash.jpg
    Cigar Ash.jpg
    154.5 KB · Views: 200


macrumors 601
Apr 2, 2004
Couldn't resist the temptation....

...therefore, empty bottle.


  • Bottle.jpg
    105.6 KB · Views: 175


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 16, 2004
Contest closed!

It's been a week...that was quick!

Contest is now closed. Thanks for all who entered :)

I will post comments and results this evening.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 16, 2004
Some great photo's submitted. While I admit that some of your shots represent temptation in one of it's many true and alluring forms, subject will comprise a part of the overall judgement (this is a photo contest no?)

Now off to the whimsical comments of subjective observation and crass misinterpretation...

jbernie: Three temptations with on shot :D While the subjects are interesting (I dearly hope you showed your wife this post...) the presentation relegates them to being flat and boorish. There is just so much you could have done with the three subjects...half of which would have no business being posted on this site...
On a different note: you can get the © symbol by pressing option+g on a mac ;)

jrotunda85 The texture, lighting, and feel of this photograph is well presented. Your simple arrangement against the solid white background adds to this. You may be doing this to protect your work, which I completely understand. That nice logo of yours is far to big for the picture and actually detracts. Otherwise--well done!

Freewayjim Ok, you were driving. Now what were you driving? I'm gonna guess a rig. The sign and the picture juxtapose enough to bring a smile to my face. Other than that, it is a pretty bland picture (nothing to really latch on to and hold the attention). But HEY--you were driving no?
It's not like you are going to be going through an elaborate search for composure...

deep diver She is lovely and portrayed in a nice, warm manner. If I were to do anything with this picture I'd drop down a few stops and recompose so that her eyes and nose-tip are more in focus. I find that the lack of lighting in this picture leaves it flat (looks like an overcast day)--however you've got some good personality going here, the kind you get when people dont notice you are taking pictures of them. She looks happy and she looks pleased. Hopefully you've showed her this thread and your post as it would most likely translate into points (for you). She is lovely and you are indeed fortunate. Now bring her back here and show her what I said to earn double points...

jollypolly This one makes me laugh, even now while critiquing it...At first I thought this was chocolate, but then I realized it wasn't chocolate (but oh. so. much. more.) I assume these are game pieces of some sort? Or perhaps the new tile pieces that will be replacing the mirror on the ceiling in the master bedroom?
Believe it or not this is well lit and well presented. You did an excellent job with arrangement and your DOF is effective and holds focus (not that you needed DOF to hold any focus mind you...)

rebrook I find the effusive warmth of this picture much so that I went and visited your flickr site where I was able to enjoy a wide range of HDR photography. While I find the presentation effective, I can't help but wonder if you cropped in on the glasses and their reflection on the table? My only complaint with the photo is the over-exposure on the sky...which is sometimes the price one pays. Well done.

Indydenny I've eaten here and fully understand the temptation. This is one of those photos that gets the temptation right but misses in composition. The gentleman in the picture is distracting (would he be if you got a better shot of that "it's Christmas all over again" grin on his face)? I am split with the motion blur...I look at her hand and plate and don't like it. But then I follow the (glorious!) cheese up to the piece being served and like it.
Now my mouth is watering.

dr.devious While clearly understanding the message sent this is another case of the photography not matching up to the temptation. There is simply so much that could have been done with this to convey the mood, sultry or otherwise, that could have presented with a composition that would have been more interesting. The lighting is good, the foreground is bland in terms of composition, and the background is distracting.

BarryJ All I get are dogs and cats in my backyard...your picture and associated caption are amusing. You've got some lovely contrast occurring here along with an interesting subject. The center-focused photo takes away some of this and leaves for a presentation that is flat. Perhaps if you cropped out a good chunk of the right and top? All those flowers detract from the star of the show. The bear.

pakyooh You have some nice, soft lighting to work with here in the frosting. I like the subject (no really, I do) however the arrangement leaves something to be desired. The platter lip at the top of the picture is distracting. Having the cake off to the side instead of dead-center was wise. Perhaps if you cropped--ALL the way into the cupcake and let if fill in most of the screen while allowing the candy heart to be the center? If you could do this AND convey the "last one standing" feeling then I'd think you'd have a much different photo.

miket019 I like this. Interesting composition on a familiar object with a nice DOF for added flair. The reds and blues in the background intrigue me...enough that I'd like to see if they could be tickled out more. The bright white reflections, while adding a focal point, are distracting. Overall very nicely done.

MacRy This is an "almost" effective photo. The bottle, lighting, and focus, are spot-on. The background and slight tilt to the picture are not. Go for a completely dark background and straighten your picture out and you will have a nice shot (indeed).

herkyjerky Two photos preclude you from placing in the competition (see rule 1). If you would like to submit larger photos for my (meaningless) critique then please do so and I'd be happy to share my thoughts. Otherwise, the photos are too small for me to see what is going on in any significant detail...

shady825 I love the frivolity and determination that this picture presents for me at the same time. Well done and nicely captured! I wonder if cropping in on the critter might create a more effective picture? Try ditching some of your right, a good portion of your left and even a portion of your bird feeder (just enough so that folks still know what it is).

Chappers Fascinating and revolting all at once...I'd love to hear the story and setup behind this one. Nice job on capturing the action in the tricky tricky field of also have some nice bokeh happening in the background as well. What lens were you using?

firstapple You will have to forgive me on this...I cannot tell what is going on in the photo--I know there are insects involved (I see the ant clearly) but aside from the gleaming off of the body of the something in the middle I can't sort it out :( I think this is more a function of me than your photo, so please accept my apologies. I can comment on what I do of the tricky things about macro is the shadow, in some instances it can enhance your photo, in others, such as this instance, it can become a distraction and hide detail / vibrant colors. Looks like a flash was used--if a flash is casting too much in the way of shadows ratchet back on the power or try a different lighting source (flashlight for example).

seattle Thank heavens on closer inspection that this was chocolate :D (See my comments on jollypolly's pic). I understand the temptation, but would have liked to see some creativity with the subject, otherwise, this is mostly what I see when I enter the store / open the box lid. Play a bit with this one and maybe you'll find that after applying that creativity; you'll find Forest Gump's famous quote to be correct...

mickbab I do like the family feel of this picture here...augmented by that hulking slab of slathered chocolate goodness off to the side. The tea this an Aussie thing? Family tradition? Or can the kid just not get enough of being sang to and blowing out candles? You've captured an event most of us can relate to with very fond memories and emotion...

jodelli I chuckled when you posted this. I can imagine you meticulously gathering all the goodies together and then in rapid fashion arranging and shooting so you can get to the good part (eating). Hope you enjoyed. Not much to latch onto here as a single point of focus. The eyes simply rove and rove (oh, and the mouth waters too btw). It is just as you presented, a simple shot of that which tempts you...

Enough blather. Who won:

3rd place: rebrook for nice warmth and composition AND miket019 for unusual composition
2nd place: jollypolly for great composition, lighting, and DOF. Please launch the next contest of jrotunda85 doesnt get to within 48 hours.
1st place: jrotunda85 for capturing a texture and composition that you would find in a magazine. Please launch the next contest.

Well done all. Now go get your sweethearts to check your post out so you can get those points!

...or not :D


macrumors regular
Aug 2, 2008
Metro Atlanta
No, I'm not a trucker, just a regular Joe driving an SUV, I used a Point & Shoot so no time for fiddling and I couldn't do a whole lot with it afterwards, it was the only pic I could find that fit the theme. Oh well.

Good choices for the winning pics, well deserved.


macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2003
At home
Firstly congrtulations jrotunda85 for making me want a cigar again.

My choice for the contest came from knowing the bee had no choice in its overwhelming temptation for the flower - even at the risk of death.

This was taken with a 300mm macro zoom lens on a flowering weed bush in very windy conditions. Believe me it was tough - mother nature is like that sometimes.

It was also difficult because of the spider - it was highly reflective and almost impossible to see. I had to photograph it from several different angles to get the shot.

Its funny - I went out to photograph some falcons which nest on the building where I work. As I was sitting yet again for the camera shy birds to stick their heads out - well I saw this bee and decided to take a photo as I was bored. When the bee suddenly stopped moving I realised something special was going on but couldn't see what it was.

Congrats again everyone - here's to the next contest.


macrumors member
Jul 6, 2008
Maryland, USA

Woo hoo! 3rd place! Thanks for that :)

Thanks for the feedback. the only part that was cropped is the left where I took out some of the sunset (making it even more blown out and quite distracting).

Glad you enjoyed the HDR pics!
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