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Back Alley Blues

Welcome to this weeks photo thread.

Theme: Contrast.

This is completely subjective. It can be shadow and light, black and white, subject based...whatever. As long as there's a strong sense of contrast in the image.

1. Please submit only one photo per contest.

2. Please do not comment on photos until after the judging has taken place.

3. The contest runs for exactly one week, starting NOW! (see time/date stamp at the start of this thread)

4. At the end of the week, The Judge (last week's Winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible. (Judge has 24 hours to make decision)

5. The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme)

* To see all of our past contests please see the sticky thread *

Good luck to everyone!

Didn't this finish yesterday? Shouldn't you close it and commence judging?
Didn't this finish yesterday? Shouldn't you close it and commence judging?

Judge has 24 hours to make a decision. Typically they will make a post stating that it's closed, but sometimes people get busy or forget. As long as we have something by the OP in the next few hours or so we're golden.
Holy ****, you guys have made it hard to judge this week. Nice contributions folks, well done.

I'm hungover and there's too many great images for me to break it down in any great detail. So on to the winners…

3rd place: pmxperience - Nice framing and depth of field.Interesting take on a standard.

2nd place: yjchua95 - Just a fantastic shot. Nicely captured. You would've won except well…

1st place: needfx - Simple but brilliant. Well conceptualised and shot.

Congratulations to everyone though, you all brought your A-game this week.
JUI.. Judging Under Influence :D

Thanks TBG

Tough contest indeed with so many diverse submissions! Congrats everyone, some exquisite photography exhibited as per usual

I promise next subject will not be as complex as the previous one I posted (Muybridge)

Here's a shot of the setup


  • setup_contrast.jpg
    93.5 KB · Views: 92
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^ I see that you're not married, needfx. :) Nice bts shot! Loved your image.

There were so many nice entries, so congrats to the winners.
^ I see that you're not married, needfx. :) Nice bts shot! Loved your image.

There were so many nice entries, so congrats to the winners.


great deduction too!! :D I've been close, but dodged that bullet about 3 years ago

I've only just moved in 2 months ago in this 50sq m flat and decided against too much clumpy furniture in order to have space readily available for photography...
Lots of great entries, amazing set this week!

Congrats to the winner!

Very nice. Is this using an infrared filter, or another setting?

This is with an actual infrared filter. It comes out not quite black and white, but most IR shots I post are converted to B/W with slightly enhanced contrast (though the clouds/sky and foliage/water contrasts are quite pronounced in unedited photos as well).
The standard was high throughout this week. A tough one to judge - even tougher with a hangover!

A worthy winner though - congrats needfx - looking forward to the next one.
Weekly Photo Contest: March 21st - 28th (Contrast)

Congrats to the winners. It really was a fantastic week for entries with some cracking shots.

Needfx that is a stunning shot for the brief. Love the Yin/Yang aspect to really nail the "contrast" element. Great job.
A hearty well done to all...some great shots this week and a tip of the hat to needfx for another shot that clearly demonstrates amazing creative ability.

~ Peter
Whoops! I think I messed mine up when I changed my entry. Not sure what happened. There were a ton of great pictures again this week. I thought many of them were outstanding. A tough one to judge for sure. Good job The Bad Guy and congrats to the winners.
thank you fellow photographers very much, you are far too kind; praise from seasoned photographers does have a nice ring but now I have to make an effort to not let it get to my head and keep on pushing my acquired skills and creative efforts

for the sake of being a fun fact, my first-time ever 1st place in the MR contest, came on my birthday... cool present universe, thanks

I have posted up the new contest subject here, hope you find it inspiring

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