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Were you trying to make this look like film? That’s how it looks to my untrained eyes anyway. I like the candid nature of this guy just reading his book. However I’m not totally convinced of the emotion. Shoes off suggest chilled and relaxed at home, but the look on his face could be he just got his electricity bill.

Yah it is actually film :D the picture is taken with an old Olympus Trip 35.
The facial expression is normal for him, i think the expression would be a lot worse if he just got an higher then expected electricity bill;)
Yah it is actually film :D the picture is taken with an old Olympus Trip 35.
The facial expression is normal for him, i think the expression would be a lot worse if he just got an higher then expected electricity bill;)

Friend of mine has just bought a couple of old film cameras to learn photography. I think it will be quite a step learning curve for him (he is a complete novice).
Glad I wasn't too far away with my film guess. No offence meant by the facial expression thing!
Friend of mine has just bought a couple of old film cameras to learn photography. I think it will be quite a step learning curve for him (he is a complete novice).
Glad I wasn't too far away with my film guess. No offence meant by the facial expression thing!

non taken, people in my family can have a stern look on their face most of the time, and in general the danish people can have.
I like some of the aspect of taking pictures with film, but there is a world apart from digital photography.
The analogue camera i have you can only control the F/ stops manually, all other values is fixed.
but since it is a complete mechanic camera it is easy to make changes to, fixed it from 1/60 to a 1/150-200 shutter time ;)
Wrong on all counts.

The girls are expressing emotion of some random guy with a camera, meaning me, running up to them taking their photo. I'm not the distraction, I'm the reason, hence why I'm purposely in the photo. The emotion is real and genuine, not manufactured in someone's studio.


Never underestimate the elements you see in a photo. Everything counts.
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@NeGRit0 Can I ask more about the background of the photo? I'm assuming (and hoping) it's set-up, but I'm curious about the picture at the bottom right of the shot, as it's seemingly Photoshopped in and in colour it got me thinking it must have been put in for some sort of a reason.
@NeGRit0 Can I ask more about the background of the photo? I'm assuming (and hoping) it's set-up, but I'm curious about the picture at the bottom right of the shot, as it's seemingly Photoshopped in and in colour it got me thinking it must have been put in for some sort of a reason.

Yes I'd like to know about the story to. Here is the one I imagined. The guy with the knife is the same as the guy in the photo. However he is no longer with the girl so he has decided he can't stand being without her.
Was I close?
Now an emotion any of us dads can relate to. Congrats on the birth of your son. I hope both mum and he are doing well. Shooting just the hands up close like this works well for the subject and also as a composition. Not your standard mother and baby shot.

I appreciate the kind words! They were laying down, I saw the moment and took it :)
deep diver
What a touching story. This image captures the emotion of love for the older generation well. Did you just spot them holding hands and shoot, or ask them to pose for you?

This was not posed, and they did not know I was there. I was shooting a concert my son's band was doing at a nursing home when I noticed this couple. I got behind him and started shooting. The man was really into the music, and was waving his hands and clapping, but he also could not keep his hand away from hers for two long. I shot about 20 frames before I caught the right moment.
Just to let you know I PM'd this weeks winner to let him know he won. Hopefully he will get the message and post next weeks competition tomorrow. Otherwise we might have to make alternative arrangements.


Haven't been on in a few days but I am pleased as punch to have gotten 2nd place Great photo's everyone

BTW you will be the alternative arrangement if The Bad Guy isn't around!
@NeGRit0 Can I ask more about the background of the photo? I'm assuming (and hoping) it's set-up, but I'm curious about the picture at the bottom right of the shot, as it's seemingly Photoshopped in and in colour it got me thinking it must have been put in for some sort of a reason.

Yes I'd like to know about the story to. Here is the one I imagined. The guy with the knife is the same as the guy in the photo. However he is no longer with the girl so he has decided he can't stand being without her.
Was I close?

Yes, staged, for a class assignment from a year or so ago, and AFB summed up the narrative I wanted to portray pretty well. Originally when i shot this the frame had a different picture, and you couldnt really tell it was a couple a so it lacked a compelling piece to the story i was trying to tell. So before entering it I 'shopped in a different image, but wasnt sure if it would be noticed, so I left just a splash of color on it to make sure that it was.

Some great entries as usual. Congrats to the other winners, and many thanks to AFB for taking the time to give us all a little critique. :)
Some great entries as usual. Congrats to the other winners, and many thanks to AFB for taking the time to give us all a little critique. :)

Not a problem. Thanks for posting. The fact that I was able to interoperate the story behind your photo, shows you have a knack for this type of thing. You should post some more stories in a photo.
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