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macrumors 68030
Aug 2, 2009
Congrats @Clix Pix !!!
My intended entry didn't work out as planned so I fell back on this one . It was taken at White Sands N.P. in New Mexico . It's a cull from the trip that I never processed . The sand really is white , it's gypsum sand . Really easy to walk on , and doesn't seem to heat up . Image taken from atop one of the dunes around 1/2 mile along the 'trail ' that goes out from the end of the access road . All the close by dunes had footprints and marks from where folks were sending down the dune faces in snow disks .
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Clix Pix

macrumors Core
OK, folks, I've come up with a theme for this new week's competition:

OK, I guess I need some guidance in how to add the new competition theme entry to the Master list. I've tried various strategies and none of them are working correctly so obviously there is some step and technique I'm missing!
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deep diver

macrumors 68030
Jan 17, 2008
ACK!! What, I'm in First Place on the Podium?! AIEEEE!!! Wow! I'll share the news with my greedy little buddy the squirrel the next time he comes up on the deck to snatch some more birdseed......

Well, thank you.....I guess! This really is an unexpected honor. I'd have been perfectly happy with a second or third place position, as there are some really good entries in this competition! Congratulations to all!

I'm still a bit stunned, I've never won one of these before....

Have to think a bit about an interesting topic for the next competition now.......

Seems fair to make your little buddy do the judging.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
ROTFL!!!! Well, looks as though Smaug [his new name, thanks to a conversation with SS!] is not going to show today after all; it's getting towards evening and darkness is just beginning to fall.

He probably would devour a Snickers Bar in two bites and be asking for another, not to mention that he would also have his paws out for more food in addition, and real nuts, please, no more of that paltry birdseed! :D. Should I buy him Cashews or Walnuts, or maybe he'd prefer pistachios?
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