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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 16, 2009
Thanks for the time taken to judge the entries! Good work. And yes you are absolutely right, these are buildings in the University of East Anglia, but they are not a fountain, they are Undergrad accommodation! I used to get drunk in them many years ago....

They are a listed building, meaning they are protected by law and a very interesting architecture style.


Cool building. Is each cube a dorm room? They are more interesting than most student housing. Coincidently, I'm reviewing a paper authored by two people from the University of East Anglia for my Masters. I just finished reading it before I judged the contest. If you happened to be Brendan Fisher or R. Kerry Turner then that would really be one of those "six degrees of seperation" things. After seeing the buildings I appreciate even more the perspective you took on them.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 16, 2009
Great judging and comments JDDavis. I liked seeing the submissions of everyone.
I saw that shot by Ruahrc and was amazed by it, Ruahrc can you give some background on that shot?

My shot was taken @ MSU Breslin center, now don't laugh too hard - its the inside of a entrance way to a mens bathroom!
We were there for basketball game, my 3 yr old son was mesmerized by the glass blocks, so I quickly took the below shot as people walking buy and took 2nd one at more square angle which I cropped and used for this contest.
Yea, soft focus/etc, I had my T1i all of 1 week then.
Funny how people stare at you when you are taking pictures inside a public bathroom....

Again, fun contest and great judging.

LOL. Warning....crude humor follows. As with a lot of guys my brain works off of a series of movie quotes. Upon reading your story my brain immeadiatly went to one of my favorite movies, Blazing Saddles and the quote from Sheriff Bart when he starts to give his speach to the towns people..."Excuse me while I whip this out"...and then pulls his speach out from tucked into his belt. :eek:

On a less crude note (sorry). It does make me think it might be an interesting contest or fortnightly challenge to post our best pic with the best story behind it.

Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
Designer Dale - In at the wire with a very interesting shot. I love that little building. Very cool. Is it a two bay hanger? One on each side? My only complaint really is the overcast conditions. I think you should make some more trips to this hanger and shoot it more. How would it look in B & W?

First, congrats to the winners. Nice photos from everyone.

Yes, it's a two bay hanger for small planes. It's located in Grays Harbor, Washington out near the coast. It was named for Admiral Gray, but has a reputation for gray skies when the rest of the state is under clear blue ones.

B&W was an option for this in my mind, also.



macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 16, 2009
I've PM'd Ruahrc. He has until 7:20 tonight (48hrs). Hopefully he will log back in. Presha, you are up next and then AScottMcCauley.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 16, 2009
OK...I guess Ruarhc is not going to be able to make it.:( I haven't heard anything back. It's been over 48 hrs so Presha, as the 2nd place finisher will you please step in and pick a new weekly contest topic. We need to keep these contest going, I think they are a positive and constructive thing for the forum. I'll PM Presha again and will go 24hrs before it will fall to AScottMcCauly.

Ruarhc...if you are able to check in please just go ahead and post a new contest unless you see that Presha has.


macrumors newbie
Nov 5, 2009

I just wanted to say a special thanks for giving everyone an honest detailed critique. I know how hard that can be, so thanks for taking the time.


macrumors regular
Jun 17, 2008
Double Down
Hi everyone!

Just got the message from JDDAVIS and I am all over this!

I will have the new contest at 8 a.m. Sunday morning! ( watching my t.v. Special called " America, The Story Of Us" Awesome special! So please check back for the new topic at 8 a.m.


macrumors 65816
Jun 9, 2009

Hey guys, sorry for being AWOL- figures the one time I don't regularly visit MR for a few days, I win the photo contest. In my defense though I was attending my sister's wedding so I guess I have a good excuse?

I don't remember what the name of the plant was that I shot, but it was a huge (several feet) tropical-type leaf that was in a conservatory. The sun was backlighting it which gave the photo a great color and glow. Appropriate for MR, I always thought it was sort of like the kind of picture that the Apple backgrounds are.

Sorry again about letting the contest lapse- thanks Presha for picking up the slack.



macrumors 68030
Aug 28, 2007
SE Michigan

Hey guys, sorry for being AWOL- figures the one time I don't regularly visit MR for a few days, I win the photo contest. In my defense though I was attending my sister's wedding so I guess I have a good excuse?

I don't remember what the name of the plant was that I shot, but it was a huge (several feet) tropical-type leaf that was in a conservatory. The sun was backlighting it which gave the photo a great color and glow. Appropriate for MR, I always thought it was sort of like the kind of picture that the Apple backgrounds are.

Sorry again about letting the contest lapse- thanks Presha for picking up the slack.



You let a family event get in the way of your duties as winner of the weekly photo contest?? :rolleyes:
Hopefully you enjoyed yourself and got some good shots for upcoming contest(s) at that event.
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