Alright folks. Here is my review and selection for this weeks contest.
Let me say that I appreciate all the submissions. It’s a difficult thing to choose the best ones.
My reviews are short and to the point. - Wonderful silhouette. The light is perfect. Great composition !
@AxisOfBeagles - Terrific to see that monochrome doesn’t necessarily mean black and white. All those tones of pink and red. Great lighting as well.
@Hughmac - Lovely and ethereal view of the willow. Infrared can make some images look ‘alien’, but with this it is a great effect.
@someoldguy - A lonesome pine on the edge of a cliff. Dramatic.
@mollyc - Oh those red tones and special treatments. Lovely.
@Fravin - Epic. The light and dark balance well. I’m thinking that’s the statue in Rio, Brazil, yes ?
@OldMacs4Me - Vintage beauty captured. Wonderful submission.
@Allyance - This has a bit of a horror film vibe to it. Nicely done.
@Janichsan - Monochrome works well to bring out the details of what appears to be wood grain.
@Slartibart - Sunset pano. Well done. Maybe it’s my eye, but the horizon might be a bit off.
@Apple_Glen_UK - Dark and gloomy and just a bit soft feeling. Like it’s in the mist. Beautifully captured.
@Clix Pix - Now I have that song in my head….. Nicely captured.
@gaswerks - Epic capture. Wonderful contrast and lighting.
So then:
Third Place -
Second Place -
First Place -
Thank you all again for your entries.