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Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Original poster
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
Welcome folks to this weeks photo thread!

Theme: Emotion.
It can be a picture of someone showing an emotion or something that stirs emotion in others.

1. Please submit only one photo per contest.

2. Please do not comment on photos until after the judging has taken place.

3. The contest runs for exactly one week, starting NOW! (see time/date stamp at the start of this thread)

4. At the end of the week, The Judge (last week's Winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible. (Judge has 24 hours to make decision)

5. The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme)

* To see all of our past contests please see the sticky thread *

Good luck to everyone!
Adorable right?


  • cute-cat-wallpaper-1400x1050.png
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I am hesitant to post this, as I am still going through the grieving process. Sharing this might be cathartic for me. This is a picture of my mom a few weeks after she was diagnosed with liver cancer and having returned from the Mayo Clinic with no hope of recovery. We tried to find ways to let her enjoy life while she could and she wanted to play a game, like we had many times in the past. An impulse made me grab the nearest camera I had and snapped this shot afterwards. It would turn out to be the last decent picture I have of her. I didn't know at the time that her eyesight was starting to fail but it's just barely detectable here. A short five weeks later and she passed away. She was extremely brave throughout the ordeal and I miss her very much.

Thanks for allowing me to share.

The Killing Tree

I wasn't sure how far to go with the emotion theme, but this is probably the most emotional I've ever been when I took a photo, hence the fact it's not particularly well exposed.
I visited the Killing Fields in Cambodia a couple of years ago, and some of the stories of man's inhumanity to man are simply staggering.

Just out of shot to the right is a pit where many naked and mainly beheaded women were unearthed. If any of those women had babies or small children, Pol Pot's 'soldiers' would pick the child up by the ankles and smash their head against the killing tree. This would be the last thing the mother would see before she was executed. As the killing was done in groups, other women would be stood there watching, and waiting their turn.

The Killing Tree by Parkin Pig, on Flickr
Well I don’t really feel qualified to judge, as I have been shooting less than a year. Please feel free to completely ignore what I have said if it is not technically correct. It is just my opinion.

If the subject was cute or adorable you would be first place for sure! Both my wife and daughter think so anyway.
I think the lighting in this shot to my eye at least seems prrrrfect. I think you got the catch light just right and the expression is very good.

Well I really don’t want to get in to a dog verse cat debate. Again the photo is showing the subject of emotion well. From both the dog and especially the girl. I think I would have liked to have seen this at a slightly larger angle as both the girls head and the dogs are cropped a little.

Well he looks like he is enjoying the sunshine! Nice depth of field going on. I do find the leaf in the background a little distracting, but this isn’t the sort of photo where you can go about moving things I guess (I’m assuming this was a random guy, not someone you were working with). Maybe tone the leaf down in PP? Anyway great shot for this weeks subject.

Great shot of a hamster. In my pre DSLR days I can remember trying to capture a picture of my daughters hamster with a very crappy point and shoot. It was very difficult! This little guy seems much more photogenic. Love the depth of field and his facial expression. Also an extra point for shooting in Manual mode!

A very challenging shot. Moving fire, at night with a busy background. Yet with all that competition, it’s still the lady’s expression that pulls you in. Great shot for the subject. You get a bonus point for Manual mode and having a photo connected to your username!

Well as an avid F1 follower, I certainly can understand the raw emotion that comes from winning the race. I think the shot captures that well. The angle is a little off, and I’d have liked to see more from the racers than the crowd. That said I assume you were very limited about how close you could get and your gear you had on the day. Good effort.

The Bad Guy
Well she is certainly showing some emotion in this one! It’s unusual to see a studio shot that close, but it works great. The eyes are very dominating in the shot which I like. Another Manual shooter, which gets an extra point.

I liked this when I first saw it, and it fits the subject beautifully. The picture draws you in so you almost feel you are part of the story. It looks like you have either just said something very funny, or you just captured it at the right moment. My only criticism is the shadow of you at the bottom, which I find a little distracting.

Were you trying to make this look like film? That’s how it looks to my untrained eyes anyway. I like the candid nature of this guy just reading his book. However I’m not totally convinced of the emotion. Shoes off suggest chilled and relaxed at home, but the look on his face could be he just got his electricity bill.

Now an emotion any of us dads can relate to. Congrats on the birth of your son. I hope both mum and he are doing well. Shooting just the hands up close like this works well for the subject and also as a composition. Not your standard mother and baby shot.

I think we can all see what emotion the model is conveying! I’m not sure if it’s the flash you used or PP but the eyes look a bit unnaturally white to me.
However I like the closeness of the shot and that infectious smile.

What a touching story to go with the photo. It certainly made me feel emotional. I can only imagine what it must be like to lose a parent, and trying to capture those special moments on camera. Thanks for sharing. It reminds me of a video I saw that Jared Polin did on his website about his mum who died of cancer. You should check it out.

Team Timm
I got a lot of pets this week! I like the depth of field with this. The dog is in focus and the background is blurred. If the fence was out of view completely it would have been a bit better IMO. The eyes of the dog are in focus which is good, I just don’t really see emotion in this shot though.

Not sure when you took this shot, but I don’t think I have ever seen such a deserted tube station! I like the darkness of the station which makes it moody for me. The guy is a little small in the frame for me. I’d have liked to have seen a bit more of him for the subject of emotion. However as a general photo, I like the composition a lot.

Nice shot. I liked this one when I first saw it a while ago. The rustic setting really works well with your film style. Your model has a great expression. Hope you start posting a few more soon, as you have been missed of late.

The eyes, the doorway to the soul. Without anything else to distract you, you have no choice but to try and read the emotion in the model. I just find it a little difficult because of the side profile. I would prefer the shot the right way round. Also a bonus point for shooting Manual of course!

What a pleasant image! Hopefully its just a photo set up. Assuming yes, I like the thought and the story you have created with the photo. Good work and although not a nice emotion, its defiantly there. Another Manual shooter to!
If it’s no of course, please give the Samaritans a call.

deep diver
What a touching story. This image captures the emotion of love for the older generation well. Did you just spot them holding hands and shoot, or ask them to pose for you?

Parkin Pig
Humanity is great isn’t it? Some of the things that people do to each other are just sickening. It certainly brings an emotion and makes you think. Why do people attach the wristbands?

Yet another dog. I guess people see a lot of emotion in their animals. This guy looks exhausted. From a technical point I like the shot and the focus works well for me.

Well I could have picked any number of winners this week. Well done to you all and thanks for participating.

First place The Bad Guy
Second place fireman32
Third place NeGRit0

Congrats to the winners. Over to you The Bad Guy
Well I don’t really feel qualified to judge, as I have been shooting less than a year. Please feel free to completely ignore what I have said if it is not technically correct. It is just my opinion.

You may have only been shooting a year, but you've come along well enough to win last week, so you're perfectly qualified to judge. It's unlikely that we see our own pictures as others see them, so another point of view is always welcome.

Parkin Pig
Humanity is great isn’t it? Some of the things that people do to each other are just sickening. It certainly brings an emotion and makes you think. Why do people attach the wristbands?

As in many countries, young Cambodians give friends and loved ones those wristbands as a token of friendship or love. People obviously get quite emotional when they visit the Killing Fields, and I got the impression that the wristbands are a bit like leaving flowers at the site of a tragedy.
Congrats to the winners! Nice photos and they certainly conveyed emotion.

Thanks for the kind words and posting the link to Jared's video, Apple fanboy. Like Jared, I have a lot of regret, guilt and a tremendous amount of sorrow when I think of my mom's short bout with cancer. I tend to keep things bottled up inside so posting that picture of my mom was no easy task for me emotionally. Thanks again for allowing me to share.
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