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EXIF Summary: 1/100s f/22.0 ISO100 24mm __________________________________________________________________________ Click for larger...

GRiZ from Jam On The River in Philly. 5/25
A bit over the top on the editing... the picture itself has seen better days. (aka before I killed it with editing)

I'm here

Just wanted to make sure the deadline was reached in all our time zones. The contest is now closed and I will crack on with the adjudication. On the plus side it looks like I came up with a popular topic. On the minus side I've really got my work cut out picking a winner. Results ASAP.
Time to wrap this up....

First of all - what an incredible response to this week's contest. I was hoping it would be a popular theme, and thankfully it was.
The flip side is that I've had a tough old time judging. Here goes...

AlexH: A great selection of textures. Not only have the windows seen better days, but also the attempts to board up the windows have seen better days. Good composition with just a hint of wall around the edge. If I were to change one thing, it would be to crop a small slice from the top edge to remove the darkest part of the shadow and give the lighter part the appearance of a vignette.

needfx: A lovely picture. I presume by the black bars this is from a video. It has a sad feel to it and makes you wonder who is this person and does he need help?

oblomow: The residents here have definitely seen better days, as has that tipped headstone. I would have shaved a sliver off the left hand side just to remove that encroaching urn, and maybe added a vignette to make it a tad more gloomy.

Alexander Of Oz: A creative twist on the theme, from the viewpoint of a fly that is having a very bad (and possibly its last) day. I love the lighting here too, with the fateful blow coming out of the shadows, like the protagonist of a good old slasher film.

NukeIT: This is exactly the sort of thing I used to love to happen across when I was a kid, to play on. It's now the sort of thing I love to find as a photographer, to take pics of.

Chappers: I'm sure we've all found one of these in our fruit bowls when returning from vacation at some point. I like that you've angled the fruit to give a Yin & Yang appearance.

imac wannabe: Looks like the remains of a covered wagon from the days of the Wild West. The name 'Hanging Lake' sounds pretty Wild West too.

Hughmac: A wilting rose is a good symbolism of a love that has seen better days. Just my opinion, but I think the picture would be improved without the reflection.

Team Timm: There's good graffiti, and bad graffiti. This is clearly in the second camp, and has put paid to the better days of that bridge post.

soulreaver99: Ouch indeed! I feel your pain here. The first time you get a dent (or worse) on your shiny new car is a heart-sinking moment. The sound of cars crunching against each other is nasty.

sim667: Not sure what the second picture is, so I'll just comment on the first one (there is a one-pic limit after all). Pretty much everything in this picture has seen better days. However, I love the fact that it's all been repurposed for a practical use.

Indydenny: This would be a great collection to fit this weeks theme, but the lack of focus denies us the opportunity to savour the aged textures.

The Bad Guy: This picture immediately struck me as a strong lady caught during a moment of fragility. Her expression says that life has just been getting a little heavy of late. The lighting is perfect.

jkramerbob: Classic old hardware with a classic sepia film look. A coffee shop wall photo.

nitromac: I love exploring old buildings, and I had to check out the larger version of this on Flickr to try and work out what all that coiled wire/metal was. Still can't work it out, but I love the pic - it has a sinister air about it, like something bad happened here.

pmxperience: A great expression which has 'sigh' written all over it. Great composition and DOF too.

jodelli: I would have liked to see a larger version of this. It has nice textures, and I like the reflection. It would have benefitted from centring the window in the picture.

charpi: Good composition and lighting. Dodgy geezer in a dodgy alleyway - a place that I presume has seen better days.

Cheese&Apple: Beautiful. Great composition, lighting, subject. 'Nuff said.

uvafan1: I love the simple but beautiful colours here, but I would love to be able to see more detail on the boat. Having said that, part of the appeal of this pic is that it draws you in to see more detail on the boat.

Apple fanboy: A great subject with good selective colouring. I think it would benefit form a slightly bigger DOF (it's just a little too tight), and maybe include the whole of the glass base.

MacRy: I would love to find a place like this. Is it in the UK? It looks very American. Anyway, great composition and lighting. The foliage frames the building beautifully and provides a nice clearing for the light to flood in.

CharlieBrandt09: This made me smile. It looks like a pointless sign which would go pretty much unheeded by everyone. The ability to construct a coherent message has definitely seen better days here.

NeGRit0: What a great find. Initially I felt the lens flare was distracting, but then it made me lean in to study the detail on the plane, and grabbing the viewer has got to be a good thing.

Illuminated: This is the sort of thing that fisheyes were invented for. Not sure where it fits the theme unless you think GRIZ has seen better days. The HDR is a little excessive on the audience for my taste.

DirtySocks85: I like this. Nice and simple. I do like finding obvious and/or pointless messages scrawled around. I wonder what people were thinking when they bothered to write those things.

DShap5: That is indeed some strong editing (unless you happened to be in a nuclear blast zone when you took it). You definitely didn't kill it, but I would change the composition and have less dead space at the bottom.

...and so to the winners based on nothing more technical than my personal taste. There were too many great entries this week and selecting only 3 was a thankless task - there were at least 3 times that many that could have been in first place alone.

3rd: Cheese&Apple - a classic interpretation of this week's theme.
2nd: Alexander.Of.Oz - brilliant picture, and a creative approach to the theme.
1st: The Bad Guy - a fantastic portrait and the picture that had me returning the most - just to try and read that expression. Give her a hug from me.
Not HDR, just edited in a way that i guess makes it look like HDR? I didn't really read the theme. Just was stoked on the photo.
Congrats to the winners, and to you PP for taking the time to give feed back. Looking forward to the next.


I have to agree with PP what is the second shot? Bullet holes?


Love this shot. the B & W works really well.


I assumed this was you staged for the theme. Was I wrong?
MacRy: I would love to find a place like this. Is it in the UK? It looks very American. Anyway, great composition and lighting. The foliage frames the building beautifully and provides a nice clearing for the light to flood in.

It's part of the Chiltern Open Air Museum, which is a great day out for taking photos.

Congrats to the winners. Some great shots this week.
Nice Work

Congrats to the winners and kudos to Pig for the many critiques. Many nice photos this week. I picked the 1st place but the remaining were too tough to call.


I really like this photo. I can't say why but it's probably the color that gives it a nice mood.
Nice work judging Parkin Pig, and congratulations to The Bad Guy, nice photograph! I enjoyed this week's theme.
Huge variety of contestants, well deserved winners TBG, AOO, C&A !!

Cheers PP for the huge input all around

@AFB, yep, forum meet legs, legs, meet forum
Just catching up after being away for a few days. Well done Bad Guy and everyone. Some great photos this week! Thanks too for PP for taking the time to comment on each one, despite the number! :)
Thanks, Parkin' for that immense effort! Another week of good and varied entries, well done all. Bad Guy, now, I do believe you to be a Bad Guy, shoving a great big lens in your dear ol' Ma's face like that! Tch, tch, tch... ;)
Thanks for the comments. I'm glad you enjoyed the theme. The hardest part for me was deciding which ones I had to leave out of the top 3. The standard just gets better all the time. Looking forward to the next one.
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